Street Guardian has the SG9665GC listed

straight plug, if they have an angled plug you can't plug the GPS in, they do need a bit of room above them

Also, when using the right angle adapter, you won't be able to fit the cord cover part on top. (for those that don't install it right up to the roof liner)
This might sound like a stupid question, but does the whole unit shut down, ie. all the lights go off - or is it just the screen that shuts down, because there is a screen saver system that turns the screen of after 1 minute (by default)?

Jokiin beat me to the response, so best to deal with the expert:)

Yep, that's a good point you raise CoolyKid, thanks, I wish it was that but sadly it's shutting down completely (no lights). Anytime is fine with me jokiin and seeing as I no longer have to work I can come to your place if that would be easier for your busy schedule.
Anytime is fine with me jokiin and seeing as I no longer have to work I can come to your place if that would be easier for your busy schedule.

that would be super helpful if it's not an inconvenience, I'll message you the details, let me know an idea of time and we'll sort it on the spot
It's a rotary menu much like older Nokia phones where scrolling through the menu always brings you back to where you started, enter a menu option and any settings scroll in the same manner

Quite easy once you get the hang of it but the manual will have detailed description of what each option is about

I was meaning a write up in the paper/electronic manual - thanks for the pointer I did tumble across how that works playing with it in my 'armchair motor' before I install it for real.
I was meaning a write up in the paper/electronic manual

it will be, was just mentioning it now for anyone that had got one and hadn't found it intuitive

we have set it so that all the defaults are sensible, the only things anyone would need to adjust to be up and running is to suit the local area, timezone and frequency of the power (50/60Hz option to stop flicker)

full detailed version coming though
Also, when using the right angle adapter, you won't be able to fit the cord cover part on top. (for those that don't install it right up to the roof liner)
if you were to use the cord cover there would be no use to get right angled connectors any way as you would have plenty of room.
we have set it so that all the defaults are sensible, the only things anyone would need to adjust to be up and running is to suit the local area, timezone and frequency of the power (50/60Hz option to stop flicker)

full detailed version coming though

The manual for the prior version (SG9665GM) should be close enough to get people started.
Sound like it was a total write off unit :eek:
Not the optimal circumstances for meeting your customers, BUT ! i would like to know witch other manufacturer will go that far if need be :):cool:
Sound like it was a total write off unit :eek:
Not the optimal circumstances for meeting your customers, BUT ! i would like to know witch other manufacturer will go that far if need be :):cool:

yeah it's definitely a hardware fault unfortunately, as bad as that is at least having it back before I go to China again will help us to be able to diagnose the issue, could be just a failed component but if it's something related to production it at least helps us to be able to address it before the next production

we do generally make minor changes between production runs if it can help us to improve something or do it better
Got my 2 units today!! :D:D

I got one installed in my avalon, will install the 2nd once I get my highlander :D

I LOVE all the extras that come in the box, really makes the customer feel appreciated. Everything a dash cam user would want for getting started. I must say however, the Micro SD to USB card-reader kinda seems junk. I only say this because it was extremely sensitive when I loaded it into my laptop to browse my test footage. It wouldn't even stay connected long engh to view a file. Not complaining though, I just switched to a SD card adapter.

I used the string to saw through the 3M pad on my mini 0801. Without realizing it, I sawed through the mini 0801 base itself!!!!:eek::eek::eek::confused::( Took me a while before I realized that smell of burnt plastic was coming from my string saw. I wouldn't have thought that was even possible...

My first impressions are that this is a solid product. Feels SO much more developed than that cheapy mini 0801

Some thoughts:

- I also noticed the micro SD card sits very deep
- the SD card lacks the satisfying springyness and click that one normally feels on these card slots
- Unit startup is nice and quick, logo and sound feel professional
- Shutdown is near instant, I don't feel that nagging uncertainty that comes with the mini 0801's long shutdown
- Screen and menu are nice and crisp
- I was getting some flicker in my test footage (night), maybe change from 50 to 60 hz?

I had trouble understanding the Time Zone settings. Changing my offset between -800 and -700 did not update the time. In fact, it also seemed like the GPS was not updating the time for me, I still had to set it.

I also watched some clips in Registrator Viewer and it was not tracking my location, even though the camera was showing the green signal indicator (that's the GPS lock-on, right?). I also did not find any GPS logs in the SD card. Are they stored within the video clips?

Thanks Jokiin for what I'm sure will be a great product, and Jon from Pier 28 for a smooth delivery!


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- Micro SD to USB card-reader...... extremely sensitive when I loaded it into my laptop
- I also noticed the micro SD card sits very deep
- the SD card lacks the satisfying springyness and click that one normally feels on these card slots
- I was getting some flicker in my test footage (night), maybe change from 50 to 60 hz?
- trouble understanding the Time Zone settings
- Regustrator Viewer and it was not tracking my location,
-I also did not find any GPS logs in the SD card. Are they store within the video clips?

Thanks Jokiin for what I'm sure will be a great product, and Jon from Pier 28 for smooth delivery!

-Let me know if you need a new microSD keychain card reader, I'm happy to send a new one.
-I think the next batch will have the microSD card slot adjusted further to give that extra click satisfaction you speak of. I'm happy to swap it out if there are any problems.
-Yes, you should set the frequency to 60 hz in North America to match the power phase (that avoids flicker) I should have pre-set every order but might have missed yours somehow
-If you're on the west coast, the time zone is -08, but since we are in the spring/summer months of daylight savings, you should set it to -07 to get the one hour off set. Once fall back DST kicks in, you can switch it back to -08. Sames goes for east coast, normal is -05, but choose -04 unil fall DST kicks in.
-What happens if you try instead? Do you have the GPS logger logo facing up towards the sky? GPS data is embedded into the MOV file
Thanks for the feedback :)

Card is deep, no good way around that if you also want a housing that can take the heat as material thickness is an issue
You do need the setting at 60Hz for the USA
If your timezone is -8 and you have summertime offset (DST) then you would move it forward an hour to -7 to compensate, once summertime period ends you shift it back
If the card reader has issues we can send you a new one to replace it
Likewise let us know how you go with the GPS, we buy the GPS in, we don't make that ourselves but if there's an issue we will swap the GPS out for you, also make sure it's the right way up
The GPS data is embedded in the video file, green indicator shows it has signal, time generally updates within about 10 seconds once it has signal and it will periodically sync to maintain it
Does need version 6 or later of Registrator Viewer to be able to track so make sure you're on the current version

Thanks again
Thanks guys!

I'm not sore at all about the USB adapter, I still have the one in my other box to try, and besides I prefer SD type adapters anyway. Not trying to nit pick or anything, I just like to give feedcack.

Jon, actually the unit was at 60 hz when I first powered it on, but as I was testing it (indoors, before mounting) I did a reset to default settings (while trying to figure out the time zone). I later noticed it was on 50 hz, but I didn't think it mattered and left it there, so that was my doing.

I have the GPS facing up, I noticed it didn't turn green until it was in my car. Must not have had good signal indoors, it was red. I did mess with the Date/Time after installing it, so maybe I can confirm if it's auto syncing.

My point about the Time Zone is that changing the Zone did not automatically move the time by 1 hour, I had to change that also. If that's expected behavior, that's ok. I'll just remember that when changing Zone Offset for daylight savings, I also have to move the hour manually.

Jokiin, thanks for the tip about Reg Viewer version. I'll have to check for an update, been forever since used RV
Thanks guys!

I'm not sore at all about the USB adapter, I still have the one in my other box to try, and besides I prefer SD type adapters anyway. Not trying to nit pick or anything, I just like to give feedcack.

Jon, actually the unit was at 60 hz when I first powered it on, but as I was testing it (indoors, before mounting) I did a reset to default settings (while trying to figure out the time zone). I later noticed it was on 50 hz, but I didn't think it mattered and left it there, so that was my doing.

I have the GPS facing up, I noticed it didn't turn green until it was in my car. Must not have had good signal indoors, it was red. I did mess with the Date/Time after installing it, so maybe I can confirm if it's auto syncing.

My point about the Time Zone is that changing the Zone did not automatically move the time by 1 hour, I had to change that also. If that's expected behavior, that's ok. I'll just remember that when changing Zone Offset for daylight savings, I also have to move the hour manually.

Jokiin, thanks for the tip about Reg Viewer version. I'll have to check for an update, been forever since used RV

Ah now I understand, thanks for sharing so everyone can learn what to expect if you do a factory default etc. If you have an older version of registratorviewer, get the latest for sure.