SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

my feeling is that the trees are not the problem in this instance.

your hunch is correct, it's not signal quality that causes the spikes, it's to do with handover between satellites as new ones come into view and their actual position compared to the stored ephemeris and almanac data for that satellite as to where the GPS thought that satellite was going to be, it's quite complex and still needs further adjustment, we've been getting support from the GPS manufacturer to help fine tune the handling of this data to try and eliminate this from occurring, right now I don't have a time frame on how long it will take to sort this but it is something we are actively working on (amongst other stuff of course)

in broad terms a new satellite comes into view, its position is maybe a few hundred kilometers away from where the GPS thought it was going to be when it next came into view (which is quite normal) and the position is quickly updated, this is erroneously interpreted as very rapid location change (speed is just a calculation of time taken to cover a distance) so some of your location information is rapidly updated which in turn is interpreted as a rapid change in speed, generally only lasts for a second or two and then it's back to how it should be, wish it was a quick fix but it's relatively new ground on Novatek so just one of those things we need to work out, it has been improved already but we're not quite there yet with solving all the possible scenarios that can contribute to this happening, keep the reports coming when it does happen though as we need to look for any patterns to this occurring, anything that repeats under certain situations or is repeatable is ultimately always easier to analyze and work out how to remedy

Edit: fixed a couple of typos where I wrote GPS instead of satellite
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I guess my location doesn't have that issue or I'm in a small place and don't travel a great radius.
Can't comment on the GC cos I've only had it a few weeks and it's not in the car at present, but it was said that it has always been there, just not visible.

it's quite easy to see when there's speed display in the video, previously you would see something like this in Registrator Viewer, there were some smarts in Regsitrator Viewer for handling this kind of thing so for most people you might never have seen it, has always been there though

Thanks to @DT MI for this screenshot

GPS update.jpg
I guess my location doesn't have that issue or I'm in a small place and don't travel a great radius.

there's no set pattern that we've been able to work out as yet, I've had some areas where they see it more than others, perhaps that comes down to physical location and which satellite are more often in view in those areas, is every satellite in the sky exactly the same or are there some difference we're not aware of, not really sure at this stage, I'm no expert on satellites, plenty we still need to learn about it
One of the interesting things about the 425 MPH readout on the GPS is that I was traveling at about 41/42 MPH for the seconds before and after that capture. Could it be that the 425 MPH reading was a decimal point out of place in the firmware's GPS calculation?


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it's not counted to any decimal place but that's quite an interesting find and deserves looking into in case there is some relationship between the rounding up/down to the nearest unit, thanks for that
@Dashmellow forgot to ask but what was the speed shown in the video just after this when it corrected itself, if you can put a screenshot of the next correct frame as well (if you still have it) so I have the timestamp would be good
I would love some "modest sized mountains" instead of the small piles of glacial debris we have here.

For a while the wrong "mountain" here was named the tallest one, untill some bright guy found out some one had been putting dirt up there making it 16 feet or so taller.

We now have our "tall mountains" in order :rolleyes:
WOW, @DT MI drove from the North of Portugal to the Canadian border across the ocean, and in only 3:46?!?!?!? :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

That picture didn't make me smile, it made me ROFLMAO! :D:D:D:D:D

Ah, technology sometimes makes some priceless moments... :)

yeah not sure how he managed that ........

Been testing with Beta 19.

According to Registrator viewer, I was doing 5873 mph at one point, haha.

It doesn't show on the OSD, but it does mean the speed graph is totally messed up. I quite often use it to find points in the video where I know a speed change/stop is.
Been testing with Beta 19.

According to Registrator viewer, I was doing 5873 mph at one point, haha.

It doesn't show on the OSD, but it does mean the speed graph is totally messed up. I quite often use it to find points in the video where I know a speed change/stop is.

in that instance it didn't show up on the OSD speed?
I remember: the satellites spead transmisstion signal. The GPS chip will receive this signal, mesure how long does it take to tranfer from satellites to the GPS chip. Therefor, caculate the distance to the satellite and caculate the location of GPS chip.
So, if it have to some reason, the signal be jam and time to tranfering be longer than usualy. it make a jump instantly long distance. The reason maybe are: clound, building,....etc...
Ok, interesting that the speed shown is similar to your actual speed (first two digits) might add weight to the suggestion @Dashmellow made earlier about the speed anomaly
Also I've noticed if you set registrator viewer's profile to show g sensor data, it has logged something every now and then.

Is that normal?