Pics that make you smile

Time to catch up.
Mad Max was made in 1979, it was, supposedly, set "a few years from now", in other words, sometime during the 1980s.
I don't feel too bad about my attire now.
DPD said they had delivered my parcel a few months back. I went onto their website & they had posted a pic showing where they had delivered. ^^^^^ THAT's the exact same pic they used :D

I'm surprised that NASA didn't use the mobius cam. I've dropped mine many times, by accident. A couple of times was from about 11ft and it bounced onto concrete. And the cam still works well :-)
The Danish cam on the rover are in a paper thin 3D printed titanium housing, though i dont think that would stop a cosmic ray from entering the camera.
But it are a far cry from mobius cameras or for that matter even the latest gopro camera, the Viking lander back in the day registered temperatures as high as -17 deg C and as low as -1o7 deg C, a mobius or gopro would not survive that i am sure.
In general you should expect temperatures to fluctuate with around 100 deg C daily,but there are also some variations according to if you are at one of the poles or equator of Mars.
Well they lost me at Algebra, and i cant say i ever had a conscious need of anything above it, but of course i am also a simple guy.
Really putting letters into math, made my brain freeze, then they went "well X is just cuz we dont know what it is, with math we will figure it out", and i was okay with that too as you can not know everything.
But then they added Y with the same excuse as X and i was like WTF ?????? dont you know anything,,,,,,screw this.

I spent my whole life making sure i did not have to deal with unknown factors, this are probably one reason i have such a hard time finding anyone i can call friend, or for that matter just trust.
Integration Differentiation is what made my head spin. Even with tuition during winter vacations, just barely passed.
I got on ok with Calculus and Complex numbers but I struggled with differential equations (which I had to learn for Computer Science). Quite a bit different from normal algebra and it didn't help with different books using slightly different notation.

Of course, now days I am back at the spreadsheet level :ROFLMAO:
I never had a need for anything more than simple algebra, and those occasions are rare. I did love geometry however, and considering my career building things it has proven very useful to me.

They lost me at pi are square because every pie I've ever eaten are round and delicious :rolleyes:

All the times i have gotten a DIY pizza here in Denmark it have always been square, but i never seen it in a pizza joint.
When your geek wife call and you know its serious.



That look like a good deal.


You can not mess with OSHA.
3 point contact.
All the times i have gotten a DIY pizza here in Denmark it have always been square, but i never seen it in a pizza joint.
Well, if you ever make it over here come to Michigan and I'll treat you to the grand tour of some of the best pizza you'll ever have.

well it is square, I'll give you that, not sure about 'best' though :unsure:
Yeah, that tends to be subjective for sure. Around here people take sides as to which restaurant has the 'best' of the 'best'.