SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Yeah, maybe have fault beeps?

So no SD card, can't write to SD, etc.

Separate menu entry to general beeps though, so we can keep general beeps and startup sound off if we want, but have fault beeps.
they already ship with stable firmware, we are still working on performance improvements though
Who should I approach about purchasing a couple of sg9665gc cams in Australia then? You mentioned you'd do something for me for pinning down the frame duplication issue (apparently that has been corrected in a public release somewhere, I missed its release announcement), and I am out of pocket about $40 in postage on returning the two previous sg9665gc cams to DashCamOwnersAustralia. I'd like to get CPL filters for the two cams I intend to buy as well.
Who should I approach about purchasing a couple of sg9665gc cams in Australia then? You mentioned you'd do something for me for pinning down the frame duplication issue (apparently that has been corrected in a public release somewhere, I missed its release announcement), and I am out of pocket about $40 in postage on returning the two previous sg9665gc cams to DashCamOwnersAustralia. I'd like to get CPL filters for the two cams I intend to buy as well.

can you message me you address details and I'll sort something out
I answered this here for you already when you first asked. SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access
And that would be why I then directed my query to Jokiin as you suggested, not you, so this second response from you is really not needed.

can you message me you address details and I'll sort something out
I presume that a private exchange between us is started by using the "Conversation" option on your profile, correct?
And that would be why I then directed my query to Jokiin as you suggested, not you, so this second response from you is really not needed.
why did you ask again then? it was a question you asked above
Who should I approach about purchasing a couple of sg9665gc cams in Australia then?

I presume that a private exchange between us is started by using the "Conversation" option on your profile, correct?
yes. type jokiin in recipient line. that is if you haven't already.
Center weighted, CPL

what point in the video are you wanting to highlight?

is the clock correct, the shadows from your car look a lot longer than I'd expect at 11am

would probably be better also if you aimed it up one click
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why did you ask again then? it was a question you asked above

Because as far as I can see from using the forums, people only get alerts to people quoting or responding to their specific posts in a thread. So I responded again, this time to jokiin's post, to send an alert to him. I was also unaware of the "conversation" function on the forums; most other forums I have been on have a "private message" link associated with the user name and icon next to their posts; there doesn't appear to be that on this forum, on the conversation option buried in their profile page. Anyway, thanks for the clarification on how to contact jokiin.
Because as far as I can see from using the forums, people only get alerts to people quoting or responding to their specific posts in a thread.
you just got your third alert.


  • alerts.jpg
    106.8 KB · Views: 17
Because as far as I can see from using the forums, people only get alerts to people quoting or responding to their specific posts in a thread. So I responded again, this time to jokiin's post, to send an alert to him. I was also unaware of the "conversation" function on the forums; most other forums I have been on have a "private message" link associated with the user name and icon next to their posts; there doesn't appear to be that on this forum, on the conversation option buried in their profile page. Anyway, thanks for the clarification on how to contact jokiin.

got your message and have replied, thanks
what point in the video are you wanting to highlight?

is the clock correct, the shadows from your car look a lot longer than I'd expect at 11am

would probably be better also if you aimed it up one click

No, it seems that after I installed the beta, I messed up with the GPS time offset. This is in Salt Lake City, UT around 6-7 PM. I wanted to highlight the change in exposure on the white vehicle directly ahead of me as the sun went from being at the angle to its rear vs me to directly behind me reflecting off the rear of said white vehicle.

Will try and aim it up one click, slope of my windshield may not allow it.

This beta + center weighted has substantially improved exposure/video quality for me; very pleased!
ok, thanks for confirming, guessed it was very late in the day due to the shadows, the light behind you reflecting off the car in front is pretty much the same effect you would get at night with your headlights against a white vehicle, it's going to reflect a lot of light back no matter what and not something that is easy to avoid with any dashcam really
azchrisf said:
I second idiot beeps - espicially if the camera can't write to the card so we know the card died.
Also, I would welcome a "camera shutdown sound" just like the startup sound.
Shutdown sound might use too much cap power though.
A persistent warning beep if SD card is not present or not recording should definitely be baked into the next firmware.
No worries. I always keep the SD card in hand when entering the car if removed earlier to review footage. Don't slip it into my pocket, 'cause then I forget. Happened just once though.


Ok.. twice. [emoji16]
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No worries. I always keep the SD card in hand when entering the car if removed earlier to review footage. Don't slip it into my pocket, 'cause then I forget. Happened just once though.

I'm thinking of buying a 2nd card to alternate, i.e. take one out to review it on computer and put the 2nd one in....then repeat etc. This way there is always a card in the cam, and no rush to finish whatever "reviewing" I was doing.