Pics that make you smile

thight wise the Right side are also off.
Things seem to get worse and worse with these new rockets, actually it can not get any worse than this i think.
Remind me of early American desperately trying to catch up with the commies. :)


I think what you mean is the focused effort of American technology and industry, together with the US government and military, to prevent the Soviets from occupying the new high ground in the cold war.

High ground from which they could have rained down destruction on whomever they chose with impunity if we hadn't challenged them. You know, like a space blitzkrieg. Because they were totally trustworthy. Naw, they would never have tried to take over the world.

No one in Europe was gonna do it, that's for sure. As usual.

Is that desperate? Well, maybe in the same manner in which we paid almost 105,000 American lives to evict the Nazis from every country in Europe. Including Denmark. That's just the KIA , BTW, overall US casualties in Europe were north of 550,000. You know, because all of you Europeans together were utterly incapable of protecting yourselves.

So yeah, I guess we were desperate.
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I am just saying Space X have set a pretty high bar.
And dont you go thinking i do not know to whom i owe so much, even if the option to pay back are almost over as there are so precious few of those guys left, and while i do not like shaking hands, one of those particular guys will see me running with my hand stretched out.

I have also put "pennies" on a "few" graves in Normandy, decades ago / in the mid 80ties, it was a occasion / place high on my bucket list so glad i was able to check it off while in my early 20ties.

Then,,,,,, and now, pretty poor performance of us EURO buys, but lately our American friends have been mighty happy having us at their sides, and actually taking into account over all numbers and population size, we Danes have bled as much as America in a few of the recent wars we have been in together.
But no doubt we could still do better in most aspects.

I am also aware of the reluctance of the Americans to get involved in ww1, and the rather large " O hell no" tendencies in American society before the Japs forced your hand on that infamous day.
And today, and i will not be the one blaming you.

And we Danes are buying F35 fighters,,,,,,,, after a little targeted lobbying / spying made possible care of the free unrestricted access to the Danish internet backbone we gave to our American friends and their NSA.

And if i / we / my friend and i fly a flag, well its not the old red and white, O no we need blue too and a sprinkle of stars, and every year i share my personal July 4 video. with my American internet friends.

I am just saying Space X have set a pretty high bar.
And dont you go thinking i do not know to whom i owe so much, even if the option to pay back are almost over as there are so precious few of those guys left, and while i do not like shaking hands, one of those particular guys will see me running with my hand stretched out.

I have also put "pennies" on a "few" graves in Normandy, decades ago / in the mid 80ties, it was a occasion / place high on my bucket list so glad i was able to check it off while in my early 20ties.

Then,,,,,, and now, pretty poor performance of us EURO buys, but lately our American friends have been mighty happy having us at their sides, and actually taking into account over all numbers and population size, we Danes have bled as much as America in a few of the recent wars we have been in together.
But no doubt we could still do better in most aspects.

I am also aware of the reluctance of the Americans to get involved in ww1, and the rather large " O hell no" tendencies in American society before the Japs forced your hand on that infamous day.
And today, and i will not be the one blaming you.

And we Danes are buying F35 fighters,,,,,,,, after a little targeted lobbying / spying made possible care of the free unrestricted access to the Danish internet backbone we gave to our American friends and their NSA.

And if i / we / my friend and i fly a flag, well its not the old red and white, O no we need blue too and a sprinkle of stars, and every year i share my personal July 4 video. with my American internet friends.

Always easy to say "thanks" after the heavy lifting has been done and the bill has been paid in blood. If Europeans really wanted to thank us, they'd stop electing socialists and pay their NATO commitments.

Let me know when you or anyone you know can leave quarters and unit RMOs on American headstones. Glad you were able to visit as a tourist and pay your respects. When I visit American hallowed ground, I'm not a tourist--I'm visiting a relative or a friend.

We were already involved in WWI and WWII well before we joined in combat. Who do you think was supplying the European powers that were opposing the axis? Out merchant seamen were dying in droves at the hands of U-Boat wolfpacks long before the first US soldiers fired shots in anger on European soil in WWI. The US lend-lease program in the early 40's was the only thing keeping Britain fighting. Hell, American civilians even collected and donated personal firearms to send to the UK to arm their home guard after their idiotic government had stripped its subjects of their right to own most firearms in the 30's. Not for nothing, it was the NRA that organized that effort.

Danes have bled as much as America in recent wars? I think not. Not by a long shot. 5-minutes of research will prove that false.

I have personally trained with many, if not most, western--and some eastern--European militaries. Particularly their special operations forces. I have great respect for their fighting spirit and their capabilities. But we all know that when the **** hits the fan again, and it will eventually, that the combination of their lack of mass and political backbone will mean that we'll have to come to the rescue again.

Only this time, we may be no better off politically or militarily than Europe, given the current climate here. We'll get our asses kicked by China before Russia, but if we can't stop either of them, well, you know what happens next.

Obviously, America is far from perfect. Most here have already forgotten September 11th 2001 and we're no better at keeping socialists and every other terrorist-affiliated political group out of our government than European nations. Hell, most of the young military members I train every day were preschoolers in 2001. The Twin Towers falling means no more to them than the fall of Saigon did to me when I was 10 years old.

That said, anyone taking pot shots--whether intended or not--at her will draw a response from me.

I've said my piece, and we can agree to disagree. I won't be adding more fuel to this fire.
Hehe yeah we skimped on the NATO deal alright, thats not a cool thing to do, i mean if things relax and its okay to cut back on spending's it should be agreed upon and then instigated, weasel out like we did are not cool.

I know many Danes manned those liberty ships, Danish merchant marine people paid dearly, as i recall about 3000 or so sailors died during ww2, now thats not much compared to the US navy losses, but you have to take into account this is a small country and those was civilians, so for us 3000 are a lot of people.
I think back then the number of Dane must have been 4 mill or something.

In Afghanistan the US lost around 2251 guys, out of XXX million Americans, we lost 43 out of the +19.000 we shipped out, out of just about 6 million Danes, we have deployed 67.300 men in various zones spread out on 30.000 soldiers since 1991.
Taking into account how little the armed forces are here, thats a substantial number, and one we are working om improving though things are moving along at a pace neither i or the US like.
Personally i feel Denmark should at least have 1 ICBM, i also think we should have subs again, new better more deadly ones, and i think we should have a larger military industry here, though not much American hardware fly in the air or in space without having Danish products in it.

But we cant well totally disrupt out society to make room for increased military spending's, i am sure Americans would also say hell no to a 10 % tax hike to finance some new war tools.
Danes pay a lot in tax and sadly so expect the government to take care of a lot of things for us,,,,, a setup i am not entirely on board with as i feel my personal freedom suffer under this.
Granted the worlds longest submerged tunnel we have just started building,,,,,,, well we could buy some American military hardware for that substantial amount of money.

In Iraq we deployed +9000 men, lost 8 so far, and there was also Danes scrambling on the Al-Asad airbase base the Iranians hit with missiles not many days ago.

Personally i was not allowed to serve my country though in the late 80ties there was about a 70% chance i would have been drafted, but when i delayed ( due to my first education ) stood tall before the man they said " you we can not use" maybe as i was a 6 foot 2" tall skeleton in a skin sack, or maybe as my father was a prominent commie here in Denmark, though at that time the communist party here was more or less a dead herring.
I could not even volunteer as a weapon mechanic which i tried, they said if you cant carry a gun you can not fix a gun. :unsure: at the time i personally owned a H&K MP5 and a G3, and i knew how to use them though they was not used often as on the black market ammo are rare and expensive, i could also field strip both and put them back together blindfolded.
But that would probably not impressed the guys, and me owning such things was entirely illegal as no Dane are in any way allowed to own a weapon or defend him self ( okay we have hunters they can have a gun )

In the 90ties my commie father history was no problem in regard to getting my passport stamped the hell out off at the US embassy so i as a sailor in the merchant marine could more or less come and go as i pleased in your country.

Yeah i am just a passer by, but at least i know my history and my dues, you will find thats not the case with many / most Danes today, and this to me are tremendous embarrassing.
As my signature say quoting a famous Dane( Soren kirkegaard ) "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"

Even more poor bastards that never get mentioned, the millions of his own people Stalin killed, i am pretty sure a good chunk of those was not on board with the view of the guy, though many probably also where but just got deported and killed by the paranoid bastard.
Almost look familiar aside for the blue haze around the sun as opposed to yellow down here.
Je parle enough french to smile.

Denmark ( unrequested ) are sending a warship / frigate to western Africa ( Guinea - bay ) to the area where 95% of all pirate attacks happened last year.
We are throwing in a helicopter and not least some of our Jager corps or frogmen corps,,,,,,, which are serious guys, by any special force standard.
The worlds remaining merchant fleets and governments can thank us afterwards, when diesel - bullets and blood have been spilled.

We too can police the world, though i dont really know why, 3 Danish ships was attacked there in the past year, they can just send a few armed guards with each whip ( i will gladly do it )
Give me a few sandbags a long rifle - a M209 or something to that order ( dont give me a M134 that will get too expensive in ammo ) and a pistol, and i will be good to go anti pirating or die trying.

I have faced them before in the straits of Malacca where we had something heavy like twist locks to throw at them and fire hoses, and they had hand grenades and AK47s
Okay my ship was never attacked, but those was the honest to god circumstances we had to deal with.


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Yeah, I'm not surpised it's not real. I was a bit skeptical about the photo because of the look of the crater in the foreground and the fact that no particular rover was mentioned but I liked the image so I posted it anyway.
It's definitely a breath-taking image however it came to be.

There are nothing on my walls in this apartment, but for this lady painter every wall of mine are available if she want to.

Personally i do a mean stick man.
At least its just the janitor and so on, some times you see full deployment in situations like that, from CPS to seal team 6
Remember the MAC VS PC ads.

Things have changed. :)

Seem like i am moved up a little in the que for a jab in the arm, as they once again switch priorities on who get vaccinated when.