Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

Hi guys. Just joined the forum, having recently received a Mini 0801 bought from e-prance off of ebay.

It seems to have a problem. If the unit goes without USB power for more than a few minutes, it doesn't switch back on -- not automatically on restoration of USB power, and not via the power button on the side. If its left on charge for quite a while --- 10s of minutes, maybe up to an hour -- it will sometimes respond to the power button and switch on. Once that happens, you can switch it on and off as you like, and it will automatically switch on and off according to the USB power, as long as it isn't left without power for more than a few minutes.

Obviously, this makes it pretty useless as a dashcam -- if the car is off for more than a few minutes, the unit won't start automatically, and can't be started at all for several minutes to an hour.

Does anyone have any advice?
I Must say they always seem to answer my questions and I have not even bought one yet. its still in the basket on Amazon (Same Seller)
I've yet to read about this behavior so you probably have a statistical lemon unfortunately. You should probably ask for a replacement unless someone else has a suggestion to mess with anything inside. It's not easy to open these cams though so if you're not in a rush, replacement is the way to go.

It's usually faster to order a new one, and get a refund on the old one. (unless they agree to an "advance replacement")

Yeah, I'm not willing to open it up (it's brand new - it should work - and if I do that and I don't get it going, I've lost any claim to a replacement). E-prance has sent my comments to the factory - we're awaiting their response. The strange behaviour of it (working for a while, then locking up) could well be software, particularly if the device I have has different components from what has been used in the past. However, it's probably more likely to be a hardware fault (perhaps a thermal fault) causing it to lock up, drain its battery, cool down and then work again. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Still: extremely disappointing. I'm not keen on the idea of spending yet more money to order a new one, while waiting on a refund of the broken one. What if it disappears en route? Then I'd be out of pocket for 2x the purchase cost (which wasn't cheap: falling value of the £ etc).
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Mine's just been delivered to my house, 8GB internal with GPS from eprance. I have a 16GB PNY Class 4 card to go in it - looking forward to trying it out! This is my first dedicated dashcam - previously I've used the excellent Witness Driving app for iPhone.

Well, it's arrived and looks good. I've mounted it up, and will try it out properly over the weekend. It came with firmware 20131026, which does not have beep adjustment.
Wow talk about a Fresh batch, that's the newest firmware yet. I hope it proves to be stable.

worth keeping in mind on this model that a different firmware version can just be indicative of different hardware spec, different supply channel etc
worth keeping in mind on this model that a different firmware version can just be indicative of different hardware spec, different supply channel etc

True, I should have said I hope his new cam is stable. (With no expectations an October firmware would fix older models)
Just got mine in the mail yesterday. Firmware ver is 20130922. Purchased from E-PRANCE on Amazon. There was a letter in the box from Nancy (not Demi) congratulating me on my purchase and mentioned the free gift (a dashboard sticky pad).
So far, so good. I've powered it up and looked through the menu system, getting used to the controls and such.
I'll have to mount it later today and maybe take a spin around town to check the video and sound quality.

Just got mine in the mail yesterday. Firmware ver is 20130922. Purchased from E-PRANCE on Amazon. There was a letter in the box from Nancy (not Demi) congratulating me on my purchase and mentioned the free gift (a dashboard sticky pad).
So far, so good. I've powered it up and looked through the menu system, getting used to the controls and such.
I'll have to mount it later today and maybe take a spin around town to check the video and sound quality.


I assume you ordered the GPS + 8GB version as it has 20130922 firmware ? Hope it works great for you.
Installed mine this afternoon. Got the wire pretty well hidden. It's behind the rearview mirror and pretty stealth. Had to run the wire a way I hadn't planned, but it worked out OK.
Have just got my Mini 0801 from e-prance via Amazon. It's the GPS version with no internal memory but came with their 32gb samsung class 6 card. The firmware version shows up as 20131026 (same as Troons new one). As he says, no mute option for the on/off beeps. I have already left it recording indoors overnight, and no problems with the card filling up and recycling. It holds 9 hours or so, then deletes the oldest ones all without a glitch. Only problem so far is the mini usb socket on the mount seems a little dodgy. The slightest wiggle on the plug and it loses the connection. Hopefully will be ok once installed and stuck in place on my windscreen.
. Only problem so far is the mini usb socket on the mount seems a little dodgy. The slightest wiggle on the plug and it loses the connection. Hopefully will be ok once installed and stuck in place on my windscreen.

Yes.. this is a known issue, I've mentioned this a few times as it can cause some wierd behavour too, like switching on but not going into record mode, or stop recording shortly after powering up. Most of my USB cables seem a bit loose when used with this camera, so I suspect the quality of the usb sockets could be better.

Just squeeze in, one side of the mini usb B plug, (the side that has the split in it) to make it a much firmer fit, and that seems to fix it.
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Only problem so far is the mini usb socket on the mount seems a little dodgy. The slightest wiggle on the plug and it loses the connection. Hopefully will be ok once installed and stuck in place on my windscreen.
you can still use the usb port on the camera itself too.
Just received my 0801 from e-prance (eBay) - GPS with no built-in memory.

It came with firmware version 20130903 and bundled with a Samsung 32GB card (not sure of the Class, my eyes aren't good enough to

Can confirm that disabling the audio and setting the loops to one minute has rectified the IO error. Thanks to whoever posted that solution!

Shouldn't have to be like this, but oh well!

Surely it can't be that hard for the manufacturer to update the firmware to allow the cam to operate as intended.
Surely it can't be that hard for the manufacturer to update the firmware to allow the cam to operate as intended.

Yeah that's what we all think, but we are not seeing the result so far :/
Can confirm that disabling the audio and setting the loops to one minute has rectified the IO error. Thanks to whoever posted that solution!

Shouldn't have to be like this, but oh well!

Surely it can't be that hard for the manufacturer to update the firmware to allow the cam to operate as intended.

wow this works for me too (samsung 32gb class 6)!
not seeing any IO errors, for now.
Can confirm that disabling the audio and setting the loops to one minute has rectified the IO error. Thanks to whoever posted that solution!

Shouldn't have to be like this, but oh well!

Surely it can't be that hard for the manufacturer to update the firmware to allow the cam to operate as intended.

It's definitely interesting to think just how on the edge the 0801 is from being stable or not. (when turning off audio "fixes" things)

It seems the NEW post October batches are stable from what I'm reading. I'll have my E-PRANCE replacement soon, and will confirm things are solid once again. If this is the case, anyone with a problem is probably better off asking for a replacement. I know it's frustrating waiting and or could result in added shipping costs. (but it's worth peace of mind, and finally ending the never ending frustration)

I'm predicting my pending E-PRANCE fresh batch replacement will be good, and I'll use it as my rear DashCam.

The replacement Givoe is doing ok still but the G-Sensor post firmware update will never work again not that it matters though
. (as we talked about a few pages back) I'll probably let my Contractor friend use it in his Van.
Hi everybody just like to say I have been following the pos & neg for mini 0801 on this link and decided to bite the bullet and purchase one. Some info that may be useful.
Ordered on Amazon E-prance on 22 /10/13 mini 0801 with GPS no internal memory
Arrived on 8 / 11/ 13 Well packaged
Ordered the Samsung 16 gb class 6 card from Amazon due to the recommendations on this post.
Unpacked switched on all o/ k Software version 20131026 does not seem to have the beep option.
Switched off sound in menu as recommended ,also G sensor & vibration off.
Welcome note from Maryanne E-Prance
Temp fitted to car for testing hope I don't get the problems other people have had on this Post will keep you updated how its going in a couple of days.
Has anybody bought a right angle mini USB extension cable for this camera so that it doesn't strain the connection to the fixing holder. Any recommendations .
I have a question. I received my mini 0801 today and it seems to be working just fine. it records in .mov files and i am able to adjust the beep volume.
The fw is from 20130402. When i try to update it with the firmwares on this site does not work. I put the .bin file in the root and start de device but it never prompts me to do an update. Is this because my mini 0801 is from a different manufacturer?

I bought it from givoe from aliexpress. Its the no gps and no internal mem version. Also no software cd was supplied with it.
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I have a question. I received my mini 0801 today and it seems to be working just fine. it records in .mov files and i am able to adjust the beep volume.
The fw is from 20130402. When i try to update it with the firmwares on this site does not work. I put the .bin file in the root and start de device but it never prompts me to do an update. Is this because my mini 0801 is from a different manufacturer?

I bought it from givoe from aliexpress. Its the no gps and no internal mem version. Also no software cd was supplied with it.

Are you sure your firmware is 20130402 and not 20130902? 0402 would a much older firmware than anyone else has reported receiving in the last several months. More than likely you would have to rename the firmware to something else in order for your camera to "see" it. But if it's working fine your best bet might be to leave it alone and not worry about updating it.
Are you sure your firmware is 20130402 and not 20130902? 0402 would a much older firmware than anyone else has reported receiving in the last several months. More than likely you would have to rename the firmware to something else in order for your camera to "see" it. But if it's working fine your best bet might be to leave it alone and not worry about updating it.

On the bottom of the setup menu it says; fw ver:20130402

I will be installing the camera in the car tomorow and test it out.
Is there any information available on wich filename to use for updating?