Pics that make you smile

Dane do 120 KM trip across Kattegat between Denmark and Sweden in 11 hours on a paddle board ( with foil )
If you are into paddle boarding the name will be well know to you.


He left the Danish town of Greenaa at 8 Sunday morning, heading north-east north around the island of Anholt with Varberg in Sweden as target, but he landed a bit further north in a town called Bua 10 hours and 53 minutes later.
This trip is also a world first ( he paddled from Denmark to Norway across the Skagerak a years or so ago )
paddle for the love of god.jpg
Dane do 120 KM trip across Kattegat between Denmark and Sweden in 11 hours on a paddle board ( with foil )
If you are into paddle boarding the name will be well know to you.


He left the Danish town of Greenaa at 8 Sunday morning, heading north-east north around the island of Anholt with Varberg in Sweden as target, but he landed a bit further north in a town called Bua 10 hours and 53 minutes later.
This trip is also a world first ( he paddled from Denmark to Norway across the Skagerak a years or so ago )
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Did he stop for food and drinks on the way? Seems unlikely to be possible without someone handing out supplies...
He did of course have a safety boat on the trip, we are not that crazy any more.
But no word if he stopped for a cup of tea on the way, it must have been pretty cold.
Where is the cop when you need one ?
Turn out not far, yesterday.

So this 1 cop, i assume with a laser gun, went to do speed trapping in a place with a 50 km/h limit ( town )
His first capture was a motorcycle doing 112 km/h and soon after that 2 kids racing their cars, and on the way home on the motorway he was overtaken by a 18 YO girl doing 206 km/h.
BTW the 18 YO girl, she already had 6 marks on her licence, so i dont know why she still had it as a new driver you pretty much only have 1 mark to your name. ( you get your licence when you are 18 in Denmark )
So today 4 less license holders and 3 cars + 1 motorcycle less on the roads. :)

Okay a judge are still to pass judgement on this, but they have already passed judgement on similar cases made in the past month with the new law, and no matter the excuses which are always plentiful people have lost their cars and right to operate a motor vehicle.

I just wish they would take this nice new ballsy attitude to other parts of Danish society and clean up there too.

Edit: this was of course on Silkeborgvej in Western Aarhus, not far from one of the country's most famous ghettos, its the same road where i have almost been T boned by red light runners several times.
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cow !

Some will use the bovine name for a woman,,,,,,, i never would of course CUZ i am a gentleman. :giggle:
I have never managed to sleep on a airline, though i have often flown on 10 hour + routes.
My best plane experience was flying from KL Indonesia to Paris, a guy noticed my discomfort in the seat and turned out he was a chiropractic for a sports team also there in the plane, so he offered to straiten me out.
OR ! Could also be as i am such a devilish handsome guy he just wanted to feel me up, either way the seat was a bit nicer for the rest of the flight
New Danish pulse weapon tested.
First test of the genome pulse weapon that allow us to instantly change the genome of anything with a push of a button, so dont piss us off or you will find you have a sudden rapid hair growth and a urge to climb in trees ( or what ever please us ) :LOL:
Here we are curing a platoon of soldiers in a 15 Sq/km area of corona

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Just learned today, when Americans and Canadians want to know the weather / ice conditions in the arctic they have humans hunched over the satellite pictures and radar scans for hours.
We Danes just go " Hey AI you looked at todays pictures and scans, so whats the arctic weather like" as we have trained AI in the past 3 years to do the work.

Probably also why the US Foreign Minister when he visited lately he also visited the quantum physics department at the Niels Bohr institute, he probably know that soon we Danes have the answer to everything :LOL: