Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

Is the white wire (Rx I believe) supposed to be hooked up? I don't think so, as the white wire was disconnected and much shorter than the other wires. I connected it anyway. As I looked closer, the green Tx and Red Power wire were held on by a strand. Did some soldering and all is well.

It's a 4 wire cable but only 3 wires are used. You can leave the white one disconnected.

I need to re-do my flip the GPS video since I was using the previous model GPS. I'll get one posted shortly so people know "exactly" what to expect.
Haha that is to be expected. Unless you have a powerful infrared emitter and night vision capability in a dash cam, any scene with no light shining on will be dark on any dash cam.

Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly, or maybe you were just being a prick again :confused:? Outside of the direct beam of the headlight it was just "black" - no peripheral vision at all - yet my own eyes which don't have infra-red capability (although they do have a purported dynamic range of 100dB) can still see objects, albeit dimmed as can my crappy Blackview. Maybe, incorrectly I did expect to see some dimmed objects outside the direct headlight beam rather than a "spotlight" effect - isn't that what the HDR adjustment can effect?
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So my GPS issue was some dodgy solder connections. Is the white wire (Rx I believe) supposed to be hooked up? I don't think so, as the white wire was disconnected and much shorter than the other wires. I connected it anyway. As I looked closer, the green Tx and Red Power wire were held on by a strand. Did some soldering and all is well.
Thanks for the feedback, we don't make the GPS, we buy it in so feedback like this is important so we know what to keep an eye on for subsequent purchases
I received my SG9665GC dashcam yesterday and put it through some simple bench-top tests today (it’s not installed in my car yet).

The good so far is:

- The image is FAR sharper and clearer then the A118-C model I had earlier.

- It handles low light conditions much better than the A118-C.

- The form factor and the build quality of the housing and are excellent (same as with the A118-C).

- The firmware seems nicer.

- I ran it for 24 hours straight without any issues (the microSD card had been successfully filled and overwritten a few times at that point).

Basically, it appears to be better in all the ways already demonstrated by other members in this thread.

The bad:

- My SG9665GC has about 10 hot pixels of varying brightness that are visible in moderate to low light conditions (I have included a frame capture with the camera placed in a box to block all light).


Is this a deal breaker – I’m not sure. The hot pixels are not obvious in bright conditions and it appears the camera will do the job I want it to do (i.e. capture nefarious activity on the highway and have images sharp enough to read the license plates of vehicles within a few car lengths of mine). The hot pixels may be a bit annoying though. The A118-C didn’t have any obvious hot pixels, but the focus was just not good enough to do the job (that’s with respect to the A118-C example I had as it seems other people have examples with sharp focus).
We're still looking at some fine tuning to get the best balance, 10 hot pixels from 2,000,000 isn't a lot but its still 10 more than we want, if we don't drive the sensor as hard maybe we can avoid that, I'm not sure yet what we'll be giving away in performance to do that, need to find a balance, firmware adjustments are ongoing
Mine seems to not do a soft shutdown on power-loss, as if the caps aren't doing their job. The last file of every trip gets corrupted. Other than that, I've been having a lot of fun putting it through its paces these last few days.

file list.png
Happy birthday, jokiin!

So, on the subject of antenna proximity to camera, how close is too close? I have the camera on one side of the rear view mirror and antenna on the other. Could this be the reason for my GPS locking issue?
Mine seems to not do a soft shutdown on power-loss, as if the caps aren't doing their job. The last file of every trip gets corrupted. Other than that, I've been having a lot of fun putting it through its paces these last few days.

View attachment 12229
That's not right, was that from @Pier28 ?
Mine seems to not do a soft shutdown on power-loss, as if the caps aren't doing their job. The last file of every trip gets corrupted. Other than that, I've been having a lot of fun putting it through its paces these last few days.

View attachment 12229

I just sent you an PM. This is the first potential RMA I am aware of but I am ready to sort it out ASAP.
Happy birthday, jokiin!

So, on the subject of antenna proximity to camera, how close is too close? I have the camera on one side of the rear view mirror and antenna on the other. Could this be the reason for my GPS locking issue?
That could be too close, depends what is between them, pull them apart from each other and see if it changes, if there's something else at play and needs sorting just let us know, we just had a large volume of these go out all at once so more questions than usual but we'll make sure to address any issues and ensure anyone that needs help is sorted asap
That could be too close, depends what is between them, pull them apart from each other and see if it changes, if there's something else at play and needs sorting just let us know, we just had a large volume of these go out all at once so more questions than usual but we'll make sure to address any issues and ensure anyone that needs help is sorted asap

Will do. I'll report back tomorrow. Thanks!
Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly, or maybe you were just being a prick again :confused:? Outside of the direct beam of the headlight it was just "black" - no peripheral vision at all - yet my own eyes which don't have infra-red capability (although they do have a purported dynamic range of 100dB) can still see objects, albeit dimmed as can my crappy Blackview. Maybe, incorrectly I did expect to see some dimmed objects outside the direct headlight beam rather than a "spotlight" effect - isn't that what the HDR adjustment can effect?

Hehe, let me be a prick again :P

Have you worked out why that is the case with what you can see and why objects outside the headlight beam looks black in your dashcam?

Because your eyes work a bit differently from the dashcam, that's why. When you turn your eyes to focus on the objects on roadside (not shone by the headlight beam) your pupils dilate to accommodate more light into your retina, so you can see those objects despite dimly. When you turn your eyes back on the road ahead (which is shone by the headlight beam), your pupils constrict to the brighter scene so you won't be "blinded". As for a dashcam, it's focus is always the same (in which case often the centre of the scene), since it has to adjust (darken) to the brightness of the road ahead which is lightened up by your headlight beam, the objects at the roadside will obviously be darkened too.

HDR (and WDR) in this case is not enough to compensate for the lack of light.
Well I did say peripheral vision, not looking from the headlight beam to the roadside, plus it doesn't account for the lesser spotlighting effect of the Blackvue. I am looking at the 2 videos, are you? :confused:
We still have some fine tuning to do so hope not to get judged too harshly

No harsh judging here, I am very happy with the dashcam which is why I ordered 2 more units :) . I simply made an observation on the night vision from my wife's first trip home from work ( 2km) with the SG9665GC installed, bearing in mind that I hadn't at that stage been into the menu system and made any adjustments to the settings. @efoo appears to want to "illuminate" me on dashcams, night vision, infrared, pupil dilation and etc. from this simple observation:D

I do 90% of my driving during the daytime, (after all I am on the border of the Sunshine state) and another 4% of my driving would be at night with street lighting. Once I play around with the menu settings I may or may not post any observations;)