Pics that make you smile

I got home made cheeseburgers at my friends house yesterday, i think i went a little overboard on the chili :)

But i got 2 burgers my friend and his sister just got 1 each,,,,,,, it is nice when you dont always have to look out for #1
The result is also me and my friend have swapped weight classes, i use to be the skinny one right up untill i was 45 or so, but my friend have shed 50 kilos in 12 months, so i am all alone in the dreadnought class.
Getting ready for another live explosion? :droid:

Might use all three engines this time for redundancy?

They might as well make the label red and change the name to TNT. :D I'm sure there will be no shortage of poorly translated names to follow like FastFire, SpeedFire, HugeFire, MaxFire, etc.


Not the best name they could have come up with for a brand of lithium-ion batteries. :smuggrin:
Judging by some vaper fires, pants might very well have been on fire too.

No sucking any kind of smoke are stupid if you ask me, and i know i was stupid for 30 years
Hopefully it can be safely recycled for today
and i know i was stupid for 30 years
Only 20 years for me, but some (mostly my wife) say I'm still stupid in other areas. ;)
They will try again in about two hours!!!
I feared stopping but wanted to long before i actually quit, and it was the most easy thing ever, not even half as uncomfortable as i imagined it would be.
Let's try once again!
