Pics that make you smile

A robber stick a gun into the ribs of a man and say " give me your money "
The man say " you cant do this, i am a congressman "
The robber then said " In that case give me my money "

I have a urge to post a picture of a yellow guy on a cycle, but i am going to wait and " not sell the skin before the bear is shot " Danish saying for being premature.
That do not differ too much from my calculations / observations. :)
This reminds me of when I was a kid we had a black cat that had a bad habit of pacing back and forth in front of the refrigerator whenever it was opened, but especially after my folks came back from grocery shopping and were putting things away. More than once the door would be closed on the cat's tail with the expected chaos that would follow. Cat's tail never did get any longer than the height of the door from the floor.

This reminds me of when I was a kid we had a black cat that had a bad habit of pacing back and forth in front of the refrigerator whenever it was opened, but especially after my folks came back from grocery shopping and were putting things away. More than once the door would be closed on the cat's tail with the expected chaos that would follow. Cat's tail never did get any longer than the height of the door from the floor.

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I love that refrigerator! :love: Why don't they make refrigerators like that any more? :D
As soon as they pass by Neptune it is all shields up.
Learning and feeling long dormant areas of grey goo suddenly fire up again :)

Watching a DOKU on the late famous A&M record label, i learned where the theme music from the TV show the dating game come from, a TV show that never aired over here.

Also i cant get over how many tunes from this band still stick in my mind, CUZ after all they been there for quite a while.