Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

garykaifong said:
've got a Mini 0801 recently. However, I'm using Mac. The software that comes with the cam is for Windows only. Is there any Mac .mov player with GPS tracking on map? Many thanks in advance.


I've seen that question asked a lot with no answers. iMovie will join files but its not dashcam GPS friendly etc

You're better off putting a VMware
(virtual machine) install of Windows on your Mac and using RegistratorViewer.

I can PM you the new Beta 5.3
Thanks, but I don't want to mess up with Windows stuffs on my Mac. ^_^"
garykaifong said:
Thanks, but I don't want to mess up with Windows stuffs on my Mac. ^_^"

There is no other option I'm afraid.

With Fusion, it makes any Windows app look as if it's a native Mac app. RegistratorViewer.exe doesn't need to be installed either, it runs as is without installing anything. Do a VMware Fusion install with minimal Windows XP. (Windows 7 is more compatible and gives advanced rendering features though)

I'd ask Vadim (developer of RegistratorViewer) if he has plans to port his app to Mac OS. (send him a message)
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That's be great if you can check with the developer if any Mac version will be coming. Many thanks.
garykaifong said:
That's be great if you can check with the developer if any Mac version will be coming. Many thanks.

My Question:
"Latest beta still works great thanks again. A few people in the forum have asked if you plan on porting RegistratorViewer to work in Mac OS X. Is that a remote possibility? (or no way, too difficult) For now I told them to run Windows in VMware Fusion. ~Jon"

Vadim's Answer:
"Current project cannot be compiled for MAC, because a lot of direct Windows API using.
For MAC need new project, started from empty. I don't plan to do this."
JazJon said:
My Question:
"Latest beta still works great thanks again. A few people in the forum have asked if you plan on porting RegistratorViewer to work in Mac OS X. Is that a remote possibility? (or no way, too difficult) For now I told them to run Windows in VMware Fusion. ~Jon"
Vadim's Answer:
"Current project cannot be compiled for MAC, because a lot of direct Windows API using.
For MAC need new project, started from empty. I don't plan to do this."
Why not sell the MAC version, if it requires significant rework? He obviously has a lot of talent for this stuff, and the Windows version is great, so if there is real interest from MAC users he could make a version for them, but sell it because of how much work has to be done.
garykaifong said:
Sigh! Mac users are always being discriminated ... @_@"

It's pretty simple to run Windows 7 inside Mac OS X. The hardware is basically a PC. (Intel etc) Give it a try.
I have Mac OS X Mountain Lion running in a VM on my Windows 8 Thinkpad. I love my iPhone but I'm a Windows guy.

But yeah when a programmer relies on API's built into the OS, it makes it easier to create something, but can't easily be ported to multiple Operating Systems then.
It's like the API's Apple write for iOS. It makes it very easy for someone to create a powerful program without having to write code from scratch. (but you can't easily port that to Android then etc)
garykaifong said:
Sigh! Mac users are always being discriminated ... @_@"
it's like blackberry playbook users complaining that they don't have Skype app. The market dictates everything in this regard: less users on a platform -> less interest from developers to create an application for that OS.
Don't worry no one hates you for being a MAC user. Vadim created the program as a hobby because he was interested and had the talent to do it. He probably doesn't even have a MAC computer to test the software properly. So maybe if you are really so upset, send him a Macbook and I'm sure he will have a different response. :D
Don't take me wrong. I'm not upset at all. After all, I won't be looking at the GPS tracking everyday anyway. In fact, once the dash cam is set up, I won't even watch the video unless needed (touch wood). I just want to play with the GPS thing for fun once.

By the way, I tried to download the BlackVue Dash Cam Viewer for Mac, hoping that I can read data from Mini 0801. But of course, no luck. Is anyone aware of any similar free-to-down products that I may give it a try?

Regrading the VM thing, setting up the VM is easy which I have done it before. Installing the Windows is the most troublesome bit. That's why I gave it up totally.

JazJon said:
@ kellymao & c_licious, yup Givoe from AliExpress & eprance on ebay are both recommended sellers. You'll see the links on the mini 0801 FAQ page.

c_licious said:
Good morning everyone

Could somebody clarify for me what the benefit of getting the build in 8Gb of memory would be? Also, are there different firmwares for the versions with and without built in memory?


Nobody has confirmed exactly how it works, but there is a new option that shows up. "CHOOSE CARD" My guess is you can direct which card the 0801 records to. We might even be able to open it up and swap the 8GB for another 32GB card. I'm hoping that future firmware will add features to copy locked files from the main card to the backup card. (but I don't see anything in the options for that in firmware 20130905 or 20130903. My new GPS 0801 with 8gb internal backup is on the way from Aliexpress Givoe. I'll post how it works once it arrives.


So is there a different firmware for the units with built-in storage?
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We're not sure yet. The only firmware out are the ones on the FAQ page. I asked both Givoe and eprance to send me both firmwares if they have two different ones.

If they only make one firmware, you'll just ignore that option in the menu. (since it doesn't do anything if you don't have the extra internal 8gb card)

It makes sense that the newest firmware includes the choose card option, but again I'm not sure if they will have a separate firmware or if it even matters.

I'll post what ever I find out in the coming days.

EDIT: I just confirmed 20130903 does NOT have the choose card option. 20130905 DOES have the choose card option. (but is unstable when the card is full)
there was two versions previously, single or dual card, they may have done it with the one version now I'm not sure
jokiin said:
there was two versions previously, single or dual card, they may have done it with the one version now I'm not sure

I just confirmed 20130903 does NOT have the choose card option.
20130905 DOES have the choose card option. (but is unstable when the card is full)

We'll see what the next firmware update shows, waiting for Givoe's update.

20130903 is stable so far on the eprance 0801.
JazJon said:
20130905 DOES have the choose card option. (but is unstable when the card is full)

I know they've had a lot of stability issues with the twin card version, the single card version I haven't looked at so not sure how it compares
As I've said, the 0801 is my "starter" camera until something else wow's me.

In other competitor news, the outstanding GT550W just fell below $100 today.

They promised a GPS version, but it's not out yet though. (you'll see comments one before this linked post)

It's crazy how clear the GT550W image is once 1080P kicks in. (search youtube for more, and you'll see how amazing WDR night vision is) It also supports 64GB

The difference in size between the mini 0801 and GT550W is huge though. I don't feel nervous leaving my 0801 installed 24/7. (tucked discretely behind my mirror) I'm not sure I'd be able to leave anything bigger than the 0801 mounted 24/7. (especially if I'm parked in the city at night etc)

Jokiin, will your future camera housing be smaller than the GT550W? I'm looking forward to seeing what you came up with. It's going to be hard to move away from the 0801 with it's stealthy size alone.
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JazJon said:
Jokiin, will your future camera housing be smaller than the GT550W? I'm looking forward to seeing what you came up with. It's going to be hard to move away from the 0801 with it's stealthy size alone.

we have a few models we're working on, form factor is different so not directly comparable really, we do have a dual remote cam model planned, the DVR is separate in that one so what's on the window will be very small as a result
jokiin said:
JazJon said:
Jokiin, will your future camera housing be smaller than the GT550W? I'm looking forward to seeing what you came up with. It's going to be hard to move away from the 0801 with it's stealthy size alone.

we have a few models we're working on, form factor is different so not directly comparable really, we do have a dual remote cam model planned, the DVR is separate in that one so what's on the window will be very small as a result

That makes more sense, keep the DVR separate (out of sight) and front/rear camera's are tiny with long wires. :geek: Sounds good! :D

I'm pretty sure the 0801 will hold me over until a good Dual Camera system Wow's me, so the vision you hinted at is track for my future upgrade.
GIVOE Sales:
01:00 Sep 16,2013

"Thank you for sharing. I will test as your way, check the 09-05 whether have bug.
Best wishes,

Translation: Givoe (& factory) will test how a full microSD card behaves on firmware 20130905
(& sort things out as my new 0801 from them is on it's way.)

I let her know I'm happy back on firmware 20130903 for now. (on my current eprance 0801)
Demi from eprance replied:

"Hello Jon,
Long time no see, how are you these days. hope you are fine.
Received three emails from you, and finally got the information things are pretty good on firmware 20130903.
Happy to hear that.
It seems now you are more professional than us.
Yes, the 0801s without internal memory or with built-in 8GB are all using the same firmare.
I just find this question, right? or you still have other problems?
Waiting for your reply.

It sounds like Lia from Givoe has a better connection to the factory than Demi/eprance does. I'm not sure what else to tell Demi at this point other than I'll report back on how the new Givoe camera works out once it arrives.