Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Has anyone else noticed that their GPS log and video don't match when viewed in Registrator Viewer? I noticed that when I completely stop in traffic that Registrator Viewer shows the speed increasing while I'm still stationary in the video. IT seems like it's about 2 seconds out of sync. I turned GPS data overlay on so I can see what the GPS is picking up and that is in sync so I assume either Registrator Viewer is not syncing the video with the log file correctly or the camera is producing the log files out of sync.

I can't even try the DVRPlayer software provided with the camera as when I open a video file in the software nothing happens, just stays as a black screen.

Is there other software I can try to rule out Registrator Viewer?


Also, with AUTO POWER OFF set to 5 min should the camera keep recording after power is cut off from camera? I seems to stop recording about 10 seconds after I turn the car off.
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OK, I now understand AUTO POWER OFF has nothing to do with recording. Once power is turned off, camera stops recording, after 5 mins camera turns off completely.
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the embedded data is not real time so you will see a delay compared to the data Registrator Viewer is displaying which is updated once per second, this is normal behavior
The GPS log data is ahead of the video though, is that correct? As in the speed display (created from log file, not the video overlay) in Registrator Viewer increases before the vehicle moves in the video.

I just timed that the vehicle moves 7 seconds after the speedo starts increasing.
the logged data is collated once per second, the embedded data is not real time and will always be behind, if you find there are times when it's playing catchup on the video that's typical of low GPS signal or minimal amounts of satellites (the more satellites it's connected to, the more accurate the data), the Understanding GPS link in my signature has a bit more detail on this
Embedded / overlay is correct. Has slight GPS lag but nothing out of the ordinary. I work with GPS devices so I know that is operating correctly. This is NOT what I'm talking about.

Logged is 7 seconds ahead of video. See video:

I'm just wondering if this is normal.
I can't see your sample video unfortunately but try Dashcam Viewer, link in my signature, I think the way it handles the logged data is different to Registrator Viewer so worth trying also
For some reason Dashcam Viewer also gives me a black video screen and no video. I'm using this software on a PC with a new install of Windows 7, is there any video codec packs required to make DVRPlayer or Dashcam Viewer to actually play video?
@traveler is the guy to ask for Dashcam Viewer as he writes the program, as well as I'm aware no extra codecs were required for Win7, it's possible that something that's already installed is clashing though, I've seen the same issue before with the older builds of Registrator Viewer, I'm sure traveler would be able to point you in the right direction though
Thanks again.

I installed K-Lite codec pack which got DVRPlayer working and the issue is the same. The speedometer from logs is 7 seconds ahead of the video. Which pretty much shows the camera is producing logs that are 7 seconds out of sync. I'm using a 8GB class 4 card at the moment but will get a 32GD class 6 card today and see if that changes anything.

Still no luck with Dashcam Viewer though. Opening the movie folder processes the video files and fills in all the other windows with speeds, location on map, etc but the video window is just a black screen. Pressing PLAY/PAUSE alternates the button state but doesn't cause and other activity.
the quality (accuracy) of the data collected does depend on having good GPS signal, the more satellites the more accurate it is, this is generally apparent when you first start up as it does take some time to get updated

not sure what issue you're having with Dashcam Viewer, @traveler is the best one to advise there, have marked this thread to his attention already, I'm sure he'll check it next time he's on here
But the GPS was fine for the embedded reading so it's not a GPS quality issue.

For example the car was stopped at traffic lights, the embedded/overlay data said 0km/h but the log data had already made it up to 67km/h. See the image below. The trip was 52 mins total but I had to trim the start to use Dashcam Viewer trial.


The time stamping in the log files must be off somehow.
I've only seen this issue before when there was a faulty GPS, I'm not sure your issue has anything to do with the playback software
OK, that's annoying. Too much hassle to return it to China (FoxOffer) so I'll put up with it for now and might relegate it to a rearward camera when the 0803 (or something better) comes out.

Thanks again for all your help and patience!
The time stamping in the log files must be off somehow.

I got my Mini0801 also from FoxOffer. It's: no internal card + GPS and It's still running the firmware it came with 20140116.
My card is 32GB Sandisk Class4 (formatted in 0801 itself), and I never had I/O issues or missing footage. Video is 1080p with 5min cycle and Sound ON.

I checked some of my footage and I have to agree with @jokiin that GPS data in log file is very accurate and suffers only fractional lag (less than a second due to update interval). Embedded data however is little bit more delayed 1-2 seconds.
In this screenshot, my car was fully stationary, but embedded speed was still catching up and decreasing towards 0 km/h (showing 7km/h at the time). Registrator viewer on the other hand was spot on: 0 km/h.
This actually made me re-think my setup and I might turn off embedded speed as it's not as accurate as data log.

I think you might have faulty hardware, and agree, it is probably not worth a hassle sending back to FoxOffer. What might be worth trying (if you haven't already done so) is one (or all of these):
-resetting camera to defaults
-re-formatting card
-updating firmware
-trying another card
Hi Walter,

Thanks for your input. I've just reset the camera and re-formatted the card with the camera so i'll see if that fixes it for my trip home. I run it at 1080p, 1 min block with sound OFF for the out of sync to occur so i'll change that too.

The camera already has the most recent 20140308 firmware so I can't update and I'm awaiting my permanent card (32GB Sandisk class 6) to arrive in the mail.
Hi Walter,

Thanks for your input. I've just reset the camera and re-formatted the card with the camera so i'll see if that fixes it for my trip home. I run it at 1080p, 1 min block with sound OFF for the out of sync to occur so i'll change that too.

The camera already has the most recent 20140308 firmware so I can't update and I'm awaiting my permanent card (32GB Sandisk class 6) to arrive in the mail.

Cool - hope that helps.
BTW, @Tobi@s has later firmware 20140312 on his site:
Yeah, I saw he had modified the official one but I could find a changlog to see if there was any need to do it. I didn't know what "ELF Linux Executable for DirectUSB" meant and mine already has kmh/mph selection so the other 0312 seemed pointless. I'd be more tempted to change back to your version to see if it changes my issue. But i'll consider that after some more testing :)
I'd be more tempted to change back to your version to see if it changes my issue. But i'll consider that after some more testing :)

Unfortunately I don't have binary for GPS + External card (No Internal) for my version. The one on his site is for GPS + Internal card + External card.
This is the only reason I never upgraded/customized mine as there was no going back to what works great at the moment.