Pics that make you smile

Happy Jonah Hill GIF
Things seem to get worse and worse with these new rockets, actually it can not get any worse than this i think.
Remind me of early American desperately trying to catch up with the commies. :)
It was some progress made as it managed to land in one piece and stood there for a while until it decided to blow up
okay it flew too, thats nice.

As long as the astronauts had time to disembark and get out of the way :LOL:
Not long ago we retired our first tennis babe in Australia, now the even more deadly replacement are online, and so far 1 for 3 in WTA finals :)(y)


Not that Danes like to brag, but we do have a element in the periodic table ( atomic # 72 ) named after our capitol Copenhagen, which in Latin is Hafnia.

So 2 guys ( not Danes ) at the Niels Bohr institute came up with Hafnium in 1923

You will not find any Washingtonium or Tokyonium or Berlinium in the periodic table :p
Not sure if I should 'like' that, laugh about it, or be sad about it. I know there are a couple of school districts around me that no longer teach cursive as the school administration hierarchy feels it's no longer relevant.

The good thing is us old folks can use it as a secret code much as the younger folks use emojis. ;)
One General Motors executive used to keep board meeting notes in cursive. They got subpoenaed and nobody else could read them as the guy wrote in about a 2 point type size. They asked him to read them back and he declined citing the 5th Amendment. Without the notes the case against him failed :LOL:

One General Motors executive used to keep board meeting notes in cursive. They got subpoenaed and nobody else could read them as the guy wrote in about a 2 point type size. They asked him to read them back and he declined citing the 5th Amendment. Without the notes the case against him failed :LOL:

I do not know who that executive was. I do know it was not John Hanc ock. John Hanc ock was a little guy with huge handwriting.
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Not sure if I should 'like' that, laugh about it, or be sad about it. I know there are a couple of school districts around me that no longer teach cursive as the school administration hierarchy feels it's no longer relevant.

The good thing is us old folks can use it as a secret code much as the younger folks use emojis. ;)

The need is obvious to anyone who can think.
The entirety of the nations founding documents were written in cursive.
When no one can read cursive the nations origins will be lost.
Those who can not read cursive might as well try reading legal language or a simpler language like Sanscrit.
They're in the wrong order.


Is the rainbow