Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

now all mini 0801 seller has no stocks as factory is changing firmware.need to wait until next week so that they can send out
I received the firmware from Betterking. It's the same file that's been shared on here. 20130903. It looks like there might be something wrong with my device because it still won't update.

Looks like he's updated his inventory to include the 8gb internal memory version as an option.
Maddox said:
Not sure if your still stuck on this. But I use registratorviewer v5.2 and the gps maps all work automatically. It’s the accelerometer data that doesn’t load unless I attach the gps track log manually which is a pain. Is this what’s happening to you or is there no data at all?

My original firmware had a gps open or close option. Would be nice to get it back again.

Think I’ll wait a while before installing the newer 20130905 firmware if it just ups the bitrate.


If I drag and drop the .MOV into Registrator Viewer 5.2, all I get is the video. The GPS Map shows no route at all. Check out the screen shot photo I atttached on the previous page 46. Here's the direct link: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1001&start=450#p25050
If I right click on the file and select attach track, then browse to the assosiated .log file, the Map, Route, and even Speeds shows up then. I'm guessing the Speed is a calulcation based on location & time but it works. I just don't want to have to manually attach the log file to each 1 minute clip painstakingly 1 at a time. You then have to manually group the files after that as well. In the past this attach process happened automatically. (drag drop .TS resulted in all GPS data shown)
The log attachments actually works automatically in version 5.0 but you get Scrip errors. (so it's only good to use newest 5.2 version anyway) I messaged Vadim and here's what he said.

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Vadim
> I have more information for you. We just discovered GPS data is
> auto loaded in version 5.0 (but won't auto load in 5.2)
Yes, old version don't know about internal GPS tracks and load only
external .log file.

> speed is just a calculation based on time/location?
May be.

> I keep getting an OpenLayers script error with this version though. I'm on Windows 8 Pro x64
Don't use OpenLayers - it is bad platform, use LeafLet...

rrrsea said:
for the gps issue,

if there is a problem for it is always on,I have asked factory to make a newest one to with the gps setting on it.

I am not sure it is good for you or not.But if the firmware published.I will notice everyone here and will send to you

If I can have a download place ,I will let everyone know

irononreverse said:
I received the firmware from Betterking. It's the same file that's been shared on here. 20130903. It looks like there might be something wrong with my device because it still won't update.

Looks like he's updated his inventory to include the 8gb internal memory version as an option. ... 79514.html

Thanks for helping us out guys, who ever gets an update please share right away so we can continue testing until we are finally happy :)
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JazJon said:
If I drag and drop the .MOV into Registrator Viewer 5.2, all I get is the video. The GPS Map shows no route at all. Check out the screen shot photo I atttached on the previous page 46. Here's the direct link: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1001&start=450#p25050
If I right click on the file and select attach track, then browse to the assosiated .log file, the Map, Route, and even Speeds shows up then. I'm guessing the Speed is a calulcation based on location & time but it works.

ok I understand and mine is the same. But when I do attach the log I get the g- sensor xyz as well which can't be based on just gps cords surely.
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Here's today's Daytime test Firmware 20130905 @ nearly 17Mbps

FYI: I had the camera lock up for the first time today on the way to the post office! (noticed LED was solid blue) I had to press and hold the power button down until it reset. (like you do with a PC) When you turn it back on it prompts you with a yes/no question recovering last recording. This is probably a hint of why we were given .TS mode at a lower bitrate. Then again I'm using a firmware that was not specific to my camera so it's not fair to judge yet. It only happened once and it's been fine after that so far. I look forward to trying the next build! I'm willing to suffer through bugs if it means we finally get .MOV @ >15Mbps. Everything is a never ending Beta test really when it comes to Technology. Bring it on.
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random lockups is a problem they've had before with the MOV versions, I'd say they're still not quite there yet, the recover file when rebooting would be a TS option that they haven't deleted, oversight maybe or just work in progress perhaps
rrrsea said:
for the gps issue, if there is a problem for it is always on,I have asked factory to make a newest one to with the gps setting on it.

I wanted to add please ask they use better English for the GPS option. The previous terminology was Open/Close It made no sense especially when Open was GPS ON and Close was GPS off. (Open means not connected in electronics, and Closed means connected) I suggest they use the simple words "On" or "Off" (or even "GPS On" or "GPS Off" to prevent confusion. I don't mind having GPS on all the time, as long as things are still logged offline (regardless if stamp is on or off)

So again here are the currect firmware issues

1) missing Accelerometer speed data, corrupted .log files
Check out this before and after example

2) MPH in addition to KPH (We use MPH in the USA unfortunately.) Givoe (Aliexpress) hinted this is being worked on by factory

3) They took away the option to turn the Beep Low/Medium/Off (will that return in newer firmware?)

So again, my own personal ultimate main goal is that new firmware records .LOG files(location & speed) that are fully compatible with RegistratorViewer app. (like the old .TS .log files were)
I don't mind the info being embedded directly into the .MOV file as a secondary supplemental logging system as well.

I should be able to drag and drop the whole .MOV collection for the day into RegistratorViewer and it will automatically show my location route & speed on the map.
For some reason the log files on the new .MOV firmware is strange. There are many "v,,,," spots as you can see in #1 above
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I opened your last files in registratorviewer 5.0 without any problem : all data is here including accelerometer.

Try to put the exe at the root of your sd card and run it from there. It seems that it autoload all files in directory and subdirectories and attach all log to all mov file without any problem.
PLease confirm.

The only thing that is realy wrong in the firmware stability issue. It's not acceptable.
V,,,,,lines are anoying but rv fill the gap by computing average of points before and after. (Must check with the givoa cam to be sure it's not a compatibility issue)
Beep is annoying to.
Not logging gps and accelerometer in mov disturbs rv 5.2 but 5.0 seems to be fine.
You can set MPH in rv as a workaround of no support in the cam (menu : view and submenu measurment)
nuxator said:
I opened your last files in registratorviewer 5.0 without any problem : all data is here including accelerometer.

Try to put the exe at the root of your sd card and run it from there. It seems that it autoload all files in directory and subdirectories and attach all log to all mov file without any problem.
PLease confirm.

The only thing that is realy wrong in the firmware stability issue. It's not acceptable.
V,,,,,lines are anoying but rv fill the gap by computing average of points before and after. (Must check with the givoa cam to be sure it's not a compatibility issue)
Beep is annoying to.
Not logging gps and accelerometer in mov disturbs rv 5.2 but 5.0 seems to be fine.
You can set MPH in rv as a workaround of no support in the cam (menu : view and submenu measurment)

Hey good idea about putting the RegistratorViewer_v5.0.exe on the root of the microSD card. All files are instantly loaded! (and grouped)
I don't get any GPS data on 5.2, but the older 5.0 works great for now. I'm happy enough with that until 5.3 fixes the potential bug.

Ok, so I just got the following message from Demi (eBay seller ePrance)

"Dear Jon~
Sorry to reply you so late.
The factury told me: would you pls make a video on the condition of GPS using , and Send video the file to us, so the factury can according to your video file to solve the problem.
Maybe it gives you some trouble.
My ability is limited though i want to help you quickly.

I guess I'll just end her a dropbox link. (and point out the v,,,,)
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jokiin said:
JazJon said:
I guess I'll just end her a dropbox link. (and point out the v,,,,)

keep your response very simple, one problem per line and double space your lines, English is very much a second language and too much detail can get lost in the translation

When communicating with Re-Sellers in China, I'm going to only use words I know will be auto Google-translated correctly from here on out. I originally thought Givoe/eprance associates knew "some" English but I'm pretty sure it's mostly auto translated. Spell check is important to make sure it get's translated.
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JazJon said:
jokiin said:
JazJon said:
I guess I'll just end her a dropbox link. (and point out the v,,,,)

keep your response very simple, one problem per line and double space your lines, English is very much a second language and too much detail can get lost in the translation

When communicating with Re-Sellers in China, I'm going to only use words I know will be auto Google-translated correctly from here on out. I originally thought Givoe/eprance associates knew "some" English but I'm pretty sure it's mostly auto translated. Spell check is important to make sure it get's translated.

our staff speak read and write English but they still very often translate stuff into Chinese to make more sense of it, remember whoever you're talking to is relaying your issues through to someone else and are not representative of who you're actually dealing with so you don't know what their language skills are like
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Lia/Givoe just responded too asking for the same thing. (so I sent her a copy paste of what I just sent Demi/eprance)

"GIVOE Sales:
01:14 Sep 10,2013
Hi Jon, can you give me the log file and video together to us.
log file+ the file which keep gps, we can test it.
Could someone please tell me if this supports some kind of park mode? See it has g sensor but I'm not sure if this will record accidents while parked which is important for me.
029kid said:
Could someone please tell me if this supports some kind of park mode? See it has g sensor but I'm not sure if this will record accidents while parked which is important for me.

The 0801 doesn't have official parking mode. (only motion sensor which was recommended to leave OFF in general)
I don't have experience with this but you might want to try adding one of these devices in conjunction with motion detection mode.
or just let it record 24/7. (but then your microSD card will wear out faster)

So "if" a camera did support Parking Mode, does that just mean it puts the camera into motion detection mode once the car is powered off? I never quite understood how it worked. If enough people wanted it, we could suggest the feature be added in a future firmware release.
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I don't see a reason why that feature wouldn't be wanted. In my mind the opportunity to record a accident while parked is crucial. I so often find my car damaged in for instance shopping malls and would love to give the guilty a call.

I have a blackvue 500 which automatically after 5 min when parked goes into park mode and records if the car detects vibrations.
That is a great feature, the sad thing is that the blackvue is to big and enormous for me.

Does mini 0801 supports 64gb, if not how long can it record in 720p?

Can I connect the mini 0801 threw the blackvue blackbox to prevent battery drainig?
029kid said:
I don't see a reason why that feature wouldn't be wanted. In my mind the opportunity to record a accident while parked is crucial. I so often find my car damaged in for instance shopping malls and would love to give the guilty a call.

I have a blackvue 500 which automatically after 5 min when parked goes into park mode and records if the car detects vibrations.
That is a great feature, the sad thing is that the blackvue is to big and enormous for me.

Does mini 0801 supports 64gb, if not how long can it record in 720p?

Does it drain the battery if recorded 24/7 while hardwired threw fuse box?

Ok I don't want to over whelm my contact(s) with more requests just yet. As soon as the outstanding features we want are completed first, I'll request they add Parking Mode feature if it's technically possible. (it does have a g sensor etc)

The 0801 doesn't support SDXC so that means 32GB max unless someone else has figured out a way.

The 0801 auto powers off when the car shuts down. There is a way to let it record slightly ealier/longer. Here is what I plan on trying.

"Wire DashCam - Interior Lights Live Feed = Longer Recordings"
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I got confirmation from eprance the Factory was sent my message (see below). I wonder if the factory is the same for both Giove and eprance? If so they are getting the same message twice. If not, it will be interesting to see if we get two different firmwares. This whole process should be quite revealing on who the mysterious "factury" is!


Hello Demi
Thanks so much, please send them this shared dropbox folder. It has several .MOV recordings along with their .LOG files.
In the .log files you'll notice strange "V,,,,,,,," sections that were not present in the old firmware that recorded in .TS

Hello Jon,
I have sent your Link to the factury, let's waiting for the reply together?

That sounds like a great plan! You you for the quick and fantastic communication. I'm happy you have a direct connection to the factory and they are willing to help fine tune the 0801 for everyone.


Also just got:

GIVOE Sales:
02:19 Sep 10,2013

Thank you Jon, We will check it, and tell you result.
Have a nice day^.^

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JazJon said:
This whole process should be quite revealing on who the mysterious "factury" is!

not really, there's 4 possible suppliers of this model, 3 of them have the same support channel for firmware, 1 uses a different team, I don't think the odd one out is currently supplying this model to any China resellers though, you feeding back the same problem through 2 different customers though might make them feel there's more urgency to the problem (squeaky wheel gets the oil) so not a bad thing