[Resolved] G90 a70 Chipset bricked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
United States
Dash Cam
Powerucc Panorama X2, Powerucc Panorama G
Cam was not plugged in when I initiated the update. Update started, however before I could react, the can stated low battery then shut down as I plugged in the cable.

Holding reset button does nothing.
Holding power button does nothing.
Blue led illuminates. Nothing else.

I read in the 0803 forum use of an otg cable that may work.

I don't know how to solder and short pins 4 and 5 so please don't suggest that.

I can find an otg adapter if that can work.

What software program would I need if any exist? A link to download it?

Brand new out of the box camera with plastic still on it! :-P :-*

Any help is appreciated.

@Dionic90 read this: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threa...vbr-bitrates-12-18-24mbps-options.6943/page-2 @blackbile had a similar problem which in the end it was solved.

In couple of words :
1. I found DirectUSB ambarella for A7, here: http://www.x-drivers.ru/catalog/flash/edr/companies/ambarella/models/direct_usb/28838.html
2. "older .elf file for the G90" @reverend
2". "Any elf version to suit would be fine just to get it running, even blank flash can be loaded " @jokiin
3. "erase the flash first" @jokiin
4. "G90 can go in USB BOOT mode by pressing LEFT and RIGHT arrow button simultaneously and connect to the PC USB." @blackbile
4". "Mine goes into USB boot with just the right button held down mate, maybe it's just slight differences between versions" @reverend
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Best of luck!
Note to self --> "Never upgrade firmware without power plugged in".
Decryption key is being asked at step two??? Any help on that @Tobby ?

Thank you for willing to help
@Dionic90 Could you please tell me where did you find "Decryption key" at step 2?
I need to open up this camera to try and disconnect the internal battery.

I have removed three screws but how does this cam come apart?

Any info?

Edit: I am not on my personal computer so I found another way to download the files.

My issue now is getting the cam to connect to usb.

Will I need an otg adapter or can I use a standard USB cable?

If I need a USB otg adapter, I need to buy one. I have an otg adapter but its mini not micro.
wait, is this the right procedure ?
Sorry for not writting the steps in the right order, but I followed the thread
I think you need to put it in boot mode, not kill it :D
4. "G90 can go in USB BOOT mode by pressing LEFT and RIGHT arrow button simultaneously and connect to the PC USB." @@blackbile
4". "Mine goes into USB boot with just the right button held down mate, maybe it's just slight differences between versions" @@reverend

see https://dashcamtalk.com/gs1000/#Firmware_Update_via_USB from "
Firmware Update via USB
An alternative way to update the GS1000 firmware is via USB. ..."
You should have the new DirectUSB
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Thanks for that.

Sadly the battery is not plug and play... It's soldered and I'm not going to tamper with that.

So I'll put it back together and try to see if someone can suggest other ways to help me boot this sucker...
Need to have it in boot mode when connecting to the PC and you can load the elf file via USB, need to hold the reset button for a few seconds before putting it in boot mode
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What is the "tester" button? Do you mean the "reset" button?

And do you think I need an otg adapter cable? I think the adapter will short two pins together. The computer just isn't recognizing the cam. I'm kind of limited as I'm away from home so when I get home later I'll do more digging...
Sorry, yes reset, iPhone autocorrect in action and I didn't notice

OTG cable is used on the 0801/0803 because they don't have the needed reset button, compromise of their design, it's not the normal way things are done

well that has done nothing. i stopped and picked up an otg cable anyway and nothing. i am really disappointed at this camera. i can't believe this is a doorstop with no way to recover. no safeguards in place, no button combination to put the device in a recovery mode. no way to easily remove the battery. really really disappointed.

brand new chipset, new camera, top resolutions, decent glass... but no safeguards (I.e. warning to say "battery too low to perform update, etc.) in place to prevent a non recoverable device.

im stumped. unless someone has some bright ideas....
well school me sensei! what do i need to do? ive pressed the reset button until my finger is numb, ive pressed the foward and reverse buttons together whilst plugging in the cable... ive tried two different brand new computers plus a laptop and all i get is a blue light.

there is clearly a secret that i am missing, and if you have further suggestions or if you can tell me a more precise method, im all ears...
need to make sure you have the right button combo, the USB software is installed and any drivers needed (if applicable) are installed and you have a copy of the elf file to suit, it's not my product so I can't help you with the specifics unfortunately but a few have have bricked previously and worked it out
I'm not familiar with the procedure, but if one method asks you to disconnect the battery there is no need to de-solder the wire from the BCP.
It would most likely be easier to cut the wire, and then re-splice them together after you're done.
I'm not sure if you can fit one of the easy gel squish splice things, but I have a box of these and I'd be happy to mail you one.
They make smaller/thinner types as well. Crude method would be to strip plastic ends, twist together and electric tape
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i really appreciate the help. i honestly do.

that said, neither computer RECOGNIZES the camera being plugged in. even if there are NO drivers or any software on the computer, if the camera was functioning in some way the computer would at least SEE the cam. when i plug it in, nothing happens.

that squishy thing looks too big to be in the cam.

@Pier28 , @jokiin

what if i removed the battery altogether? does that mean i would have to set the time/date, etc every time the cam powers on? what are the negatives with disconnecting the battery all together? the wires are just too small to try and work with.