Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

JazJon said:
jokiin said:
onemanshow said:
although they alluded to emailing it and it bouncing back to them on my Gmail account last Friday eve.

if they are trying to send you a self extracting exe file (which I have noticed is how this update is being sent) then Gmail will bounce that straight back to them, Gmail does not pass exe files at all

That's an excellent point! That would be why I never received the email either. Let's remember to always ask them to rename the file from .exe to .ex_ (or similar)
Sending it in a zip won't work either. (gmail looks inside those too)

just ask them to zip the files up in rar format (it's pretty much what everyone in China uses anyway), they probably think they're doing you a favor by making a self extractor and not knowing that in the western world most email programs will block these
When eprance emailed me before she sent the .bin file directly that's why it came through. I prefer .RAR myself as well (via WinRar), ok glad we sorted out this added delay problem.
nuxator said:
JazJon can you try this old version of registerveiwer?
It seems to autload log files for me.
GPS is OK but Accelerometer is lost. ... rea=static

Ok, but that link redirects to the root of
What version is it? He has every version history available for download here:

Even if I confirm it autoloads, I'm still bummed that we lost Accelerator. Did he say that info was embedded into the .MOV file? It's really strange that half the info is in the log file and the other half is in the .MOV What is the technical reason for this split?
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nuxator said:
JazJon can you try this old version of registerveiwer?
It seems to autload log files for me.
GPS is OK but Accelerometer is lost.

Hey you're right! Version 5.0 works! (one version older than the current 5.1) It auto loads the GPS data from the log. All I did was drag in the .MOV file only.
Is it safe to assume the supposed missing Accelerometer data shown via RV is a calculation based off GPS coordinates? (I see speed and route)
I keep getting an OpenLayers script error with this version though. I'm on Windows 8 Pro x64
New message! I'll try it on my old cam, but might not work since it's not with 8GB internal. I'll ask her for the other firmware too if this update doesn't work. I'll post an update ASAP. Stand by.

GIVOE Sales: Dear Jon,
So as your long word, the problem is now you find your old camera can't write speed.
Lucky! We have FW to solve this problem, maybe you can try. ... (244-2212-GPS-8GB)
also the one we send to you have this problem, but we have the FW to solve.
because wait too long, so we send first, hope you can understand. So try it and tell me the result.
waiting your reply.
Best wishes,
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JazJon said:
New message! I'll try it on my old cam, but might not work since it's not with 8GB internal. I'll ask her for the other firmware too if this update doesn't work. I'll post an update ASAP. Stand by.

GIVOE Sales: Dear Jon,
So as your long word, the problem is now you find your old camera can't write speed.
Lucky! We have FW to solve this problem, maybe you can try. ... (244-2212-GPS-8GB)
also the one we send to you have this problem, but we have the FW to solve.
because wait too long, so we send first, hope you can understand. So try it and tell me the result.
waiting your reply.
Best wishes,

Success! (not really but it upgraded)
I only copied this new single file above to the root of the microSD card. (no companion/helper file needed)
You'll see the update process looks different, it says processing.., then powers off when complete


Notice the new "Selct Card" option? I don't have an internal memory card so will ignore this on my old one for now. (don't mind)

So it's unclear if the "can't write speed" is fixed in this firmware or upcoming one. I'll go record some driving around now and report back ASAP!
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Ok so accelerometer is not fixed in 20130905, so that's what Lia from Givoe meant in her message.
"also the one we send to you have this problem, but we have the FW to solve."
(as in a fix is in the works soon) I'll share once I get it.

(Here are two .MOV two .log test recordings)
((sorry about the random vibrating noise, I'll fix that soon))

The .log files are still messed up looking. with the v,,,,

RegistratorViewer_v5.1.exe (logs not loaded)
RegistratorViewer_v5.0.exe (logs auto loaded)

The Bitrate is a whopping 16.7Mbpsthough!!!!!!!!!!!! (and this is at night) I wonder what daylight will look like.
1min = 140MB now

I also reminded Lia of all outstanding issues future upgrades should address:
1) missing Accelerometer data
2) MPH in addition to KPH
3) They took away the option to turn the Beep Low/Medium/Off (will that return?)
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JazJon said:
The Bitrate is a whopping 16.7Mbpsthough!!!!!!!!!!!! (and this is at night) I wonder what daylight will look like.
1min = 140MB now

the test will be if it is recycling properly once the card is full, this is what they were having trouble with before, hopefully it's sorted now
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jokiin said:
JazJon said:
The Bitrate is a whopping 16.7Mbpsthough!!!!!!!!!!!! (and this is at night) I wonder what daylight will look like.
1min = 140MB now

the test will be if it is recycling properly once the card is full, this is what they were having trouble with before, hopefully it's sorted now

That will be the final quality test, I'll leave my camera plugged in recording for more than 4.3 hours. (multiple times)
That's according to
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JazJon said:
That will be the final quality test, I'll leave my camera plugged in recording for more than 4.3 hours. (multiple times)
That's according to

just leave it running as long as you can, don't format the card or delete files and see how it goes

I just leave them recording when testing recycling, last camera I left running for 500 hours at 15Mbit
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I suppose the old rv version Load the log file but doesn t support accelerometer. The pb is not the moc file not containing accelerometer data.
If you open the mov file with vlc, you ll see data as subtile. Mov file just contain date and Time. No GPS no acc.
nuxator said:
I suppose the old rv version Load the log file but doesn t support accelerometer. The pb is not the moc file not containing accelerometer data.
If you open the mov file with vlc, you ll see data as subtile. Mov file just contain date and Time. No GPS no acc.

Oh you're correct. I turned on Subtitle Track 1 in VLC Player and see the date/time! (wrong time by the way)

I'm going to guess the factory programmer's ultimate goal is to have all date/time/location/speed data embedded into the .MOV as subtitles. This is fine as long as the .LOG file is also generated too. That would be fantastic. All this with > 15Mbps! I'm really impressed with this little camera once it's all dialed in.

1) Fix Accelerometer data
2) Add MPH
3) Re-enable Beep low/high/off control
JazJon said:
Where did you buy your camera from again? (and what specs does it have?) I wonder if it's time for you to try the USB software with .elf file.

My cam is the one without internal memory and with GPS. Got it from Shenzen betterking digital electronics on aliexpress.

What's the USB software?
irononreverse said:
JazJon said:
Where did you buy your camera from again? (and what specs does it have?) I wonder if it's time for you to try the USB software with .elf file.

My cam is the one without internal memory and with GPS. Got it from Shenzen betterking digital electronics on aliexpress.

What's the USB software?
Ooops forgot to include the link:
(i'm not sure it's compatible though but from a related camera with same Ambarella A2S60)


Another reply from Givoe:

"GIVOE Sales: Hi Jon,
I forget to tell you that, you can make it show speed, in the menu-set up- stamp- choose car, then you can see the speed.

Interesting, what if we only want the speed logged offline though? I prefer to have all stamps off, and embedded or in the log file.
Well I'll try it and see what happens anyway so we know what's up. Stand by for another test! :geek:
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JazJon said:

Another reply from Givoe:

"GIVOE Sales: Hi Jon,
I forget to tell you that, you can make it show speed, in the menu-set up- stamp- choose car, then you can see the speed.

I just replied to Givoe:

"Thanks, I drove around the block for another test with "Car" stamp enabled.
Look at the Raccoon I saw! I can only attach one photo at a time, so see the following link, I'll resend if it's censored.

So ok, I do see the KPH displayed on screen, but speed data is missing from the .log file and is not embedded in the .MOV subtitle
The .LOG file has "V,,,,,,,," displayed every few lines, where the older August firmware didn't do that.
Without a clean .LOG file RegistratorViewer fails to show my route on the MAP.
See attached "Registrator Viewer Fails to read LOG files.jpg"
I'm hoping that speed data is corrected in your next firmware release. :)
Standing by,




  • Registrator Viewer Fails to read LOG files.jpg
    Registrator Viewer Fails to read LOG files.jpg
    303.9 KB · Views: 75
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JazJon said:
Maddox said:
I have now installed the new 20130903 firmware and its working perfectly. Thanks for the guide.
I should have posted what the guy said in the email. Sorry was in a rush.
“ hi friend,
this is the newest firmware,
before you update this firmware,I will let you know something,
the gps is auto on and cannot be set,I have asked the factory to make a newer firmware and will release in next week and will try to send to you.
This is the newest firmware from now and it is MOV video
Pls try it and let me know if there is any problems
Regards “

If gps is always on I’m cool with that. But no option to turn the beep off is going to push me.
Keep up the good work guys

Can you try using registratorviewer? (is the route automatically picked up for you?)
What does "GPS is auto on and connot be set" mean? I thought that was always the case. I actually like that the .LOG files are generated regardless if the STAMP is on or off in the cam Gui. Are there another options id different firmwares to have GPS turned off all together? (I'm assuming this would be for location privacy/speed self censoring?)

Not sure if your still stuck on this. But I use registratorviewer v5.2 and the gps maps all work automatically. It’s the accelerometer data that doesn’t load unless I attach the gps track log manually which is a pain. Is this what’s happening to you or is there no data at all?

My original firmware had a gps open or close option. Would be nice to get it back again.

Think I’ll wait a while before installing the newer 20130905 firmware if it just ups the bitrate.

for the gps issue,

if there is a problem for it is always on,I have asked factory to make a newest one to with the gps setting on it.

I am not sure it is good for you or not.But if the firmware published.I will notice everyone here and will send to you

If I can have a download place ,I will let everyone know