problem with SG9665DC

They say if something seems too good for it to be true, be careful it might be. This morning the camera started up fine. I drove for several miles with the rec light blinking. But on the way back from breakfast, it started blinking slower, then just stopped. I'm going on a trip soon and would like to have it working then. Jokiin, if we talked, this is what I would tell you.

if we had someone call you we can run through a bunch of test really quickly to help determine where the problem is, it's the quickest way which is why we offer to do it, @Street Guardian USA can give you a call anytime that suits
I don't have a problem with a call, but you already know what's going on, you offer no solution, and I don't understand what futher information I could give you.
SG USA calling out of Nevada if my memory serve me right, dont know where you are Captain.

If you liven anywhere near me here in Denmark, i would have been all over your camera by now, im always available for Danes in my area with dashcam problems or need help with install.
I think they are not totally on board with what you have been saying / writing, i have to admit i am a bit confused too, but then again English are my #2 language
I don't have a problem with a call, but you already know what's going on, you offer no solution, and I don't understand what futher information I could give you.

we'll get you a solution, no issue with that, the problem is not apparent though, needs a bit more diagnosis which we can do much quicker over the phone
we'll get you a solution, no issue with that, the problem is not apparent though, needs a bit more diagnosis which we can do much quicker over the phone
Are you in China? Australia?
I'm using the Samsung 64 EVO card I took from my previous SG9665GC camera. Could that be the problem?
The memory card is always the weakest link (in ANY dashcam) and is the first thing that should be ruled out when it comes to flaky recoding behavior.
How do I rule it out? It works sometimes. Maybe I confused it when I deleted files. I noticed it was almost full. I assume it will start over.?
How do I rule it out? It works sometimes. Maybe I confused it when I deleted files. I noticed it was almost full. I assume it will start over.?

if a card looks like it might be problematic it's best to reset the card back to default settings first, to do that use this software on your computer and do a full overwrite erase, that will check the card for problems and restore things to their correct defaults, after that's done you would format the card in the camera again before use, the camera will prompt this after it starts and checks the file format on the card
one of the last items in the menu is format of the memory card.

But as i said you dont have to delete stuff from the memory card to make room for more, the camera do that automatic, so all you have to do is copy to your computer the few things you want to save or share.

Kamkar, you video is not clear how to format??when I take the card out for viewing in my computer, I won't delete files in the computer anymore, I should format it when I put it back in right? How to do?
Kamkar, you video is not clear how to format??when I take the card out for viewing in my computer, I won't delete files in the computer anymore, I should format it when I put it back in right? How to do?

when you enter the menu you can scroll to the format option, ok to select, down to format etc, same process as the SG9665GC which if I recall is what you had before
If the computer can no longer delete the recordings on the memory card, then the memory card have probably failed and entered read only mode.
This happen sooner or later, i have had high end cards do it to me before the memory card got around to fill up one time, thankfully the replacement work much better and are still in service.

To format in the camera as jokiin say you enter the menu you can scroll to the format option, then enter it by pressing the button with the triangle, then the security MSG pop up saying all the data on the card will be deleted, and you then select and press OK to do the actual format.
I just dident go that far in my video as i dident want to format my memory card.
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Please call us so we can work together real time. Standing by to help.
Jon, since I can't get my DC to work, is it alright if I return it for a refund? I will go back to using my SG9665GC. I don't know what to do with it anyway, and it was working, and I can live without the rear camera. Please tell me where to send it. Thanks. Or, if I could send in my DC for an exchange, I would give a new one another chance. I can call you now, it's 12:15 est if you like. Should I call your office or cell?
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Email or private message me your order details and I’ll see what I can do. I never got your call to help go over everything step by step so thing are more clear on both ends. I re-read this thread and it’s still not very clear to me.

We’ve shipped quite a few of these have no other unresolved problems that resulted in returns. We have a 30 day return policy and 2 year warranty. If a replacement is needed it’s no problem.
Email or private message me your order details and I’ll see what I can do. I never got your call to help go over everything step by step so thing are more clear on both ends. I re-read this thread and it’s still not very clear to me.

maybe best to get that one back and set it up on the bench and test it first and see what it's doing/not doing
if a card looks like it might be problematic it's best to reset the card back to default settings first, to do that use this software on your computer and do a full overwrite erase, that will check the card for problems and restore things to their correct defaults, after that's done you would format the card in the camera again before use, the camera will prompt this after it starts and checks the file format on the card
I downloaded this and erased files. When I put the card back it, still nothing. Do I need to format it now in the camera? If so give me a step by step how to...
I downloaded this and erased files. When I put the card back it, still nothing. Do I need to format it now in the camera? If so give me a step by step how to...

if it's a 64GB card and you formatted it on the computer when you put it in the camera it will go straight to the cameras format option once the camera starts, if it's not doing that then there's something wrong with either the card or the camera