SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Well, Gee, beta 26 was only just released and it takes time for people to do a proper evaluation. Be patient and I'm sure reports will filter in from other DCT members. As for me, I flashed the new firmware only on Sunday and have had no spare time to even think about reviewing test footage from the GC, plus I happen to be working on an unrelated matter with a different developer that has priority at the moment. And today is overcast, so it will be a while yet before I could offer any feedback anyway. Hang in there. :)

Edit: @jokiin's right, firmware development when it comes to image quality is a process, not either or.
Take ur time I do value ur expertise in this matter so I will wait and keep an eye out for ur post
Beta 26, metering - centre cut ( Please ignore the timestamp as I forgot to set the time zone after updating)

As soon as I make the U-turn, it gets dark

Yesterday was "Metallica", today "Guns'n'Roses" ;)

@1 min 13 sec when you pass the bridge it goes lighter for the moment, which means AE works, however in that particular case ( after U-turn ) the sun is not in your favour. I would try to change a little bit camera lens vertical angle to see if tomorrow at same time ( same conditions ) this would make a difference ?
Take ur time I do value ur expertise in this matter so I will wait and keep an eye out for ur post

AE tables are being optimized first. (So far so good) Brightness/Contrast options will come next to suite user preferences for those that really want to dial in the raw image.
not sure yet if we'll be able to do them as options as that could break something like it did last time, still being looked at for that, there are adjustments to come regardless though

True. As usual we'll push the SDK to the max, either dial it in for all or potential options, what ever works out.
Whatever changes were made with the Centre Cut AE table in this version seems to be working quite well for me here in Arizona, it's doing good in both night and day scenarios so far. Of course I'll keep an eye on it.
Whatever changes were made with the Centre Cut AE table in this version seems to be working quite well for me here in Arizona, it's doing good in both night and day scenarios so far. Of course I'll keep an eye on it.

thanks for the feedback, appreciate it
Hope things work out well for you.
Things are going well. Got the OK to resume driving a couple days ago. Still a bit limited regarding climbing around vehicles removing/installing cameras but I'm walking without a walker, crutches, canes, etc. so that's all good. :)

My car is back from the auto body shop today (was rear ended by texter), and I put the new firmware in. I see a big improvement. The picture isn't as dark as it was, when coming out of a dark area (like a garage) into a lighter area. I'll do more testing tomorrow, after a trip to Boston.

Keep up the great work!
Here are some from the same stretch from where I had posted videos while on the Beta 22 with metering set to average. Link to the Beta 22 videos (ones after the dotted line)

Would've been a better comparison if the average metering had been tweaked too.

The sky looks much better but not much change under the canopy, probably a little worse, especially the number plates with and without the CPL.

Beta 26, metering - centre.

Other side or the road, u-turn

RAW links available via PM. Still uploading...
The timestamp on the previous videos was wrong as I forgot to change the timezone after updating. Those were from around 12:30 pm and these are at around 2:30 pm, sun is overhead in both cases. Will PM you the links once uploaded.
Installed beta26, no tunnelimages yet as ti's raining and dark...

But I have some of a cloud passing by: default settings all, (Fullframe, wdr on 0.0EV etc etc)
Looks dark in the shade to me?

And here's a canopy, I switched to center for now to see the diffs and with better weather coming I should be able to test the blue-tunnel effect this week.
Yes that was my intention but somehow I got back to the default settings.

I did not format the card, but i set the options before I removed the firmware from the card using the PC, and thisprocedure apparently resets the factory settings. My fault for not following procedures....
Tried center+WDR today and no strange things in the tunnel, although it might have been a bit darker than before.