Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)


I ordered and am waiting for the SG9663DC from @Street Guardian USA, he is a great guy

Does anyone know if this will capture video in the dark? Or do I need some additional software, hardware, or modifications?

Yes, my car has halogen (older car) headlights, but I am not sure if any modifications are needed to use the camera at night time

Pardon the stupidity on my part, I am new to this technology.

Thank you
You are probably better off with halogen headlights than some of the latest too bright types!
I ordered and am waiting for the SG9663DC from @Street Guardian USA, he is a great guy
Does anyone know if this will capture video in the dark? Or do I need some additional software, hardware, or modifications?
Yes, my car has halogen (older car) headlights, but I am not sure if any modifications are needed to use the camera at night time
Pardon the stupidity on my part, I am new to this technology.
Thank you
for comparison
with a more humane price Street Guardian SG9663DC vs much expensive BlackVue DR750S-2CH

after a few hours I shows very complete darkness

it seems that 9663 has better licence plates "managing", and it's very good point! let's see day light videos too. good work!

this is the most important for many of us I suppose.

many people talk about the quality of the saturation, the accuracy of colours... at the end those videos are not done to be shared with the family after the vacation...we need the licence plate numbers in case of problem. point.

by the way, why "human price"? the 9663 is as expensive as dr750 or difference, not at all, at least here in EU.
Maybe couple of eur but all of them are in the 350eur/usd price range, no exception, with 32 or 64gb microsd.

Street Guardian SG9663DC vs BlackVue DR750S-2CH (Night Vision - OFF)

Just ordered one from @Street Guardian USA and am going to patiently and excitedly wait. It is my first dash cam!!

What benefits have you all experienced from a dashcam? Or is it a mere gadget? :)

So excited!!

thank you @Street Guardian USA

@ryanprins thank you for your reply. please do share the footage you have.

Here is one more. If i had hit the guy it would have been 100% my fault with or without the dashcam but at least i could show my family/friends that im not a moron. Speed limit on this road was 100kmh/62mph. Watch for headlights. I have no idea still where this vehicle came from/ what it was doing/ how its possible to not see its headlights before i almost hit it.

With a dashcam like the one in this thread headlights will be much more clear and audio will be better. Night video will be significantly better. My cheap one doesnt help a lot at night...
Thats why its better to have a more expensive camera than a cheap one (which you asked about somewhere else on here). If you cant see license plates in the day or at night its not much good. I have lost important info in gaps between files before, had camera mounts fall off, camera not work in the cold... and so on. This one goes in and out of focus a lot now too.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
Here is one more. If i had hit the guy it would have been 100% my fault with or without the dashcam but at least i could show my family/friends that im not a moron. Speed limit on this road was 100kmh/62mph. Watch for headlights. I have no idea still where this vehicle came from/ what it was doing/ how its possible to not see its headlights before i almost hit it.

With a dashcam like the one in this thread headlights will be much more clear and audio will be better. Night video will be significantly better. My cheap one doesnt help a lot at night...
Thats why its better to have a more expensive camera than a cheap one (which you asked about somewhere else on here). If you cant see license plates in the day or at night its not much good. I have lost important info in gaps between files before, had camera mounts fall off, camera not work in the cold... and so on. This one goes in and out of focus a lot now too.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
i don't think a better camera would have helped here - the turning car coming from the other direction was lined up just right to hide the surprise car till the last second. usually though, you might be able to see the surprise car's headlights through the windows of the turning car, but not always. depends on a lot of factors. good thing you took it slow and had time to react!
I have no idea still where this vehicle came from/ what it was doing/ how its possible to not see its headlights before i almost hit it.

They were perfectly aligned to hide. Even my trick of looking under cars to see any lights didn't work here. Just glad you didn't have crash footage to share instead! :D

That is why I wait until all cars are out of the way.
You can never be 100% sure nothing is hiding behind the stopped car.
Couldn't see through an SUV on the way home tonight. I missed 3 good chances to make my turn but it would have gone very bad bad I tried and been wrong so I'm glad I waited till the traffic light changed. Even then a red-runner came through just as I started moving :eek: I know how people drive here so I was watching for that ;)

The rule of thumb is that you don't go where you can't see :cool: When you must do that, do so very cautiously and be ready for anything.

i don't think a better camera would have helped here - the turning car coming from the other direction was lined up just right to hide the surprise car till the last second. usually though, you might be able to see the surprise car's headlights through the windows of the turning car, but not always. depends on a lot of factors. good thing you took it slow and had time to react!
They were perfectly aligned to hide. Even my trick of looking under cars to see any lights didn't work here. Just glad you didn't have crash footage to share instead! :D

Me too!
That is why I wait until all cars are out of the way.
You can never be 100% sure nothing is hiding behind the stopped car.
Couldn't see through an SUV on the way home tonight. I missed 3 good chances to make my turn but it would have gone very bad bad I tried and been wrong so I'm glad I waited till the traffic light changed. Even then a red-runner came through just as I started moving :eek: I know how people drive here so I was watching for that ;)

The rule of thumb is that you don't go where you can't see :cool: When you must do that, do so very cautiously and be ready for anything.

I watched it a couple times again but i still dont see how it just could have been hidden... oh well. What i generally do on the highway like this is just wait until any vehicle that i wouldnt have seen had already passed, then i go. Its always worked, this time the 'suprise' car was travelling too quickly to have been just waiting behind the the waiting car. Usually when that happens they are moving slow enough.
You dont go if you cant see obviously, and i never do-ive watched enough hours of dashcam crashes- but in cases like this on a higher speed road where you come up to one waiting vehicle and you were able to see everything behind it and there was nothing behind them i typically just go after waited till anything i couldnt see beside them had a chance to go by.
Didnt work this time though.

Phil- ive seen a few close calls where the person waiting to turn left in an intersection just went when the light turned yellow and didnt make sure everyone was stopping first... if your already in the intersection when it turns yellow you can legally wait till its safe to go. Theres no need to rush really. And thats also why you never double up in an intersection waiting to turn left...
Anyway, i cant wait to get this new camera and have some decent night footage! Lol.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk
Any idea when the DC will come to Amazon UK? Though I may wait a bit until the hardwire kit comes out (next month?)
Yes, I am try to list them on Amazon UK within 2 weeks after official release.

Sent from my GT-I9505
Couldn't see through an SUV on the way home tonight. I missed 3 good chances to make my turn but it would have gone very bad bad I tried and been wrong so I'm glad I waited till the traffic light changed. Even then a red-runner came through just as I started moving :eek: I know how people drive here so I was watching for that ;)

The rule of thumb is that you don't go where you can't see :cool: When you must do that, do so very cautiously and be ready for anything.

Waiting for a second or two is always prudent.
One place I sometimes find myself is on a side-road which meets the main road past the crest of a hill. If people are not speeding there is adequate sight distance but in that area speeding is the norm. To get through there safely you have to watch the cars on the preceding hill before they drop out of view then wait till all you've seen have passed. The same trick works in other places. Yet there will still be times like here where nothing you do can spot a car or even verify that other info you have is correct :rolleyes: In the place I just mentioned there is another side-road at the bottom of the dip which you can't see, and someone can join the main road traffic there putting a car in where you thought all traffic had passed :eek: Several crashes and near-misses happen there weekly from people unfamiliar with the road layout and all caused by speeding :( It's one of the Cop's favorite places to set up radar but that doesn't seem to help much if at all. The people who live in that area driving on the main road are always ready to brake when they top their hill in case someone is pulling out, but they are a small percentage of the traffic there. And here in the OP's case, the oncoming car should have anticipated that situation and slowed for they couldn't see him either :oops:

There is no practical way to drive with 100% safety always assured. You just learn the tricks which help over time and use them to enhance what safety you have, always expecting the unexpected and hoping you will be able to deal with that adequately should the unexpected actually happen ;) This is why I'm overly attentive to my driving and why I get so disturbed when I see other drivers on their phones or talking with a passenger and not paying enough attention to their driving :mad: Either they have yet to learn how quickly things can go sour or they don't care. I really don't care if that harms them but usually their inattention will have someone else involved. Even the very best driving possible done by everyone is barely enough sometimes. You can't anticipate everything but we do at least try- now if we could only get the non-dashcammers to join us in doing that :D Yeah, I know- fat chance for that ever happening :whistle:

Couldn't see through an SUV on the way home tonight. I missed 3 good chances to make my turn but it would have gone very bad

Its very hard to see another car obscured in the background and dark tint doesn't help

I put 20% on my go cart when I bought it which is surely illegal but never heard of a defect notice issued for too dark
You can never be 100% sure nothing is hiding behind the stopped car.

True. If you cant see you cant make turn, something a lot of russians need to learn as it is a big part of most compilations from over there.
And they also need to learn not to overtake right in break down lane,,,, Actually Russian drivers need to learn a lot it seem.
True. If you cant see you cant make turn, something a lot of russians need to learn as it is a big part of most compilations from over there.
And they also need to learn not to overtake right in break down lane,,,, Actually Russian drivers need to learn a lot it seem.
Its very hard to see another car obscured in the background and dark tint doesn't help

I put 20% on my go cart when I bought it which is surely illegal but never heard of a defect notice issued for too dark
different states in the US have different rules about aftermarket window tint. in texas you can only go as dark as 35% on the front doors, aren't allowed to put anything more than a banner across the top of the windshield (without a doctor's prescription), and if you want to paint your back door and rear glass completely opaque - you can, as long as you have side mirrors. which makes sense since cargo vans are essentially the same thing - no windows back there.

meanwhile louisiana allows 20% on the front 2. some states don't allow ANY tint on the front doors. it's during the annual safety/tech inspection that they'll dock you for the tint. i dunno about other states but texas can fail the entire inspection just because of tint. and if you don't have current inspection, you can't renew your license plates. you can remove the tint (or fix whatever made you fail) and come back for a free reinspection within 2 weeks and they'll record a pass in the state computer so you can renew. or you can find a shady shop who'll look the other way. :rolleyes:
Here you can tint as much as you like, but only on rear window and rear door glass, front door glass and windscreen are a big no - no for any degree of tint as i recall.

Really funny cuz getting a license you are ( or was when i got it ) taught to look over your shoulder when making right turn or pulling out to overtake, but how can you see much when windows back there are 90% tint ?????

Dont look over your shoulder during driving test and you fail.

Denmark :rolleyes::cautious:
different states in the US have different rules about aftermarket window tint. in texas you can only go as dark as 35% on the front doors, aren't allowed to put anything more than a banner across the top of the windshield (without a doctor's prescription), and if you want to paint your back door and rear glass completely opaque - you can, as long as you have side mirrors. which makes sense since cargo vans are essentially the same thing - no windows back there.

meanwhile louisiana allows 20% on the front 2. some states don't allow ANY tint on the front doors. it's during the annual safety/tech inspection that they'll dock you for the tint. i dunno about other states but texas can fail the entire inspection just because of tint. and if you don't have current inspection, you can't renew your license plates. you can remove the tint (or fix whatever made you fail) and come back for a free reinspection within 2 weeks and they'll record a pass in the state computer so you can renew. or you can find a shady shop who'll look the other way. :rolleyes:
What happens when you cross the borders?
Do you have to change your tint to match the new regulations?