school zone, kids getting out of school then this


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2013
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what are your thoughts on this woman in the white corolla's driving?? acceptable or not?? school has just got out, kids everywhere.
wife picking up our kids friend from a different school, turns right into the school street that white corolla nowhere in sight, then pulls up behind cutting into the line majorly then tries to overtake on wrong side of the road only to be stopped by someone coming other way, then passes finally on wrong side of road on solid white line making someone stop and just keeps going on their way??
acceptable or not??

What an arse, no style what so ever :rolleyes:

In need os a swift kick in the groin by karma.
i especially like the part where she nearly clipped the mazda suv.

maybe this toyota was her loaner while her benz was in the shop.
There are lots of words I could use to describe her actions. 'Opportunistic' is one, the rest are unfit for publication.
Talking about "her"
On my last drive i saw a woman run 2 almost red lights in a row with just like 200 M in between the intersections, first one i was doing 50 km/h and just as i am 3 M from the stop line the light turn yellow ( so too late for me to stop ) and i have this thing about looking in my mirrors to see if any behind me will do the right thing or not.
And sure enough 40-50 M behind me was the woman, and she just coasted over the intersection that was red before she was half way across it.

Then 200 M further down the road we was almost side by side with her trailing with a few M in the left lane, then that light turned yellow and as there was plenty of room and time i braked as i am supposed to do, the women she just coasted again, and again the light turned red before she cleared the intersection.

You can now see how this have a effect on people in the intersection ( on coming ) wanting to turn left, cuz when you approach a intersection and the light turn yellow and you do the right thing and stop, the left turning cars in the intersection is so used to people not stopping it will sit there to make damn sure that the oncoming cars are stopping.
Off course a car making a left should make sure traffic is no problem, but as oncoming cars push the yellow light, then the intersection is not even clear and ready for the left turning car to move when the light is red, so its been red light for a few seconds before the left turning car in the intersection get going, and so it delay the traffic in the other direction thats now had a green light for 3-4-5 seconds but cant get going as the intersection is not yet cleared out.
And it dosent matter if the left turners have a green arrow, they will just sit there mid intersection waiting until you come down to a crawl or a full stop.
So i argue either its the norm people do not stop for yellow ( and thats the case ) or people have become terrible in judging if a car is decreasing in speed / stopping or not.

O and often that left turning car is 2-3 cars that all inched out into the intersection ( fully legal as they would be able to clear if other people was doing the right thing )
And so it take even longer to clear those left turning cars, and by this stage im ready to bash some heads in as there is no sane reason as to why things are working like that. :mad:
I have been on both sides, the school pickup and the non school. The driver is trying to get somewhere and should not have to wait for all these people to pickup their kids before they can travel down the road.

These parents are concerned about school safety but they are they ones creating the danger. They could park closeby and walk to the school but they are too lazy and end up inconveniencing everybody. They should not be blocking the road.
These parents are concerned about school safety but they are they ones creating the danger. They could park closeby and walk to the school but they are too lazy and end up inconveniencing everybody. They should not be blocking the road.
when I pick the kids up from their school that's what I do any way, I park a couple of streets away, always a park there in same spot, walk in, get the kids walk out and the queue has hardly moved. so I am always ahead of the lazy ones who line up blocking roads. I'm off on my way home before half of them even pick their kids up.