Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

It's only one cable and you run it only once. In this case it's by far the most reliable cost -effective solution, and with dashcams reliability is paramount ;) No fun if you need a vid and only then discover that a stronger wireless signal interfered and cost you that badly-needed moment in time :eek:

In my last car I had a Thinkware F750 installed as it seemed the best option at the time. I have to say I was never overly impressed with the fidelity of the video it produced. I also noticed that while I occasionally reviewed the front camera footage I never once reviewed the rear camera footage.
So for my new car I was not convinced I needed or wanted a front & rear camera setup and had been looking at single cameras such as the Opia2, Viofo A119S, SG9665GC and then this camera came along... so now I am back to wondering if I do want a dual camera set up
Is this camera really a significant improvement on the Thinkware F750 or just about the same but from a different manufacturer?
Is this camera really a significant improvement on the Thinkware F750 or just about the same but from a different manufacturer?

I feel Thinkware do some things quite well, their parking mode, their app, I don't feel they do great video though, the platform they use is a bit limited in this respect
Wow! Thanks for the quick response.... that is very helpful as the video was the weakest feature of the F750 in my perspective. The app was okay but transferring video files via wifi was a pain...
Parking mode is not something I am interested in for the new car as it is an Ioniq EV and I am paranoid about battery drain :-)
One thing I did like about the Thinkware was the integrated GPS which worked well and exposed one less wire ... oh well ...
I had pretty much settled on the Opia2 or SG9665GC and had sent @hiniko an email about them before I stumbled on this thread... I really like the sound of the Sony Exmor R sensor having read the spec sheet.

Last time I had the camera 'professionally' installed but this time I'll probably have a go myself once I read up on the technique and tools required particularly since I won't be hardwiring it to the fusebox as I want to minimise the number of invasive procedures done on the electrics of this car.

Thanks again...
Thanks @Gabacho as you probably can tell I pretty green when it comes to the real world use of dash cams :-) though I am comfortable with the tech theory side of things having designed visual imaging systems in the dim and distant past...

Just thought of another wee question you guys might help with... In the spirit of being paranoid about battery drain do you have any figures on the power the SG9663GC will consume while normally running? I guess you guys have benchmarked this at some point.
Jokiin got confused by
and read it as 9665GC

BUT ! i would assume the 9663DC use about double of that, i cant recall anyone of the few people that have one ATM measuring how much power it use
Sorry @jokiin decades of experience using a computer and I still can't type!

@kamkar1 I would have thought double the current draw would be a worst case scenario as I guess most of the work would likely be done in the front (main) camera and the rear would be effectively a dumb slave. So compared to the GC (I mean GC this time) which does much of the same work I would have guessed the DC would require about 1.5 the current. But you know us techie types we like numbers not guesses ;-)
We will have to get exact measurements, but the new chipset might be made with a smaller process and so use less power, but then the camera have a transmission chipset to amp up the signal transmitted from the rear camera.

But i do think it would be in the 500 mah ballpark.
When I had the Thinkware F750 installed I am pretty sure we measured the current in normal use as about 800mA so even 500mA is a big power saving :-)

So I guess all thats needed now is to join the back of the queue for folks waiting to press the button on this and schedule a reminder to send a chaser email to @hiniko every week asking if it is available yet :-)
My preferred end setup would be 2 X DC's, with the "front" cams pointing front and rear, and the rear cams pointing out the sides :)

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Same idea here.

Sent from my LG-H962 using Tapatalk
When I had the Thinkware F750 installed I am pretty sure we measured the current in normal use as about 800mA so even 500mA is a big power saving :-)

So I guess all thats needed now is to join the back of the queue for folks waiting to press the button on this and schedule a reminder to send a chaser email to @hiniko every week asking if it is available yet :-)
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Any chance we're going to see a video review somewhere soon?
That i am sure will pop up next month when testers have their hands on cameras, i might even take a stab at it though that might end up being the most weird product review ever.
Whats out now are just a few hand samples.

I will strap a Sjcam to my head and then install the camera in my car, and i might even tidy up the car first so people dont get a too bad impression of me.
I'd like my rear Cam with a lens pointing out the back and one pointed inside the Car at the passengers and Driver.

The Transcend Taxi cam has the right idea .. showing any CarJacking and people approaching the Driver, Passenger.. front & rear.
The Transcend 520 isn't good at night from what I gather .. and is a bit large and boxy. It would be good to see what happens inside the Cabin