Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Hi all,

I've been lurking for a while, slowly making my way through this thread though Ive skipped pages 40-90! Huge thanks to the small number of people who seem to have given so much of their time getting this product to where it is today.

I received my 0801 (GPS/8GB Internal/20131202) from eprance, via, yesterday and so far I've only played with settings while reading bits of this thread.

One thing is playing on my mind. I opened the video folder and there was a 2 second clip of someone using/testing the camera in an outdoor area. There's also a gps file with the same date stamp. The date on these two files is 30/12/2013 and when I powered on the cam, low battery but still operable, the date was set to 01/01/2014. I wonder what date these thing's default to when shipped? FW date?

Youtube clip
Its only 2s long in total and doesn't capture much at all! Someone sitting on a park bench perhaps?

GPS file contains the following string:

Has anyone else encountered a similar situation whereby their camera came 'bench tested'? All the cellophane screens are still in place so I'm hoping this isn't someone's return but it's gonna bug me until someone tells me I'm being paranoid.

Sorry for the lengthy first post!
Interesting. Have you fed the video into Registrator Viewer to see if it can figure out where the camera is from the last line of that GPS file?
Interesting. Have you fed the video into Registrator Viewer to see if it can figure out where the camera is from the last line of that GPS file?

I couldn't get RV to read it like the other files I've created. The only thing that resulted in a point on a map was to use the Convert GPS Log function...put it in a with Google Earth. POI is a place 500 miles into the Atlantic, south of Ghana! Crazy!
Is this here?!q=0, 0&data=!1m4!1m3!1d18449209!2d-4.0979007!3d6.7137096!4m11!2m10!1m9!3m8!1m3!1d26263!2d7.0821221!3d43.6271964!3m2!1i1280!2i873!4f13.1

This is the point where latitude/longitude is zero. So this means that the GPS did not have a fix when recording (it can take up to a few minutes before getting an accurate enough GPS fix)

Ahhhh it IS! That makes sense! Feeling slightly embarrassed now! So, the gps file and the video are certainly linked, but because it was only recording for 2 seconds, it never locked on to the location. Cool.

I'm over the fact it came with someone's video on it. Had a good play with it, haven't had any GPS problems and managed to loop recordings on internal so about to buy an external memory card for it.

Thanks MadJawa :)
I haven't been on this thread for a while (my last post was in November - I became hooked & was wasting so much time so I had to go cold turkey).

Back then, people were saying that a successor to the 0801 was on its way, predicted to arrive before Christmas, so I thought I would wait.

Am I right in thinking it has not materialised?

And are people still having problems with SD cards not looping?

I want to buy a camera but need one that is reliable. If the 0801 isn't then I may need to buy a rival like the Panorama II.

There was a new batch of 0801 which had better quality control. But I was messing with other things and only poked my head in. Now and than.
Just quickly, is running a promotion where if you buy a Mini 0801 and enter freememorycard for the voucher card we are giving everyone a free 8gb microsd class 6 card.

Kind regards,

I haven't been on this thread for a while (my last post was in November - I became hooked & was wasting so much time so I had to go cold turkey).

Back then, people were saying that a successor to the 0801 was on its way, predicted to arrive before Christmas, so I thought I would wait.

Am I right in thinking it has not materialised?

And are people still having problems with SD cards not looping?

I want to buy a camera but need one that is reliable. If the 0801 isn't then I may need to buy a rival like the Panorama II.


Hi, you are right there isn't a newer model to replace current Mini 0801 for now.

As for looping problem, since the newer firmware 20131202 (assuming dated December 2nd), most of us here have no looping problem anymore. I have mine running for over a month now, with a Samsung 32GB class 10 card (which is not recommended in the manual), and it has been running well.

In term of reliability, Panorama2 definitely the better one based on initial release, plus it has better video quality. Having said that I am still sticking to my Mini 0801 (now that it is looping well) because it is smaller and more discreet, and cheaper.
A7 version will be available next month

Good to hear, jokiin. Now just have to see if it has any revolutionary feature(s) that will prompt me to toss away my Mini 0801 and buy this new model. Also keeping an eye on your upcoming Guardtrek model.
I sent my cam back to GIVOE. It arrives the 13/01 and waiting for them to collect it...
Lia doesn't work for them any more and it seems that if i didn't mail them directly, my cam would be lost.
Today, it's still not collected... I'm not happy with them...
I sent my cam back to GIVOE. It arrives the 13/01 and waiting for them to collect it...
Lia doesn't work for them any more and it seems that if i didn't mail them directly, my cam would be lost.
Today, it's still not collected... I'm not happy with them...

Let me know how things work out
I wasn't aware it was holyday in china. I just hope that my cam won't go back to France since they didn't collect it. Thanks for the info.
A7 version will be available next month

Please pardon my ignorance but I thought that the current Mini 0801 runs on an A2 chip, and that subsequent chips are A5 & A7. So am I right in assuming that an A7 will be a major advance?
Please pardon my ignorance but I thought that the current Mini 0801 runs on an A2 chip

it does

and that subsequent chips are A5 & A7. So am I right in assuming that an A7 will be a major advance?

correct, A7 version is a hardware change, new sensor and lens as well