SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

The firmware on page one of this thread is the latest pre-public beta firmware. This is the one I wanted you to try to improve auto exposure.

The firmware on the street guardian support site is the older public release.

The pre-public beta firmware on page one of this thread is close to becoming public release. The street guardian support page will be updated after that time.

SG9665GM and SG9665GPS is our older 2014 product

Ok, Thanks for clarifying.

I recently purchased a SG9665GCV2. However, it was delivered with firmware SG20160323.V2. Pier 28 directed me to this group for support, and suggested I update the firmware to address issues I am having with the video quality. I downloaded "SG9665GC - Firmware update - existing firmware versions SG20xxxxxx.V2" from Street Guardian's support site, but the firmware reverted back to version SG20160111.V2. I also downloaded the "SG9665GM SG9665GPS - Firmware update latest" thinking that is the latest firmware, but it downloads as an .RAR file, not as a .BIN. So, is there a better site that has the latest firmware in a .BIN format? Thanks.

What issues are you having with the video quality?
I recently purchased a SG9665GCV2. However, it was delivered with firmware SG20160323.V2. Pier 28 directed me to this group for support, and suggested I update the firmware to address issues I am having with the video quality. I downloaded "SG9665GC - Firmware update - existing firmware versions SG20xxxxxx.V2" from Street Guardian's support site, but the firmware reverted back to version SG20160111.V2. I also downloaded the "SG9665GM SG9665GPS - Firmware update latest" thinking that is the latest firmware, but it downloads as an .RAR file, not as a .BIN. So, is there a better site that has the latest firmware in a .BIN format? Thanks.
Welcome to DCT and the SG family. :)
What issues are you having with the video quality?

He sent a support message asking how to fix day video being washed out white in certain scenarios and heavy reflections on the windshield from the dashboard pattern his vehicle has.

I suggested he update the firmware to take advantage of the new AE tables

I also sent him him the SGGCCPL thread to demonstrate how the CPL works
What issues are you having with the video quality?
Mainly reflection from the dash, high contrast, and a bit of the video exposure whiting out, when transitioning from shade to full sunlight. Hopefully, the latest version of firmware I just installed will resolve some of these issues. Thanks for the quick support Pier 28!
He sent a support message asking how to fix day video being washed out white in certain scenarios and heavy reflections on the windshield from the dashboard pattern his vehicle has.

I suggested he update the firmware to take advantage of the new AE tables

I also sent him him the SGGCCPL thread to demonstrate how the CPL works

I suspected as much. ;)

@James J, do you happen to have a dark colored vehicle?
Mainly reflection from the dash, high contrast, and a bit of the video exposure whiting out, when transitioning from shade to full sunlight. Hopefully, the latest version of firmware I just installed will resolve some of these issues. The SGGCCPL is on my next Amazon order, Thanks for the quick support Pier 28!

As mentioned, I thought that might be the case, Check out this thread for some background on this problem if you haven't already seen it.

So far the new firmware AE tables are a significant improvement in many situations but still problematic.
Mainly reflection from the dash, high contrast, and a bit of the video exposure whiting out, when transitioning from shade to full sunlight. Hopefully, the latest version of firmware I just installed will resolve some of these issues. The SGGCCPL is on my next Amazon order, Thanks for the quick support Pier 28!

the version you had and the one you then installed are with the old AE tables the same as the samples as shown in the thread Dashmellow just linked to, the version in the first post here will serve you a lot better for exposure related issues, reflection will get sorted out with the CPL
Actually the opposite, the vehicle is a 2004 Camry that is pearl white, dash is a dull light brown color.

If you can please share some raw .mov video samples once the firmware is updated. Use Dropbox or any other free file sharing service like
Actually the opposite, the vehicle is a 2004 Camry that is pearl white, dash is a dull light brown color.

That is interesting information as it contradicts the current wisdom.

For windshield reflections, a dash mat can be an excellent cure. I've become a huge fan since purchasing one as it essentially precludes the need for a CPL. (Both together is killer though. :))
That is interesting information as it contradicts the current wisdom.

not really, all else being equal with the previous AE tables the exposure will be worse when a dark colour hood is in view compared to a white hood, just having a white car doesn't mean over exposure wasn't ever seen, its just not as pronounced as it was on dark vehicles
That is interesting information as it contradicts the current wisdom.

For windshield reflections, a dash mat can be an excellent cure. I've become a huge fan since purchasing one as it essentially precludes the need for a CPL. (Both together is killer though. :))

Thanks for the tip. I probably won't invest in the dash mat, the car has 352,000 miles on it. If I buy something that fancy, it may implode in shock. :) I might have to use a dark towel or something instead.

Thanks for the tip. I probably won't invest in the dash mat, the car has 352,000 miles on it. If I buy something that fancy, it may implode in shock. :) I might have to use a dark towel or something instead.


Some people have made DIY dash mats out of black felt or something similar. The dash mat I bought on Amazon cost the same as a Street Guardian CPL. In any event, a light brown dash would definitely be a problem for reflections so anything you do would likely be an improvement. Even a CPL might struggle to some degree with a light colored dash board.
not really, all else being equal with the previous AE tables the exposure will be worse when a dark colour hood is in view compared to a white hood, just having a white car doesn't mean over exposure wasn't ever seen, its just not as pronounced as it was on dark vehicles

Yeah, I can see that. Remember a few months ago when I evoked the same issue with no hood in the image but trees on either side of the road on a bright winter day?

I think that's why there is still a challenge to be dealt with.
finding the right balance is no small task
The solution is easy, the implementation is hard. Just develop the H/W and F/W to have separate metering and exposure on individual pixels. :D
I just wish i could find a dashmat for my little car, but i have looked all over the world and for the shared platform cars, and nothing pop up.

Personally i would prefer a dashmat over a CPL filter any day, so i have to DIY somthing or just make do with some extra glass in front of the sensor.
The solution is easy, the implementation is hard. Just develop the H/W and F/W to have separate metering and exposure on individual pixels. :D

yes I look forward to writing custom tables individually for 2 million pixels :D