Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

JazJon said:

Nice catch man! :)
& Thank you for your feedback on 0801. It helps a lot. I'm probably going to buy this one, last sample vid is beautiful, much better than the first one.

Jokiin said:
that's certainly something a camera could do, it's firmware/hardware dependent though of course.

Any news on the device you're working on? I know you're working on something that would satisfy many of us. I hope I'm not asking too much but could you make the price relatively reasonable too. :) I saw that Russian cam capable of 4K recording (or 3K whatever) with the new A7 SoC but it's impossible to find it, no one sells it except local Russian market, even if you can manage to get one, still the price is quite high...
trancen said:
Make it happen! :)

we have an updated intelligent parking mode coming in some cameras we're doing

trancen said:
You're not dealing with the 0801 Mini are you? I mean the manufacture of that camera?

no not our product this one sorry, doesn't have the required hardware to do it anyway
TheACN said:
I saw that Russian cam capable of 4K recording (or 3K whatever) with the new A7 SoC but it's impossible to find it, no one sells it except local Russian market, even if you can manage to get one, still the price is quite high...

the description on that product is not accurate
Ah ok....

But wouldn't it be possible? It has the g-sensor, it's a matter of checking to see if there is a time period without any g-readings, if there are none then turn it off. I'm assume it's a soft button for the power, so it's a matter of of coding to have the camera turn off.

jokiin said:
trancen said:
Make it happen! :)

we have an updated intelligent parking mode coming in some cameras we're doing

trancen said:
You're not dealing with the 0801 Mini are you? I mean the manufacture of that camera?

no not our product this one sorry, doesn't have the required hardware to do it anyway
trancen said:
Ah ok....

But wouldn't it be possible? It has the g-sensor, it's a matter of checking to see if there is a time period without any g-readings, if there are none then turn it off. I'm assume it's a soft button for the power, so it's a matter of of coding to have the camera turn off.

Needs a particular type of g sensor for this function
Here's today's response from demi at eprance. What is your translation?

1) It sounds like the log files will remain this way and we are better off asking Vadim to support reading the format if at all possible. So is accelerometer missing or not? (what is the final verdict on firmware 20130905 .log files?)

2) I'm fine with auto GPS based on the mount detection. (not sure about others)

3) Bummer, oh well good thing Registrator Viewer has the option to view MPH

4) sounds good on the way


Dear Jon~

Begin my day work.

Preparing to write a long long emails:)

I will answer your questions step by step:

1. Speed Accelerator data: it is a programming Issues, the problem of Windows line break, though i don't understand it, So specialization, i don't know if you can understand, they said if you put this in a tablet, it will shows the same. And it will not affect the usage, while i know you are a perfectionism,right? so can you accept that?

2, the GPS control: The new version has the input signal auto-detect function, so they don't design the On/OFF function. I think the auto-detect is also very nice, do you think so?

3, MPH/KPH: they said for the reason of internal memory, two of them can't exist at the same time, because storage space is not enought for that. eager for your understanding.

4, Your question beep volume control is still on the way, so i can't answer you right now. sorry:(

Are you saisfied with my answer, maybe you feel a litter sad about the unperfect, while the perfect is on the way, waybe it need time to improve. Like our electronic products are in constantly update and upgrade.

WOW, so long, thanks for your patience to read.

Best regards,

What is the max operating temperature on the Mini 0801?

Reading the specifications of the Mini 0801 it has an internal battery so that the unit can shut off safely. But reading through the forums having a battery is a large liability in hot climates?

I think this might be a good buy for one of my cars but not 100% confident in it's reliability in very hot climates (yet).
rollyboy said:
What is the max operating temperature on the Mini 0801?

Reading the specifications of the Mini 0801 it has an internal battery so that the unit can shut off safely. But reading through the forums having a battery is a large liability in hot climates?

I think this might be a good buy for one of my cars but not 100% confident in it's reliability in very hot climates (yet).

it should be ok with anything you'd experience when driving, if you were looking for something with parking mode though this is a liability, any cam with a battery is a liability if you want it running in a parked car though, the small design means there's not much airflow though this one which will add to the problem
Good news

On Sep 12, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Vadim wrote:

"As I say, lines like (V,,,,) is correct, any line brakes is supported in my program.
But GPS track inside video file is not correct.
I will try to implement new loading module to support your case."
hey JazJon,
I was away for awhile and wasn't following the thread. I understand that there is new firmware floating around. According to FAQ, there are basically 3 versions, right? My 0801 is from Givoe, doesn't have the internal memory and the current firmware version is 20130604. I don't care about .mov, would just like a higher bit rate than 10Mbps.
My camera has been very reliable and stable so far, no lockups. Is it worth upgrading?
I'd go ahead and put on 20130905 yes. I think it only locked up because my power connection was loose going boarder line on off rapidly. It's been fine since that one event and records at 17Mbps! Don't worry if you don't have internal memory you'll just ignore that GUi option works fine.

I'll have hard wired power soon
Just ordered one of these guys tonight after reading over this thread. I had another one from eBay a while back that I ended up sending back after never being able to get the videos to play right and the unit not recording things correctly. (It was resetting after 30 seconds and the videos corrupt)

Really hoping this one works well.. I was in a near miss accident the other day and of course didnt have a cam. Thankfully we didn't wreck but if we did I would have kicked myself for not getting the cam replaced sooner.

Loving all the work you guys are doing for the community and can't wait to try out the camera. :)
sinabu said:
Just ordered one of these guys tonight after reading over this thread. I had another one from eBay a while back that I ended up sending back after never being able to get the videos to play right and the unit not recording things correctly. (It was resetting after 30 seconds and the videos corrupt)

Really hoping this one works well.. I was in a near miss accident the other day and of course didnt have a cam. Thankfully we didn't wreck but if we did I would have kicked myself for not getting the cam replaced sooner.

Loving all the work you guys are doing for the community and can't wait to try out the camera. :)

Welcome to the forum Sinabu, I have to agree I think the 0801 is the best bang for the buck as of today.

As you may know, I've been working on a CPL mod to cut reflections and glare on the 0801
viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2343 <~~~See this DIY thread

I'm happy to report the 3D Printed support base was completed today via Justin at LaserGnomes. He's going to put the part up on his site if anyone wants to buy it for themselves. (Check the first post of my DIY thread, I'll update it when he sends me the store link) Justin was so impressed with the 0801 he had his Mom order 30 of them for their fleet of trucks! (family business)

Here's a quick video I made snapping on the new 3D printed support base for the CPL to magnetically attach to.
(did a light sanding, and alcohol swab before applying the sticky metal ring)

I'll record some actual driving test videos soon, and dial in the perfect lens position.

Here's the LaserGnomes store link if you want one! I thought I'd be able to share the file with everyone but it's only fair LaserGnomes get's to sell it directly since he designed it for me.
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JazJon said:
I'd go ahead and put on 20130905 yes. I think it only locked up because my power connection was loose going boarder line on off rapidly. It's been fine since that one event and records at 17Mbps! Don't worry if you don't have internal memory you'll just ignore that GUi option works fine.
I'll have hard wired power soon
Have you done a complete writing cycle on the sd card, yet? That's when Jokiin said the issue used to happen.
Is the video still uploading? It says private on my end.
ciuvak said:
JazJon said:
I'd go ahead and put on 20130905 yes. I think it only locked up because my power connection was loose going boarder line on off rapidly. It's been fine since that one event and records at 17Mbps! Don't worry if you don't have internal memory you'll just ignore that GUi option works fine.
I'll have hard wired power soon
Have you done a complete writing cycle on the sd card, yet? That's when Jokiin said the issue used to happen.
Is the video still uploading? It says private on my end.

exhaustnote said:
Looks like your video is private...I can't watch it.

Whoops thanks, I forgot the default iMovie upload is set to private. Fixed!

No I haven't filled the card yet, I'll let it run over night! LaserGnomes had my camera the last two days and I just got it back. I'll report on the over night run tomorrow.
JazJon said:
Whoops thanks, I forgot the default iMovie upload is set to private. Fixed!
No I haven't filled the card yet, I'll let it run over night! LaserGnomes had my camera the last two days and I just got it back. I'll report on the over night run tomorrow.
video works now. the setup looks good. Can you post a video how you take it off and back on, simulating what one would do in the evening for example?
I will wait on your results, before I do the upgrade.
I will also try to get a copy directly from Givoe, just to make sure it's recommended for my model.
ciuvak said:
JazJon said:
Whoops thanks, I forgot the default iMovie upload is set to private. Fixed!
No I haven't filled the card yet, I'll let it run over night! LaserGnomes had my camera the last two days and I just got it back. I'll report on the over night run tomorrow.
video works now. the setup looks good. Can you post a video how you take it off and back on, simulating what one would do in the evening for example?
I will wait on your results, before I do the upgrade.
I will also try to get a copy directly from Givoe, just to make sure it's recommended for my model.

By take "it" off and back on, do you mean the 0801 from the window mount, or the CPL from the 0801? The CPL is held on by a magnet, you just yank it off, not sure a video would help describe that any better. I'll go ahead and record something though tomorrow along with a CPL test. It's unusually cloudly/gloomy out today so I'm going to wait until it's sunny again tomorrow. But yes, I'll record a video of how to remove both the 0801 from the mount and how to pull off the MagFilter.

It's in my room now, I'm about to let it start recording and will let it go all night and into the afternoon. (for a full "recycle" loop)

JazJon said:
As you may know, I've been working on a CPL mod to cut reflections and glare on the 0801
viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2343 <~~~See this DIY thread

Here's the LaserGnomes store link if you want one! I thought I'd be able to share the file with everyone but it's only fair LaserGnomes get's to sell it directly since he designed it for me.
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According to

17Mbps @32GB = 4.3 hours

I've been recording 4H:29M without issues. I'm pretty sure that's now in "recycle" mode. I'll let it run all night into the afternoon and we'll see how it goes. I have it pointed out my window for fun.


Leyte said:

For those of us lurking in the wings, thanks for all your effort on this DVR. Once all the bugs get worked out, I'll be purchasing mine. By the way, loved the Raccoon picture....


I saw this on Reddit tonight.
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Thanks for the welcome JazJon,

I can't wait to get the unit and get it all wired in. I checked out one of your posted videos and log files with that RegisterViewer 5.2 and have to say that's pretty nifty.

I'll be sure to post some pictures and videos up when I get mine going. Right now I have a generic 32gb but I think its a class 4 and then then a class 6 16gb so I will try and use the faster one for now. 16 gbs should be plenty I would think for me. :D