Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

timezone bug?
I can set the timezone and local time, but after the next power cycle the time is skewed
I'm running 0922 on my cam with GPS + 8GB too, but sadly don't have it to flash, though I may be able to get it. I've had no trouble with it at all so far., and cannot say I've not found anything wrong with the time, have you set your timezone in the first field in the set time settings ? such as +1 or +2 or -1 -2 -3 etc..

What's the newest firmware for this model camera you are referring.. do you have it?
I set it to -5 and set the local time, but next power cycle it was off by a few hours.

Now you got me all wondering if I was doing something wrong. Let me try all this again.
Oh and I also read something in the system log (1026 fw) that bitrates are min: 9000kbps and max 12500 (or 13500)kbps

Just a screenshot to proove it:
I've been testing my 2 080a's today and seems they both have issues, great!

One camera will not connect via USB mode, it just turns on and records even if I connect the USB cable directly to the camera.
Second camera has a bad flickering on all recordings and a line of broken pixels towards the bottom of all videos. Can even see the bad flickering on the LCD screen.
I've been testing my 2 080a's today and seems they both have issues, great!

One camera will not connect via USB mode, it just turns on and records even if I connect the USB cable directly to the camera.
Second camera has a bad flickering on all recordings and a line of broken pixels towards the bottom of all videos. Can even see the bad flickering on the LCD screen.

I assume your trying to connect the first camera via USB to a PC or Laptop, you need to put the camera into standby mode by pressing the Okay button, unplug the cable for a few seconds then plug it back in while it's still in standby mode, it will work then.
I tend to power up the camera using it's battery, then plug in the PC USB cable, whichever way you do it, it will only go into USB mode if the camera is in standby mode.

The second camera sounds like you may have a hardware issue, are these new camera's, where did you buy them ? what firmware is on them, but I doubt its' the firmware, I've not heard of any firmware giving those symtoms. is it set to 50hz mode (UK) in the settings, probably worth checking. What are you using to watch the video's ie. computer or TV ? what software are you using to watch them ? RegistratorViewer is the most popular, and probably the best, Media Player Classic works well too as a quick compact viewer, but Registrator is just easier and far better, it's written specifically for Dashcams and handles GPS logs too.
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USB mode I have working on both now, thanks. Just had to turn the camera on, unplugged, then plug the cable in.

I have tried 50hz and 60hz, both cause flickering on the LCD screen and on the output videos. The solid pixelated line is always there, on LCD and output video, same place everytime.

I've also noticed, one camera has the GPS icon, the other has the no-GPS icon, when they are sat next to each other. They are both GPS models so somethings not right there?

Firmware version : 20130913

Cameras were bought a couple of weeks ago from JooVuu.
I believe you, I didn't doubt you for one second, seems weird why I'm getting the max rates most of the time in the car, AIS it does only show about 10000, if I record in the home for some reason. I've seen several files showing the max bitrate, however I notice the one I use as the home security cam in motion detect mode where it writes a 1 min clip on detection, and also where the image rarely changes, that's nearly always only 9800kbps. :-(

AAMOI, is it possible to change the max bitrate setting, though I'd imagine one would need the original source code, as it's extremely rare indeed to find a dis -assembler that does such a good job it will compile again without tons of errors and some work. Other option is if one knew the location and could edit the value direct.
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AAMOI, is it possible to change the max bitrate setting, though I'd imagine one would need the original source code, as it's extremely rare indeed to find a dis -assembler that does such a good job it will compile again without tons of errors and some work. Other option is if one knew the location and could edit the value direct.
IDA Pro is a good (probably the best) start I guess :) But it's quite hard and I don't have any experience on ARM platform (except my mobile phone, but thats open sourced Android)
USB mode I have working on both now, thanks. Just had to turn the camera on, unplugged, then plug the cable in.

I have tried 50hz and 60hz, both cause flickering on the LCD screen and on the output videos. The solid pixelated line is always there, on LCD and output video, same place everytime.

I've also noticed, one camera has the GPS icon, the other has the no-GPS icon, when they are sat next to each other. They are both GPS models so somethings not right there?

Firmware version : 20130913

Cameras were bought a couple of weeks ago from JooVuu.

I had no issue myself with 0913, if it's on the LCD too it's almost definitely a hardware problem, that would be my guess.

Re. The GPS icons, I think what you are saying is that both have the sat dish icons showing but one has a redline through it, meaning one has located the necessary satellites it needs to function while the other one has not. As you know the GPS units are in the base itself, they are identical to the non GPS base, only difference is, the GPS base is slightly heavier. I assume you have the GPS.. in settings... set to 'Open' which in Chinese means

I'm also fairly certain, but may be wrong.., the camera won't show any icon at all if it does not detect a GPS unit in the base. Do the two bases feel the same in weight, maybe weigh them on a sensitive kitchen scale if you have one, but it sounds like one is likely just not picking up satellites. I've had that happen especially inside the house, have you tried it outside, the number of satellites themselves may not be in a optimum position signal wise, and it's possible one GPS unit could be more sensitive that the other, one or two possibilities, but a lot of conjecture.
I'll go weigh the bases and see if they are the same! Maybe one is just slightly weaker than the other? Just odd that one can pick GPS signal up straight away whilst the other doesn't even if it is sat here for a few hours.

I've contacted JooVuu regarding the flickering one, I should get a replacement for that as it sounds and looks slightly broken!
the time will set once the GPS gets signal, the offset needs to be correct though, it can't set that
Well chalk this up as user error and no bug in the firmware.
I was setting the timezone +5 instead of -5. :oops:
So the GPS NEMA string would compensate and correct my clock, like you said, thus the skew. I didn't take into consideration seeing how many hours the skew was, that would of been a helpful clue.

Thus, 0922 is just fine and I've been corrected.
Hi Update for my 0801 cam from eprance amazon with gps no internal memory ver 20131026 . Card purchased from amazon 16gb class 6.
Has now been in use for 3 weeks today it stopped recording Blue light on continually would not switch off had to hold the off button down for about 20sec then switched off , no error displayed re-connect power lead switch ignition on everything back to normal again tried switching ign on and off several times still o/k.
Review of stored clips shows when blue light was on no recording was made . On all clips previose to faut o/k.
Not sure now whether to stick with this cam or just send it back and give up on it. Just seems not reliable.
Hi Update for my 0801 cam from eprance amazon with gps no internal memory ver 20131026 . Card purchased from amazon 16gb class 6.
Has now been in use for 3 weeks today it stopped recording Blue light on continually would not switch off had to hold the off button down for about 20sec then switched off , no error displayed re-connect power lead switch ignition on everything back to normal again tried switching ign on and off several times still o/k.
Review of stored clips shows when blue light was on no recording was made . On all clips previose to faut o/k.
Not sure now whether to stick with this cam or just send it back and give up on it. Just seems not reliable.

One thing is sure there are certainly more reliable camera's out there, generally the larger companies who have more cash for R&D etc will usually have more reliable cameras, I have a Mio camera and it's super reliable, it has a excellent motion detect mode, but motion detect can only be used for about 1hr 10mins as it doesn't work when powered, picture quality is similar to the 0801, though the Mio 368 does have WDR which makes night capture a little better. It's big downside is the suction mount.
IOW whatever camera you eventually get there will likely be some compromise, and few will be as discreet as the 0801, but you wont have to look far to get one that's more reliable., and there's more choice of decent camera's now than there's ever been. You will likely have to pay more for a decent one, my Mio 368 cost me £163, and many are well over 200.00, but for reliability, it's worth paying for perhaps. joklin also hopes to have a few models released shortly too, and the specs look really good. Hope you have better luck if you decide to upgrade to something more stable.
I'll go weigh the bases and see if they are the same! Maybe one is just slightly weaker than the other? Just odd that one can pick GPS signal up straight away whilst the other doesn't even if it is sat here for a few hours.

I've contacted JooVuu regarding the flickering one, I should get a replacement for that as it sounds and looks slightly broken!

Well to be on the safe side, I assume you will be sending the base that your unsure about back with the camera that's faulty. ;-)
With my DR32 fritzing out on me, I'm on the lookout for something new. I may even dust off my old DOD f900hd.
Amazingly, I've had my cheapo F70 dual cam (£35) for over a year now - and only had a small problem with it - but otherwise it's been fine!
I wonder if many of the problems are due to cameras being squeezed into smaller & smaller form factors?
Lia from Givoe is playing with my nerves...
I'm trying to get a replacement for my cam but she's asking me a lot of info and tries...
Here is a video of the problem she asked me.
Wow nuxator, I agree that problem with your Mini 0801 is unacceptable. Need to be replaced.
These cameras really aren't the most stable of things are they?

One of the bases wouldn't work a moment ago, when plugging in a USB cable it did nothing, but direct to the camera it turned on. Then 5 minutes later it does work…

One of the cameras is definitely going back as it has a line of broken pixels but now the base that didn't work is ok, and the base that did work won't pick up any GPS signal. This is ridiculous!
My first mini 0801 the one I use as a home security camera in motion detect mode, stopped recycling this afternoon, it's been working fine for ages, though this particular camera has been a little iffy, the second two cams are still working far anyway. So it looks like this first one is also suffering from that recycling issue. I turned it off and back on again and it's been working for the last hour ok, so might try another card in it, as the one that's in there is a unbranded 32gb class 10, I usually use a SS class 6, but had swapped it over so I could copy the files across to the PC, so will see how it goes with the SS C6 card back in.
Strange how the odd little issue is always the same camera, one can only conclude not all these 0801's are the same... :-( My 2 spare non-gps bases I ordered and was dispatched from China must be coming via snail

EDIT. This camera has been running for a hell of a long time almost continually 24/7 for over 2 mths , with the odd glitch with poor usb connector, but little trouble with recycling until later today, the audio and GPS has always been disabled on this particular camera as being a home security cam I obviously don't need those on. However when I double checked the settings I noticed audio was enabled, so I'm wondering whether this is what made it throw a wobbly today, which would tie in what some others users found, IOW it works okay if audio is off.
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