Script Error in RegistratorViewer?


New Member
Dec 21, 2015
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United States
So this is odd... I have RV working fine on another computer running Windows 10, but on this Windows 7 machine I get the following script error that I can't seem to resolve. This is under RegistratorViewer, which was downloaded via StreetGuardian's website.


"Script error in"

The error persists and pops right back up no matter which option I pick on the dialogue and I am forced to end the process manually to kill the program.

Any ideas?
the google api is what loads the map

do you have any kind of firewall, popup blocker etc installed on that computer?
Nothing different other than the default windows setup... Google Maps works flawlessly on every browser installed here (IE/Mozilla/Chrome) so this is something specific to the RV implementation. I just switched to the OpenLayers map option and that seems to have temporarily fixed it... as much as I'd prefer to use Google Maps if possible.

I tried updating Java to the latest version and that didn't seem to fix it either. Very odd.
if it works on the other PC but not that one then there's something about that PC that is tripping things up, are they both on the same network?
I have the same thing, switching to another map fixes it.
Same network behind the same router. Only difference is the other machine is running Windows 10 Pro while this one is on Windows 7 Ultimate. I will see if there is something specific with that version of the Google API being incompatible somehow or otherwise outdated. Might be something the dev has to address if it's Win7-specific.
oh well then it's something else since ThePro sees the same error on Windows 10 as I see on Windows 7... must be the Google API or something... very bizarre.
I was getting the same error on a couple of different Win7 machines using Google maps so switched maps and the error went away. I recently switched from Norton Security to Bitdefender so I think I'll go back to Google maps and give it a try again to see if that might have been a factor.

Edit: Bitdefender made no difference. Still getting the error when using Google maps. :( Sad because I really like the appearance of Google maps compared to the other options, but that's just my preference.
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I have the same issue while I m using Google map on either Windows 7 x64 or Windows 8.1 x64.
I am also getting this error on Registrator Viewer v6.0.0.8 on my PC running Windows 7 Pro :confused:
not sure how the other maps work and how frequently the API's need updating, won't last forever I expect
Hmm, what software do other people use to view the GPS info from their SG9665GC dash cam other than Registrator Viewer?
Hmm, what software do other people use to view the GPS info from their SG9665GC dash cam other than Registrator Viewer?

dashcam viewer works, we're working on another player as well but will just be basic playback, not advanced like Registrator Viewer is
change to bing/open maps in the settings and it should be fine
Hi Joklin, I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Allucam Viewer and am getting the same error specified here, but am unable to figure out how to access the settings to change the mapping to Bing. Can you please advise? Thank you...