SGDCHW for SG9663DC (3-wire hardwire kit to enable PARKING MODE function) Timed & Low Battery Discharge Prevention

User error. All good now after I started the truck. Thanks!

good stuff

AE Metering – Center Weighted – Settings to select different AE metering table. -

Parking Monitor – 1FPS – Setting to select different framerates, (requires SGDCHW power lead).

Shutdown Timer – 10min – Select different Parking Monitor shutdown timer values, (requires SGDCHW power lead).

the default AE settings are probably going to give you the best results, it suits most situations

what FPS you use is personal choice, likewise with the shutdown timer, choose what suits your needs, I use 1FPS as the work parking lot is very slow moving traffic and all off street, and 30 minute timer, car is in a garage all night and parked at work it's in view of 2 CCTV cameras so it would be pointless to have it working all day for no reason
My setting is 2fps 30 minute shutdown, and I have the switch set in the middle position. I parked at approximately 4:00pm and I just checked my car and the camera was still recording. Have I missed something in the setup?
My setting is 2fps 30 minute shutdown, and I have the switch set in the middle position. I parked at approximately 4:00pm and I just checked my car and the camera was still recording. Have I missed something in the setup?
does your accessory circuit cut straightaway at key off or is it a delay circuit?
I will have to check before I can reply. Would that cause an issue?

Edit: Cut straightaway
I will have to check before I can reply. Would that cause an issue?

Yes I'd think so, the camera will still think normal power is on both connections until the delay circuit cuts accessory power. (only then will the timer start and true parking mode begins)
the timer wouldn't start until that circuit cut power

what vehicle do you have?
2010 Toyota Corolla. When the ignition is turned off the camera starts immediately
I might add that it is the same acc circuit I was using with the original power source.
Yes I am and upon updating I set the camera to default setting before making any changes. I do not believe anything is wrong with the power supply just something I have not done properly.
Yes I am and upon updating I set the camera to default setting before making any changes. I do not believe anything is wrong with the power supply just something I have not done properly.

can I get you to try 30 mins and 1fps, that's the setting I use, if it works fine like that but not at 2fps it could be a firmware bug
can I get you to try 30 mins and 1fps, that's the setting I use, if it works fine like that but not at 2fps it could be a firmware bug
I will try that setting as well and get back with you.
As I understand - I have set the cutoff voltage to 12V and set shutdown timer to 12hrs..

As per that it means it will record for 12 hrs and shutdown even if the battery voltage is not drained to below 12V? And as per previous comment 24 hrs might come in future if permits?

Anyone knows the SD card space used for say 1 hr 1fps/2fps/5fps 1080p DC recording ? just out of curiosity to see if I can go 5FPS without overwriting my 64GB card?

You can't really see the volt of the battery in the camera menu right? Just to see its current status or drain status? Would have been so neat :)
Voltage is converted prior to the camera so it's not possible to get that information

If voltage drops below the settings you have selected the camera will power off regardless of the timer setting

1hour of 1fps timelapse video is roughly equivalent to 3 minutes of normal video

Longer timer options will be looked at once we have more user feedback, want to make sure we haven't got any bugs that need sorting first
@jokiin I believe the issue has something to do with the battery lead. When the vehicle is turned off the the camera begins as designed. The timer will then not turn off after the 30min and the camera will continue to run. I then manually turn off the camera and after a short delay the camera will then come back on and continue to record. I have tried other”hot” fuse slots with the same results. I did set it to 1fps 30min as requested with the same results. Tried it with selector switch on all different settings with no change in behavior.
No other reports of this. Are you sure you have the right color wires connected to the right fuse locations? Any icons change on screen parking vs driving?

RED = Accessory (switched power source that turns on with engine start)

YELLOW = Battery (unswitched constant power that's always hot)

Black = Ground (Connected to the bare metal frame of the vehicle)

(Note that Street Guardian has followed industry standard RED/YELLOW descriptions where some other products on the market RED/YELLOW are the opposite of what they really should be)