SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Very tempted to become a beta tester just to solve the exposure problem - when the sun is to my back and its hitting number plates of cars in front of me the number plates are blown out to just a white rectangle and unreadable.

Does the latest beta firmware address this issue?
Very tempted to become a beta tester just to solve the exposure problem - when the sun is to my back and its hitting number plates of cars in front of me the number plates are blown out to just a white rectangle and unreadable.

Does the latest beta firmware address this issue?

the exposure is a lot different to the version you will have now, our number plates have a highly reflective coating (designed for off axis photography by red light and speed cameras) and when lit directly will throw back a lot of light, the changes to AE do help though
Will it help with blown out skies too? That's probably my main concern. As accidents are few and far between (in fact I've never had one in the 21 years Ive been driving *touch wood*), I'd rather my dashcam capture the beautiful scenery and ever changing skies down here in Tasmania.
Will it help with blown out skies too? That's probably my main concern. As accidents are few and far between (in fact I've never had one in the 21 years Ive been driving *touch wood*), I'd rather my dashcam capture the beautiful scenery and ever changing skies down here in Tasmania.

I'd give it a shot for sure, it's very stable.
the exposure is a lot different to the version you will have now, our number plates have a highly reflective coating (designed for off axis photography by red light and speed cameras) and when lit directly will throw back a lot of light, the changes to AE do help though

Alot (probably 3/4 or more) of the states here in the USA, and I know for fact here in Arizona, have reflective plates for exactly the reason you mentioned. I am not sure about Europe and Asia, though.

California cops get very pissy if you cover it with anything or even spray it with that non-reflective spray stuff. Here, and probably just about everywhere else as long as they can read your plate when they are behind you they generally don't care unless it's overly obvious your tampering with the plate.

I've never done it because I have had a speeding ticket 2 times in my life, 1 got dismissed and the other was an amnesty Speed camera on the Freeway ticket...generally I drive no faster than 10MPH over the speed limit.
Reporting in after a run to work and back today -
Sky exposure seems to be a lot better (WDR is on in the below screen caps, which I read somewhere that this could cause skies to blow out - I always had this turned off using firmware 20160323.V2) with the exception of some over exposure of white clouds, but its better than the entire sky being over exposed.

Screen caps -

Note: If some photos look a bit blurry it could be due to water smear on the windscreen (it was a wet day).
now near mid July and still on beta firmware have been promised many times next stable release will be in a few days or a couple of weeks or will be released before end of month can anyone say when the next stable release will appear or are we on a neverending run of beta releases?
now near mid July and still on beta firmware have been promised many times next stable release will be in a few days or a couple of weeks or will be released before end of month can anyone say when the next stable release will appear or are we on a neverending run of beta releases?

The latest V2 firmware is very stable. We are waiting for our developer to compile the latest build and features for our V1 customers. We want to release V1 & V2 builds simultaneously to the public
now near mid July and still on beta firmware have been promised many times next stable release will be in a few days or a couple of weeks or will be released before end of month can anyone say when the next stable release will appear or are we on a neverending run of beta releases?

the V2 release is done already, have been holding off waiting for the V1 release but taking a bit longer than normal, the V2 release will probably be on our site sometime later today, our web guy is going into hospital for an operation tomorrow and will be out of action for two weeks so trying to get it updated today before he's off

regardless of that beta releases will continue as we have more stuff we're working on
Yesterday there was a tunnel partly closed due to some king of sag Apparently it was just at the tunnel exit.
Somebody else posted a video from a LS460W so I thought I'd have a look how the GC compares.

I was there 2,5 hours earlier but still the 460W adapts faster.

GC was set to LOW.

Looks like your right, when I sync them a bit it looks like the GC is even faster. I was focussing on the sag which is more visible in the 460W but that would be the better lighting conditions.

When you actually drove there, did it look just as dark as in your video? It looks like the sun is hidden behind clouds, opposite to the vid from the other cam. I've seen before that the footage from GC's is much darker than that from other cams.
No the latest firmware makes things a bit darker. But that can be fixed in postprocessing, I don't want to increase the EV as that increases the exposuretime and therefor motion blur.

This is an example of postprocessed with I believe 30% mor green and 10 brightness:
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