Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

I formated my 16gb class 10 with windows and the maximum size of cluster (64K) and put on it the backup of files i made befor to have it "full".
Now when i switch on the cam it display half of a second the "not optimum format" message and then start recording.
I powered it on and off several times and until now i didn't have any freeze or reconding stopped.
Maybe others could try.
I'm on 20130903 and 5 min loop.
I don't get it. I'm saying maybe i found a workaround of instability and you tell me "no no no you should not use windows format"?
I don't care if it's proper formated until i don't have any more errors when recycling.
Nice I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'll use the special program and see if I get the same results as you did using windows to format. I knew it was worth a try thanks for the initial report.
I don't get it. I'm saying maybe i found a workaround of instability and you tell me "no no no you should not use windows format"?
I don't care if it's proper formated until i don't have any more errors when recycling.

My apologies... I mis-understood your last post, my post was based on fact your camera put up message "not optimum format"

However, I'm pleased you managed to find a work around for your problem :-) Lets hope that using the Windows format with 64k file structure continue's to work, and is maybe one solution to this issue. :-)

Hope you accept my apology for my mis-understanding.
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Now we just need to get a hold of the firmware 20130913 (my birthday!)

A Friday the 13th firmware is the magic fix go figure. lol
No need for appologies. There were no offence.
I was just trying to clarrify what i said.
Sorry if my answer seemed a little harsh.
I cross fingers and hope it will workaround the stability issue.
My 2nd mini 0801 has just been delivered, and I notice that it too was dispatched by Stonebridge UK Ltd, in Portsmouth, so it appears that both the China sellers on Ebay E-Prance and cntime2013 are distributing from the UK hence the reasonable delivery time of about 8 days, if they had come from China it would have been 2/3 weeks or more. So good news for UK buyers. (Makes one wonder if those sellers are infact the same company ?)

I've yet to check the firmware on this new camera as it appears totally dead at the moment, but hopefully it will spring to life after it's been charged, but I suspect it too will have 20130913 installed, should be as it came from same place. :-)

My tests over 2 days show that firmware 20130913 does appear to work soundly with no re-cycling issues on power on with my class 6 Samsung 8gb & 16gb cards at least not so far.

EDIT: Okay..2nd camera working ok. it also has firmware 20130913 this one has GPS and the 8gb built-in card, and included a very nice soft storage bad, my first camera didn't have a bag. unlike my first one it doesn't have any dust on the ccd or a few bad pixels unlike my first one. Pity they did'nt include a small lens cap with these camera's.
EDIT2 Correction. it doesn't have the built-in 8gb :-( I suspect that could be why Ebay withdraw the sellers listing because it did state on listing it was the internal 8gb version. ah well..
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Now we just need to get a hold of the firmware 20130913 (my birthday!)

A Friday the 13th firmware is the magic fix go figure. lol

I have tested 20130913 last night. Left camera conected to usb plug for the night, turned off in the morning (it was still recording) thinking it would recycle the card by then. When i plugged in to the laptop my 32gb sandisc class 10 only had 23gb of clips :( so plugged back in to fill it up and see if it will recycle after few more gigabytes but i had an card error after just 20 seconds of recording.

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No need for appologies. There were no offence.
I was just trying to clarrify what i said.
Sorry if my answer seemed a little harsh.
I cross fingers and hope it will workaround the stability issue.

aw shucks.. not a problem matey, I should have read your post more fully... despite 30yrs as a TV & electronics engineer my brain these days seems to get things wrong more
I have tested 20130913 last night. Left camera conected to usb plug for the night, turned off in the morning (it was still recording) thinking it would recycle the card by then. When i plugged in to the laptop my 32gb sandisc class 10 only had 23gb of clips :( so plugged back in to fill it up and see if it will recycle after few more gigabytes but i had an card error after just 20 seconds of recording.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

oh dear thats not good to hear, I was hoping the 20130913 firmware may have cured it, I think it may be worth trying again with a class 4 or 6 card, as I did the same tests also with it continually running overnight, and although it got quite warm there were no errors, and it powered back up and carried on recording. However my testing was done using 4gb a 8gb and 16gb cards over a 48hr period inside the home. I have not tried those tests yet with my 32gb C6 Samsung cards, because of the time it takes. I'll switch the card in the camera thats now in my car to a 32gb version and see how I get on.

I should add, that the only card error I've had was when I initially had the 1st camera on Tuesday, and it gave a write error after recording for about 2hrs. However when I tested this card which was a 32gb Transend class10 using the test program H2TESTW.EXE on my PC it came up with write error on one sector about halfway through the card.

I have now mapped out that 1 bad sector so it wont be used, and it then passed the H2TESTW okay, but I'll probably just stick with these 32gb Samsung class 6 cards in future, and use that iffy 32gb Transend for something else.

Also, regarding card space, I noted when doing those tests on a 4gb card that the camera always keeps about 512mb empty free space, so there's always a buffer space maintained so it can ensure room for writing the video files. The space it reserves for writing, increases dramatically on larger cards. I'm not sure if you choose a longer loop time say to 3mins whether that also increases the work space on the card... it probably does.
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Here's a thought. Just been reading about the heat issues with the mobius & asked if anyone had compared it to the 0801.

I'm wondering if the problems with corrupted files etc etc could be down to heat issues?
It doesn't run that hot, plenty of reports of it falling over not long after startup which would be too soon for heat to be an issue I would think
It doesn't run that hot, plenty of reports of it falling over not long after startup which would be too soon for heat to be an issue I would think
Could the problem be related to the prior .ts vs .mov issues mentioned in previous postings? And, if so would it be possible to go back to an earlier FW version?
my didnt

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No I didn't either, would be useful to have, as it's so easy to muck up lens when off the car.

AAMOI Did your cam come with a soft storage bag ? my 1st camera did'nt.
It doesn't run that hot, plenty of reports of it falling over not long after startup which would be too soon for heat to be an issue I would think

So, these two cams perform similarly? Why does the mobius get so hot when a similar small cam (with LCD) run so much cooler?

BTW, I hope you're taking all these moans into consideration so your product will be the product of all the good points of the best cams! ;-)
TS in my experience does not show the same problem, MOV version has had issues

Are all new firmware versions using MOV files? I prefer TS, as TS files play in more devices without re-encoding.(in the Sony Playstaion3 and many Blu-ray players with SD card slots)

Can the 0801 pick up GPS signal without the bracket? I plan to run the tests indoors. I do have a GPS signal repeater. The GPS antenna is on my roof, connected to the GPS repeater in my basement. I use it to run GPS tests on my laptop with built-in GPS.