Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

the timezone setting is all you should need to make, the clock will set automatically around 10 seconds or so after it gets signal, if it takes longer to get signal it may not update the time until it gets to the next recording segment (3 minutes default) and it will check it and resync within around 10 seconds in to that segment

if you've reset defaults best to set your timezone and let the camera update the clock to ensure this is working correctly

once defaults are reset everything will work but at a minimum you would want to change the timezone and the frequency setting, those are the only two localized settings you need to change, anything else is personal choice of course
Some topping tips here just what is needed for a 'DC newbie'
yeah the GPS works pretty well in picking up the time on this thing compared to the blackspew, I can drive several KM's before the blackspew will start recording speed etc.., but this one picks it up as I leave the drive way.
yeah, confirm that the GPS works better and faster than Blackvue, but the show/hide speed when viewing would not hurt
I have only managed to get about an hours worth of recording on my wife's car today, so here are my first impressions:
  1. Packaging: is first class with little extras and spares thrown in, just in case I screwed up with fitting the unit.
  2. Delivery: 2 days from dispatch.
  3. Fitting: Quite straightforward, most difficult part was trying to separate the red backing tape from the 3M adhesive tape without destroying the adhesive tape itself.
  4. Operation: Out of the box operation on default settings was flawless. Picture quality was excellent and number plates were very legible on still frames. GPS unit picked up the signal very quickly, adjusted the time and also tracked very accurately.
  5. Night operation: Imagery within the headlight field was very good, but outside of that could not see much at all (was a very dark night without street lighting), so I will have to play around with the settings for night time.
  6. Menu system: tomorrow I will start playing around with the menu and sub-menu.

Overall I am very pleased with the performance of the SG9665GC and the level of customer service from Jokiin, so I will be putting in an order for 2 more units.:)
Overall I am very pleased with the performance of the SG9665GC and the level of customer service from Jokiin, so I will be putting in an order for 2 more units.:)

thanks for the feedback, when you come to it remind me you ordered previously and I'll do something a bit better for you on any subsequent orders
thanks for the feedback, when you come to it remind me you ordered previously and I'll do something a bit better for you on any subsequent orders

Many thanks Rick, had sent you an email already, prior to posting on the forum:)
Got my two units in today, and installed one in my Jeep. On my 10 minute drive to work, the GPS never locked on, stayed red the whole time. GPS side is up (Actually I flipped it and placed on glass per Jon's video). How long should the unit take to get an initial lock? I'm hoping my 10 minute drive was too short for a cold start-up of the GPS unit.
(Actually I flipped it and placed on glass per Jon's video). How long should the unit take to get an initial lock? I'm hoping my 10 minute drive was too short for a cold start-up of the GPS unit.
may have stuffed it or something, mine lock in 10 seconds tops.
Likewise, my GPS locks in a matter of seconds, however, I didn't end up flipping my GPS and placing it on the windscreen, (too much cable to tuck in). Put the GPS on the dash at the corner of the windscreen and works perfectly!
Thanks guys, I'll do some testing to see. Good that I have a second unit to test with to help troubleshoot.
Thanks guys, I'll do some testing to see. Good that I have a second unit to test with to help troubleshoot.

sorry I missed your earlier post, very first time cold start can take quite a long time, after that initial go though a cold start could take a few minutes, typically less, a bit of info about that here

that said though if you try the other and find out you have a problem one just let us know and @Pier28 will have a replacement out to you ASAP

also do make sure the plug is fully seated as well, if it's not clicked in fully it won't work correctly, you probably have already but just in case it's worth checking

let us know how you get on and anything we need to do
sorry I missed your earlier post, very first time cold start can take quite a long time, after that initial go though a cold start could take a few minutes, typically less, a bit of info about that here

that said though if you try the other and find out you have a problem one just let us know and @Pier28 will have a replacement out to you ASAP

also do make sure the plug is fully seated as well, if it's not clicked in fully it won't work correctly, you probably have already but just in case it's worth checking

let us know how you get on and anything we need to do

Thanks Jokiin, I was never in doubt I'd get great support form you and Pier28. Plug is definitely in good, I made sure of that when I plugged in. After reading your link, my issue may have been that I started up in the garage, and had it on for a while before I pulled out. Fiddling with it, and simultaneously starting my Mobius for a comparison of the two. Maybe 2-3 minutes doing that. May have caused the GPS to look elsewhere.
where did you mount the GPS, if it's in close proximity to a camera (this one or another) that will knock the signal out
Camera is near rear view mirror, GPS is in top corner on driver side. I'll do some testing tonight to see if the location is the issue. I'm not opposed to putting it down on the dash.
Camera is near rear view mirror, GPS is in top corner on driver side. I'll do some testing tonight to see if the location is the issue. I'm not opposed to putting it down on the dash.

it does work a bit better on the dash face up, a little less directional but not a big difference, nearby any camera would be a bigger influence on signal quality

if the vehicle has an athermic windscreen they generally have an untreated area where signal is unaffected, should be mentioned in the vehicle owners manual if this is the case, it's mostly European models that have this type of glass so may not be the case for you