SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Have a feature request. Is there a way to be able to auto set EV settings based off time of day? (kind of like profiles but not so elaborate)
Have a feature request. Is there a way to be able to auto set EV settings based off time of day? (kind of like profiles but not so elaborate)

we've been looking at some time based settings already, at the moment the answer is not sure
Have a feature request. Is there a way to be able to auto set EV settings based off time of day? (kind of like profiles but not so elaborate)
I don't think that'd work out due to the length of "day" being different depending on the season. It would be even worse up there in Canada where you guys have nice long summer days, and super short winter days. Adding daylight savings time would only complicate things more. Where I live, during the summer, 8pm (20:00) is very bright. In 6 months, 8pm will be total darkness.

On the other hand, what if the EV self-adjusted based on the light level at the top 5% of the frame? Assuming that the top 5% is usually all sky, if the top of the frame is bright, it must be daytime. If it's dark, it must be night. (This would have to be an optional setting, though... while most common installations likely have the top of the frame pointing at the sky, not everyone will...)
I don't think that'd work out due to the length of "day" being different depending on the season. It would be even worse up there in Canada where you guys have nice long summer days, and super short winter days. Adding daylight savings time would only complicate things more. Where I live, during the summer, 8pm (20:00) is very bright. In 6 months, 8pm will be total darkness.

there is a way to do this but to say it's complex is a massive understatement
it's horrible at night in dark areas, you can't make anything out, even after tweaking the WDR settings.

Yes all dashcams are horrible at night / low light, granted the IMX322 do better than the old Aptina sensor in the mobius, but really it is far from optimal too.
This is just the limitations we have to live with as the technology in cameras improve.

Soon you will see cameras using the IMX291 sensor, and they will let you see even more of the surroundings as you drive thru a town at night, or out on the highway you will see a little more of what your headlights illuminate.

BUT ! even it is far from there, cuz it too will be dropping to slow exposure timings to capture as much light possible for each frame, and doing that you will see motion blur.
Another sample with high contrast... (@jokiin, will send a PM with a link to the raw file in a moment.)

In a couple places, the contrast seems to play tricks with the color of the brake lights of the car in front of me.. almost making them appear white (at times) instead of red.
Another sample with high contrast... (@jokiin, will send a PM with a link to the raw file in a moment.)

Thanks, will download it in the morning, 11pm here, should have another firmware for you to try then also, we just need to do some internal checking first
Another sample with high contrast... (@jokiin, will send a PM with a link to the raw file in a moment.)

In a couple places, the contrast seems to play tricks with the color of the brake lights of the car in front of me.. almost making them appear white (at times) instead of red.

Actually, that doesn't look too bad compared to some of the examples I first brought to @jokiin's attention more than a year ago and then posted about publicly last March in the thread I started regarding the problem.

The initial issues some of us encountered involved a serious enough high contrast/high dynamic range issue where large sections of the scene in the camera's FOV, including entire cars would regularly disappear into the glare for sustained periods of time. Having a brake light occasionally almost appear white in a video seems very minor problem in comparison.

Screen grab:

I think it is important to understand that what we are looking for in dash cams, considering the current state of the technology is basic, well balanced, quality video capture and detail in the widest possible range of conditions rather than cinematic perfection. The recent changes to the AE tables have come a long way in addressing this problem from my experience of having first reported this well over a year ago to what I felt was a reluctance to fully acknowledge the problem at the time. Personally, I'm very pleased with the recent improvements which I've felt were long overdue and am looking forward to further refinements but I try to keep things in perspective of what is doable.
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Actually, that doesn't look too bad compared to some of the examples I first brought to @jokiin's attention more than a year ago and then posted about publicly last March in the thread I started regarding the problem.
It isn't terrible at all. My post wasn't complaining or suggesting "mine is bigger than yours."

Jokiin has asked several times for us to continue to provide samples of high contrast scenes so that they can continue to tweak things, so I'm providing samples.
It isn't terrible at all. My post wasn't complaining or suggesting "mine is bigger than yours."

Jokiin has asked several times for us to continue to provide samples of high contrast scenes so that they can continue to tweak things, so I'm providing samples.

I wasn't suggesting that you were complaining per se, or trying to make it sound like your concern is "bigger" than anyone else's, or mine yours. I was essentially saying that I think brake lights are not really indicative of the actual problem of "high contrast scenes" being discussed here, even if you are concerned about brake light color accuracy. Nevertheless, by all means provide all the samples you wish but be prepared for others to comment on and discuss them.
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That being said, color could use some more contrast. I had trouble distiquishing the white reversinglights and the orange hazard lighton this on, while it was all too clear on the actual motorway ( yes reversing on the highway)
That being said, color could use some more contrast. I had trouble distiquishing the white reversinglights and the orange hazard lighton this on, while it was all too clear on the actual motorway ( yes reversing on the highway)

I agree. Further tweaks would be most welcome. For me however, the major concerns have had more to do with the complete image glare wash-outs like in my screen shot above. Now that what I have for a long time considered t0 be the "elephant in the room" has received a significant repair everything that comes after feels more like refinement. Taillight colors and general color balance and saturation issues are certainly worthy of attention.
Agree, I had the whiteout as well, but I m really happy with beta 16
I was essentially saying that I think brake lights are not really indicative of the actual problem of "high contrast scenes" being discussed here, even if you are concerned about brake light color accuracy. Nevertheless, by all means provide all the samples you wish but be prepared for others to comment on and discuss them.
Did you watch the video, or just comment on my mention of brake lights? I only mentioned the brake lights because it seemed like an interesting side effect of the high contrast. The point of the video is the high contrast scenarios.

Wow... this isn't the first time you've completely misinterpreted my posts here and went on attack. Back off. If you don't like me for some reason, just ignore my posts.
Did you watch the video, or just comment on my mention of brake lights? I only mentioned the brake lights because it seemed like an interesting side effect of the high contrast. The point of the video is the high contrast scenarios.

Wow... this isn't the first time you've completely misinterpreted my posts here and went on attack. Back off. If you don't like me for some reason, just ignore my posts.

An attack? You've got to be kidding. Hah!

I wasn't misinterpreting your post. I indeed watched your video and responded to the only evaluative statement you made about it, which was, "In a couple places, the contrast seems to play tricks with the color of the brake lights of the car in front of me.. almost making them appear white (at times) instead of red." Obviously the brake lights were your primary concern, no interpretation required.
An attack? You've got to be kidding. Hah!
Thank you for making my point for me. As for the rest of your post, you've clearly demonstrated your ability to jump to conclusions (that are incorrect) and completely misinterpret what is or isn't obvious.

I'm glad that my participation in this thread is for the overall product good, and you're just a minor annoyance within it. (I'm also thrilled that DCT has an "ignore" function.)

Take care :)
Thank you for making my point for me. As for the rest of your post, you've clearly demonstrated your ability to jump to conclusions (that are incorrect) and completely misinterpret what is or isn't obvious.

I'm glad that my participation in this thread is for the overall product good, and you're just a minor annoyance within it. (I'm also thrilled that DCT has an "ignore" function.)

Take care :)

My comments were in regard to the major ongoing contrast concerns with the firmware updates in comparison to more petty issues like brake lights, "almost making them appear white (at times)", so that we might further the discussion about priorities and possibilities. For you it is apparently more about your fragile ego and an apparent chip on your shoulder. But hey, this is an internet forum and this is what tends to happen. So yes, please, by all means ignore me! It would be a blessing.
updated link in the first post to latest version, changes to the low and center AE tables, @Dashmellow @Feitelijk @Gary D if you guys in particular could try the low setting and see how it goes, the low table has been rewritten and will ignore that dark section you have in the bottom of the frame, the weighting has been changed on the center table also but not as dramatic change as the low table from their previous configurations