Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Mike, what class is your microSD card? If it is class 10, then you will have to try the slower class 4 or 6 card.

I brought my cam in today because after filling it with about 11GB of video on a long trip yesterday, it quit saving today, shutting off 5 minutes into my drive in town and not saving anything.

I did take a look at the card, it is a Sandisk 32GB Class-4

I wish the camera would revert to the internal memory card in the event the external card failed. As is, it just gives up and shuts down.

Would having a Jado branded 0801 mean any differences in FW or still likely to have recycle issues like the ones from other factories since its records in MOV as well?

Interesting question, but I suspect most answers to your question would contain a lot of conjecture. However, in view of the fact I've only had issues with one camera out of the 3 0801's I have, coupled with general build quality differences between them would suggest to me, that certain factories may well produce a better quality product than perhaps another, which may explain why some of them work fine, while some others do not. AIS it's all conjecture, but that would be my guess.
One would think camera's from the original factory who possibly designed them would have the better product.

I'd like to ask if anybody have problem with some kind of "signal interference" on recordings during night ?

Could it be from GPS ?

I've not seen any interference in any night time captures, not so far anyway, and that's a good 2 months now. All mine have GPS, though I only have it enabled on the front camera. Have you tried another power adapter/power source. That's quite bad on that clip, I assume it only does it at night,? when gain is increased. The problem is deciding whether its picking it up via cable induced interference or some electrical device such as an alternator or something else is kicking a lot of RF noise out and the camera's picking it up.

Does it not produce this interference in the daytime? if not it may suggest something like alternator interference as obviously night time is when it starts to do some serious work. I would definitely try another power adapter if you haven't done so, merely because it's the easiest to eliminate. I did notice in the clip that it changed when you were using indicators.

Airborn RF interference may be a pig to trace down, and it could be a faulty camera of course.
I assume it works okay in a darkened room powered inside the house. ?

AS to whether it may be the GPS, I have seen the odd comment supporting that theory, but only way to tell is to run it without the base somehow, and see if it still does it, but in view of the fact there was a definite change in interference pattern when your indicators went on might suggest it's coming from the car, and not the GPS.

Try another 5v USB adapter first, if only to eliminate it.
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Hi Stewart I had the same problem on my win xp comp if you look on page 97 Lunar I used the files he had put a link to Registrator viewer and the codex files I was then able to view my clips generally better but not perfect I think my xp dell comp is not the latest spec. Before I used these files I could not view any clips but the gps worked. Have a read through those earlier pages be carefully where you get these files from as my first attempt from a web site tried to download malware the ones from Lunar are o/ k with no problems . Best of luck buzzy
Does it not produce this interference in the daytime? if not it may suggest something like alternator interference as obviously night time is when the currents really start to flow. I would definitely try another power adapter if you haven't done so, merely because it's the easiest to eliminate. I did notice in the clip that it changed when you were using indicators.

Hello Lunar,

There is some kind of interference even in daytime videos too, but its not that visible, so that didn't bother me. But Im not sure if that "noise" in audio its normal or not. I don't care about audio at all, but if other cameras don't have that sound, something is probably wrong :)

Strange thing is, that sometimes its quite ok without lot of interference, and sometimes its as bad as in that video. But when Im thinking about it now, most problem I have when I start recording in area with low GPS signal. It is possible, that GPS reciever have also something like gain (maybe some kind of gain lock on start, so even when you move to area with better GPS signal, its still same) ? Because as soon I restart camera in area with better GPS signal, interference was much much lower.

I just came back from car and it seems that is GPS/ GPS base releated somehow, because as soon I plug power to camera itself and not to the base interference was completly gone.
Hi new on site but was wondering if someone can help please??

When i am playing my recordings back on my computer the video does not seam to move but just gets stuck, though the gps is working fine!!!! please someone tell me whats wrong? i have the samsung class 10 32Gb card inside is the clas 10 to fast or something???
Thanks Stewart
what spec is your PC, which playback software etc?
Hello Lunar,

There is some kind of interference even in daytime videos too, but its not that visible, so that didn't bother me. But Im not sure if that "noise" in audio its normal or not. I don't care about audio at all, but if other cameras don't have that sound, something is probably wrong :)

Strange thing is, that sometimes its quite ok without lot of interference, and sometimes its as bad as in that video. But when Im thinking about it now, most problem I have when I start recording in area with low GPS signal. It is possible, that GPS reciever have also something like gain (maybe some kind of gain lock on start, so even when you move to area with better GPS signal, its still same) ? Because as soon I restart camera in area with better GPS signal, interference was much much lower.

I just came back from car and it seems that is GPS/ GPS base releated somehow, because as soon I plug power to camera itself and not to the base interference was completly gone.

That sounds promising. You could give the contacts a clean to see if that helps, as I have had the odd issue with poor contacts, but NOT interference related. AYS It obviously sounds like there is a problem with the actual base, and if so only 2 options remain, either get the base replaced under warranty, or buy a replacement. I notice E-Prance have started selling their bases separately now on Amazon, in fact I'm awaiting 2 non GPS bases to arrive myself which I ordered just as spares. Cost were £6.50 each, I think the GPS version was about £16.50 or £16.99 each. TBH even though they are coming from China it's been over 3 weeks now so rather slow.
Good to hear it's just the base, but having said that, it's rather hard to use the camera without the base. :-(

I watched and listened to that last clip, I don't get any such audio issue.. mines fine.

What I find a little strange is that I believe the GPS unit still actually gets power even when plugged directly into the camera, as you will notice that it only puts the satellite dish icon on the screen when it detects the GPS in the base. Even if you plug directly into the camera you will notice it still shows the icon, but remove the base and the satellite icon is no longer on the screen.
I believe I've read all 104 pages of this thread... :confused: I'm curious if anyone is having recycling issues using only the internal 8gb (for those units equipped as such), or is it only while using external cards? I ordered and will be installing seven of these units (starting Tuesday) and was looking for the most reliable firmware and configuration. If it works better with the internal memory only, I'll just leave them that way. Thanks.
I believe I've read all 104 pages of this thread... :confused: I'm curious if anyone is having recycling issues using only the internal 8gb (for those units equipped as such), or is it only while using external cards? I ordered and will be installing seven of these units (starting Tuesday) and was looking for the most reliable firmware and configuration. If it works better with the internal memory only, I'll just leave them that way. Thanks.
I'm at work at the moment, don't have time to research much, but I recall with the internal 8GB memory it won't allow you to loop record video, because it claims the included memory is "too slow". So once you filled up the 8GB, it won't record anymore until you delete the old video. Other people can confirm as I could be wrong.
I'm at work at the moment, don't have time to research much, but I recall with the internal 8GB memory it won't allow you to loop record video, because it claims the included memory is "too slow". So once you filled up the 8GB, it won't record anymore until you delete the old video. Other people can confirm as I could be wrong.

I guess that is possibly firmware and/or model dependent, I have samples from the original factory and have run them both on TS and MOV versions of the firmware and have not had recycling issues, the ones I have are with 32GB Class10 internal memory and have run them just using the internal memory for a couple of months and they haven't had a problem at all
The horror!

My new camera, bought from E-PRANCE on eBay, that was delivered Friday 11/29 from China and installed on Saturday, crapped out on me on the way to work this morning. It shut down 4 times in all, until I got fed up with it and formatted the TF card (supplied by E-PRANCE with the camera, a Samsung 32GB Class 10). That is about the only advantage to being stuck in traffic, I can format your TF card on the road...

The firmware on the camera is 20131026, 1 minute clips, audio + video recording. Are all of these cameras duds? How can they continue to sell them if they all fail? I've emailed Angel...the USB socket on the camera is flaky, too, and I keep getting a Device Not Recognized error with Win7 if I don't make sure that it is absolutely rock steady the entire time I'm pulling files from it.

I'm wondering if the JADO cam is any better. I'm wondering if the TS firmware is any better. I'm gonna partition the TF card to 8GB just for fun and see what happens.

E-PRANCE offers a 14-day "Hassle-free" return (Buyer pays shipping), JADO offers 60-day. Anybody heard anything good about the JADOs?
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The horror!

My new camera, bought from E-PRANCE on eBay, that was delivered Friday 11/29 from China and installed on Saturday, crapped out on me on the way to work this morning. It shut down 4 times in all, until I got fed up with it and formatted the TF card (supplied by E-PRANCE with the camera, a SanDisk 32GB Class 10). That is about the only advantage to being stuck in traffic, I can format your TF card on the road...

The firmware on the camera is 20131026, 1 minute clips, audio + video recording. Are all of these cameras duds? How can they continue to sell them if they all fail? I've emailed Angel...the USB socket on the camera is flaky, too, and I keep getting a Device Not Recognized error with Win7 if I don't make sure that it is absolutely rock steady the entire time I'm pulling files from it.

I'm wondering if the JADO cam is any better. I'm wondering if the TS firmware is any better. I'm gonna partition the TF card to 8GB just for fun and see what happens.

E-PRANCE offers a 14-day "Hassle-free" return (Buyer pays shipping), JADO offers 60-day. Anybody heard anything good about the JADOs?
I also asked about the JADO on the previous page. I can't find any sample footage, but apparently it comes from the original factory, like the Procam CX4 (sold only in Russia). I prefer it that way since I've noticed that the image seems to be a lot better-looking on the Procam CX4 than on the E-PRANCE. I think this is because the field of view on both cameras differ slightly. The Procam CX4's field of view is wide but not too much, everything appears right. The field of view on the Mini 0801 is much wider, making all objects appear smaller and farther away. Here's the JADO D169 on eBay.
I've noticed that the image seems to be a lot better-looking on the Procam CX4 than on the E-PRANCE. I think this is because the field of view on both cameras differ slightly. The Procam CX4's field of view is wide but not too much, everything appears right. The field of view on the Mini 0801 is much wider, making all objects appear smaller and farther away.
there's lots of different lens options, they'd be using different ones, these are the kinds of compromises that get made when someone wants to sell cheap
AFAIK the earlier .TS firmware was pretty much trouble free, from what I've read problems only started occurring when they moved to .MOV files, infact I think they reverted back to .TS files for a short while before using the .mov file again. We were all hoping the issues they had with .mov files would have been sorted out but some cameras still give problems. The trouble is we are not sure whether it's hardware issues with some camera's or simply firmware issues.

I have 3 of these, 1 has been a bit troublesome, while the 2nd two have worked far anyway, indicating it may be hardware issues on some cams, we just don't know.
I've not seen any comments on here from users about the Jado version. Re. your comments about the USB, I've had a few problems on my first camera with a poor usb connection, try squeezing in the side of the mini usb plug a little to make it a firmer fit in the socket, as mine too kept disconnecting from the PC.
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Partitioning the card is dead simple using GPartEd in Linux. You can do it with a Live CD if you don't have a Linux box handy. Simply grab the slider and drag to whatever you want the new partition size to be. I had about 1.5 hrs of video (8656MB) so I just resized it to 9122MB. Originally I resized it to the minimum (8656MB) but I got a CARD FULL error when I tried to record on it, so evidently it needs some free space to start. It's recording now (in the house). I'm going to let it run overnight and put it in the car in the morning.

EDIT: I have the camera plugged into the PC as I'm recording to keep the battery charged and it keeps going into USB mode. I pinched the plug on the cable and it does fit better but that doesn't keeping it from going into USB mode.

EDIT: Yup, it's dropping out of record mode. I didn't see what it said just as it stopped but I'm going to watch for the next one.

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there's lots of different lens options, they'd be using different ones, these are the kinds of compromises that get made when someone wants to sell cheap
I just looked at the specs for both the JADO D169 and the Mini 0801 Ambarella A2S60 and they are different. The JADO D169 has a 140 degree wide angle, the Mini 0801 has a 135 degree view.
I just looked at the specs for both the JADO D169 and the Mini 0801 Ambarella A2S60 and they are different. The JADO D169 has a 140 degree wide angle, the Mini 0801 has a 135 degree view.

when ordering these from the factory there are many options, not everyone orders the same spec, too many buyers unfortunately choose the cheapest options
Are all of these cameras duds? How can they continue to sell them if they all fail?

That's the question I have raised earlier in the post about resellers continue to sell this model of unpredictable quality to the public, which is why Mini 0801 is no longer included in the "bang-for-buck" list. The problem is a lot of these Chinese manufacturers are in the business for quick profit, reliability of product is not their priority. I guess it is like you pay peanuts, you get monkeys (haha no offense to your avatar).
I did my best over the last few months to keep pushing for new Firmware. It looks like we are not getting a response from the factory any more like we used to. I never heard back from Givoe or E-PRANCE.