Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

I kept track of everything 0801 related in my Dropbox folder. I don't see the 0913 firmware so I lost track. It's buried in this 90 page thread.

Had a feeling that would be the case, think it was around the page 70 area, if Beavis checks out those pages he should be able to find it.. lol.. cheers.
(option 2b) Lock the movie. If the lock is set after 1:30, then the cam starts to struggle writing the movie immediately (freezes for a second, then led and red recording sign starts to flash faster for a second) and after about 10 seconds recording stops and error message appears "LOW SPEED CARD", after a few seconds of pause followed by "STORAGE IO ERROR".

Software bug: the lock icon usually stays on after this, even if there is no recording in progress!

Sometimes it asks: "PROCEED WITH MOVIE RECOVERY?" and choose "YES" or "NO". If then I say "YES", the result is "MOVIE RECOVERY FAIL" and I can choose "SET" - whatever that means.

I have a Sandisk 2GB card as well, that works fine, no such errors.

So: if somebody would please try this as well with a Samsung Class 6 card, on whatever firmware, I would be very grateful!
I looks like purchasing this card was a waste of money at the moment.

I am using Kingston 32 GB class 4 card. FW is 20130924. I can confirm part of what you experienced, meaning that while recording I pressed the lock button and the yellow lock did not appeared instantly, it appeared only after few seconds. During this time the red bubble stayed freeze. Then the red bubble starts to flash faster for a second and the yellow lock sign appears. I checked the records and everything seems to be ok (meaning that the files were locked).
However, please note that I got absolutely no error on screen (like low speed...
I think that when I press the lock button camera is not able to process everything immediately, but in the background it is working ok. Pressing more time the buttons will block the camera, I think. For me this is not an issue as I do not need to lock files or other functionalities like this. My card was recicled approx 6 times so far (using it since approx 1 month) and I got no error until now.
personally, i recommend the mini 0801 without internal storage.
Here is 0913, this is for GPS only and NO onboard 8GB. Note I have not tested it because I already have 0913 on my camera. It may need renaming to make it work. If I recall correctly I added the "No 8GB with GPS-" to the front of the file name. 8GB with GPS -20130913-NO1-SPIF-TB15.bin

I used the search function for this thread and quickly pulled this link up if this is the one you guy's were looking for: 8GB with GPS -20130913-NO1-SPIF-TB15.bin

Lunar, I couldn't download either of these files, could you share it again please?

I have found the file in one of the previous posts:

I'll try this firmware today, I hope it will not brick the cam :rolleyes:

BTW I got a message from eprance that the cam which came originally came with 20130903 cannot be upgraded to the lastest firmware, which is 20130913 according to eprance.

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I have found the file in one of the previous posts:

I'll try this firmware today, I hope it will not brick the cam :rolleyes:

It doesn't seem to recognize the firmware update file, maybe because I'm on 20130924, and it cannot downgrade to 20130913?

I had to rename the file to firmware-NO1-SPI-TB15.bin
This way the firmware upgrade worked. I will test the cam today and tomorrow with the Samsung 16GB class 6 card.

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I'm looking to purchase a ProCam CX4 (NOT a Mini 0801 or Ambarella). Since it is only sold under that name in Russia and Ukraine, how have you all been getting it? I hear it's more expensive over there.
I'm looking to purchase a ProCam CX4 (NOT a Mini 0801 or Ambarella). Since it is only sold under that name in Russia and Ukraine, how have you all been getting it? I hear it's more expensive over there.

I don't that anyone here has reported buying the Procam product, let alone from anywhere outside of where it is sold, the primary difference with the Procam version is it comes from the original manufacturer, the Chinese sellers are buying from other assembly factories that buy the major components from the same factory and then finish it themselves, component choice is not always the same, there is one Chinese seller that buys from the original factory also but they only sell in the Chinese domestic market
just got a samsung class 6 32gb and the card is now giving me "low speed card" and "storage IO error".
its not even full. there's still about 8gb free space.

the faq should be updated not to recommended this card (given that I'm not the only one having issues with it)
so far the most stable card for me is the toshiba class 4 8gb - it has never given me any error from day 1 (that's about 1 month).
the sandisk class 10 16gb also seems to be working ok (longer usage time needed to be conclusive).
Message from e-prance

"Hi Jon~

long time no see, how are you these days?

i have received your DVR yesterday, and we tested it again, we find the loop recording is ok and the DVR has no problems,

i want to make a confirm what kind of Micro Sd card do you use? i am afraid if i sent you a new one you still have the same problem.

Kindly from Demi

- e-prance"

Well is still want a new one due to bad pixels. Maybe I should buy a new SD card from them? (A confirmed working one)
It doesn't seem to recognize the firmware update file, maybe because I'm on 20130924, and it cannot downgrade to 20130913?

I had to rename the file to firmware-NO1-SPI-TB15.bin
This way the firmware upgrade worked. I will test the cam today and tomorrow with the Samsung 16GB class 6 card.

Well, same error as with the 20130924 firmware, recording stops with low speed card error after setting the lock, on a full card.

I'll give it one more chance with a Kingston 16GB Class 4 card, if it does not work correctly, I'll sell the cam and try another kind. I like to experiment but there is a limit to my patience o_O

Message from e-prance

"Hi Jon~

long time no see, how are you these days?

i have received your DVR yesterday, and we tested it again, we find the loop recording is ok and the DVR has no problems,

i want to make a confirm what kind of Micro Sd card do you use? i am afraid if i sent you a new one you still have the same problem.

Kindly from Demi

- e-prance"

Well is still want a new one due to bad pixels. Maybe I should buy a new SD card from them? (A confirmed working one) all in your mind matey, so everyone was just imagining all those re-cycle issues then, well AYS I'd certainly ask them to replace it if only for those bad pixels now they have it back.
Ironically that 1st one I bought.. the one with the faulty switch also has a few bad ccd pixels, the later 2 are all good. I still think one of those factories churning them out, put out some inferior one's.
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Well, same error as with the 20130924 firmware, recording stops with low speed card error after setting the lock, on a full card.

I'll give it one more chance with a Kingston 16GB Class 4 card, if it does not work correctly, I'll sell the cam and try another kind. I like to experiment but there is a limit to my patience o_O

Success with the Kingston 16GB Class 4 card, I cannot reproduce any of the errors. (for now)

Message from e-prance

"Hi Jon~

long time no see, how are you these days?

i have received your DVR yesterday, and we tested it again, we find the loop recording is ok and the DVR has no problems,

i want to make a confirm what kind of Micro Sd card do you use? i am afraid if i sent you a new one you still have the same problem.

Kindly from Demi

- e-prance"

Well is still want a new one due to bad pixels. Maybe I should buy a new SD card from them? (A confirmed working one)


Hi Jon,

yes, we sell the original Samsung micro- SD card class 6, 8GB 16GB and 32GB,

Yes, if you buy from us, we will test for you before shipment.

8GB: $12

16GB: $ 17

32GB: $26

kindly from Demi:P

- e-prance


Hi Demi,
I'd like to buy 1 Samsung 32gb class 6 card please.

I'd still like a new fresh batch 0801 replacement.

Also, please test this new cam has no dead pixels and loop recording works once the card is full after 7 hours. Be sure to remove and restart the power after it's full to verify it continues working with no error message or stopped recoding.

Thanks Demi, You're the best.
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suggest asking them once it's full to do some trials in a running car, if powered from an AC adapter it's a very stable power source, understand it's not practical to do the entire test in a vehicle but once it's full they'd do better to emulate the actual working environment of the product
Try press the two parts together and will be good as new. This glue is by far the best "crazy glue" I have used.

Good News:
I finally got around to running/hiding the power wires to both front and rear dashcams. (Everything all tucked away, neat and tidy!)
The DIY experiment of wiring things to my interior lights always on feed was a success as well! This means my recordings start as soon as I unlock my car with the remote. See the following link for more details.

Bad News:
I was trying to re-locate and test place my mini 0801 in the perfect rear window location to minimize window heat strip lines using only a partial temp stick. I accidentally let it fall off the window and drop to the carpet below. (only 1 foot or so) Since the DashCam was attached to the GPS base at impact, I think it caused enough pressure to crack open the horseshoe support leg. (see photo)
It didn't fall very far, but it still did a number on my base. The DashCam no longer stays in the base. Luckily I have another base from my second 0801 I can use for now. I'll have to order a replacement either way so my spare 0801 is whole. (letting a contractor friend using it in his truck in the near future) I'm contacting Givoe for new GPS mount. ($11)

So FYI! Be careful, the plastic is not forgiving at all. I guess I could try gluing it but you know how that usually turns out.

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suggest asking them once it's full to do some trials in a running car, if powered from an AC adapter it's a very stable power source, understand it's not practical to do the entire test in a vehicle but once it's full they'd do better to emulate the actual working environment of the product

Let's be realistic now, how much profit do you think they make off each unit? $10 or dollars?
This is would be crazy good service if they spent more than 30 mins testing for a single customer
Let's be realistic now, how much profit do you think they make off each unit? $10 or dollars?
This is would be crazy good service if they spent more than 30 mins testing for a single customer

$10 LOL about there build cost.
I assume he meant $10 profit after all costs are taken into consideration. ;-)