SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

I've got a black dash and dark blue bonnet in the bottom 1/4 of my footage.
@jokiin do you want me to upload and PM link to original files, as there is quite a lot of in and out of tree cover. Or is it only useful if you have a comparable full frame video too?

still interested in the samples even if you don't have a comparison shot
The last option was Center Cut, and so far, this seems to work the best for my needs.

there's no one size fits all when it comes to this so what suits your use might not work as well on a different vehicle, different camera aim, different hood/dash colour etc, previously when there was only one table and no choice it was one size fits some so at least now you can look to see what works best for you, that's the intention at least anyway
Low cut vs average... These were taken on the same day, same morning, same road, etc. The youtube clips are for the exact same part of the road. Near the end, there's a huge blowout on both videos.
@jokiin, please expect a PM with a link to the raw mov files in a few minutes.

when you get a chance can you try the low cut setting but with the camera aimed down a bit further and see how it looks?
Now we are in July and still no stable release are we on a never ending run of Beta releases?
Now we are in July and still no stable release are we on a never ending run of Beta releases?

the current beta is stable, we are still prepping a V1 variant of the firmware though

even when released we'll still be doing betas as there's more work to do but it's not stability stuff
@Feitelijk like the top video, not stopping for cyclist illigally cycling in the crosswalk :cool:
Yeah, car behind me stopped. I have loads of those videos, try to scare them just enough to prevent them doing it the next time
I do similar **** when theres cyclists going the wrong way on a road way, I will scare the crap out of them when I'm exiting a side street or leaving a property, accelerate when they are just about in front of me and brake at last second and their reactions are priceless, then I yell abuse at them telling them its not damn china, we ride on the other way here, you got a death wish if you keep doing what your doing. then I drive off. save the video incase they report me or something, then I just say I didn't expect someone to come that way, but I look at last minute to avoid collision.
I'll have to go now but will try it tonight. Not that many changes I see.

1.Adjust the bootup process.
1.Bugfix audio issue.
1.Bugfix system default time becomes 2030.
2.Bugfix GPS offset problem
Anyone get a blue screen when the sun goes down (dusk) even when I play back on my pc the screen is blue. Brought this to the attention of Jon but he was advised by Rick (owner of Street guardian) that this is the Sony lense doing this?? I wonder if a firm ware update can remedy this problem
Yep there is lighting conditions where cameras will do funny things, in dashcams this is often seen as a blue or yellow hue to the footage.
Anyone get a blue screen when the sun goes down (dusk) even when I play back on my pc the screen is blue. Brought this to the attention of Jon but he was advised by Rick (owner of Street guardian) that this is the Sony lense doing this?? I wonder if a firm ware update can remedy this problem

you will get a blue look at dusk, once it goes dark it will look different again, it could possibly be adjusted to look more natural but at the expense of detail, there's tradeoffs with every adjustment to find a balance
You will allso often see the same issue to some degree if you drive into a tunnel or maybe parking garage with ccfl lighting.

Without beeing a expert i think its somthing we have to live with, maybe if dashcam lanses had variable aperture it could be avoided.
the current beta is stable, we are still prepping a V1 variant of the firmware though

even when released we'll still be doing betas as there's more work to do but it's not stability stuff
That's good news, jokiin. Thanks for doing this. I've been experiencing the wash-out problem on my V1 camera since I purchased it from Pier28 in Aug.'15. Living here in Florida has made it a challenge for this camera. Really looking forward to trying out the new AE table solution, even if it's "beta".
So I've put my camera back in today, now that I've finished preparing the area for it, so it looks good from outside (I'll get some pics soon). Updated to firmware 22. Connected the GPS and it seemed to get a lock really quickly...definately a cold boot, as the camera has been out of the car for several weeks. Went for a drive and did get some washout when going towards the sun....but to be fair, I was having to squint to see as the sun was quite bright. Going under tree cover and the exposure adjusted fine as I'm concerned. All settings were left at default.

Just got to decide if I want the speed displayed or not (currently is), as I wouldn't want it to incriminate me etc :)
That's good news, jokiin. Thanks for doing this. I've been experiencing the wash-out problem on my V1 camera since I purchased it from Pier28 in Aug.'15. Living here in Florida has made it a challenge for this camera. Really looking forward to trying out the new AE table solution, even if it's "beta".

I'm really rather amazed at how many other people have continued to report "the wash-out problem" since I first reported it on May 26, 2015 when it was suggested that nobody else was experiencing this.
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Now that we have enough volume and momentum, I'm glad we finally have access to Novatek engineers that allowed for the new AE (Auto Exposure) tables to be added recently. Novatek couldn't be bothered to help us much in 2015. We made enough noise to finally be heard. Now we can tweak and adjust both day and night performance to make the results more satisfactory for everyone.
That's good news, jokiin. Thanks for doing this. I've been experiencing the wash-out problem on my V1 camera since I purchased it from Pier28 in Aug.'15. Living here in Florida has made it a challenge for this camera. Really looking forward to trying out the new AE table solution, even if it's "beta".

we are working on a V1 version at the moment, V1 is a bit trickier as the memory mapping is different so we have to make sure everything we've done in the V2 firmware can operate correctly within a slightly different environment, win lose or draw though the AE table adjustments will be there in the next V1 firmware regardless

I'm really rather amazed at how many other people have continued to report "the wash-out problem" since I first reported it on May 26, 2015 when it was suggested that nobody else was experiencing this.

It wasn't just a suggestion, at that time we hadn't had anyone else contact us to report the same, there are quite possibly more that have it but not thought anything of it, or have noted it but not said anything, or had it but not seen it in any footage they've looked at, there's always a chance of people having a problem but being unaware, that goes with any kind of fault, even to date where more people have reported it it's still less than 1 in 1000 users that have reported this happening
I made three consecutive runs within 4 minutes for comparison. Still see different lighting conditions as the sun was just rising.




And just for good measure the G90 at center.
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