SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

guess that will ask this here instead of creating another thread.

Curious on what will be the default time/date in the event that no gps signal is acquired?
let say your at basement 4 and by some kind of miracle the exit gate is not working and you are stuck for 20mins, let assume around that time that no gps signal are acquired.
will the date/time stamp will be 1900 00:00am ?

My concern here is that, if indeed that the date/time were reverted in 1900 00:00am, the 20mins being stuck at the basement parking will be the first to be deleted (not that being stuck is worthwhile saving).
Is this use-case seem viable?

Note: I'm still on the previous beta firmware, so I cannot confirm if this is the actual case.

Once the time and date is set its held via the tiny RTC button battery for up to a month (if I recall). This means time and date is kept, and is sync'd perfect once GPS signal is received coming out from under a parking garage etc. (and not starting from complete scratch)
Once the time and date is set its held via the tiny RTC button battery for up to a month (if I recall). This means time and date is kept, and is sync'd perfect once GPS signal is received coming out from under a parking garage etc. (and not starting from complete scratch)

Good to know. Thanks for the quick response.
Does the rtc button battery get recharged when the unit is on?

The guy who sells Blackvue cameras,, claimed that the Exposure level was set all the way down on the BlackVue vs the SG when I referenced those videos in an email when I told him why I chose the SG9665GC and cancelled my order.

Least to say, I doubt Street Guardian would play a card that low. I've seen other videos that show poor night exposure as well on the Blackvue cameras. Every video I've seen at night looks just about or close to what the driver actually sees, at least in my case, on the SG9665GC. I may not like the Firmware updates, but the hardware is top notch + and I would recommend it over anything.
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If you had an issue with the numbering of the Firmware.....THAT I could understand. But you lost me on the rest.
Er...dunno if your refering to me Piggy, but if you are - it doesn't matter anymore. Life goes on. Just my opinion - still excellent ++ hardware at a great price.

My video:

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The guy who sells Blackvue cameras,, claimed that the Exposure level was set all the way down on the BlackVue vs the SG

I don't believe that's the case, @alexsoll would be able to confirm but from what I know all tests he does are with everything at the default settings
@jokiin, that's why I said you wouldn't play a card like that. Even though he makes them, you use them on your webpage. I'm sure you've used the Blackvue and it looks EXACTLY like that. When your comparing products, and you know you have something better, why cheat, and even then, if it's worse, why make a comparison video at all?

Here is the portion from original email, for everyones reference:


Thanks for the response. Sounds like you did plenty of research and are happy with your overall decision J A couple of things that come to mind we discussing the bitrate, many people have complained about this spec feature but at the end of the day Pittasoft (the manufacturing company) has designed the camera to work at the best to its capability. I personally have the DR650 (cloud FW and non-cloud FW) in both of my vehicles and the bit rate has never caused me to experience choppiness, pauses or pixilation issues. Now, if you download from your camera to the phone and then edit the video on the phone all over the Wi-Fi, the video is going to come out crappy because you are altering so much of the video. If you’re playing back from the SD card, everything is perfectly fluid and clear without any issues.

From your video that you shared to compare, I think it is unfair to use a competitor only video for this demonstration (of course the StreetGuardian is a better camera because they are not selling the BlackVue-old fashion sales tactic L). I can tell you from watching the video, it appears that they have the nighttime brightness recording set to the lowest possibility to provide an unfair demonstration of the two camera systems.
As for the lack of support, I guess this is the issue with folks buying directly from companies like eBay and Amazon as these companies cannot support the products that they sell. We on the other hand, support everything right here in Austin, TX and have fantastic reviews from our customers regarding our support. We are active on as many forums as we can be (there is a pretty unfair rate to be a sponsor on forums) to answer questions, etc. Regarding the firmware updates, you can see that BlackVue provides their updates to fix any known issues on a regular basis and they are always available for our customers.

It really doesn't matter. I can nitpick at the firmware, but still, you have a better product AFAIAC, and as I said prior, the videos prove it! :D