Street Guardian SG9663DC (DC = Dual Channel)

Not sure, not something I would try though
Hmm, now I feel a bit of a challenge coming on. :sneaky:

Maybe when I get my DC I can use a couple of my 'spare' A118C's as a test bed just to see if it's possible.

Edit: Is the communication between the camera and GPS one-way, as in the GPS data is pushed to the camera?... or is the GPS polled by the camera then responds?
I wasn't preparing a challenge, it possibly wouldn't hurt it but I'd still suggest not doing it, power is fed from the camera to the GPS
I didn't take it as a challenge from you - definitely self-imposed. :(

I didn't really think about the power aspects, just the communication. I'll forego any experimentation.
Someone here posted a video of their camera (with polarizing filter) looking through their tinted front window. It had a huge horrible rainbow moire pattern that obscured a lot of detail. Just something to be aware of when putting a camera behind tint film.

Do you know if the tint was darker? The tint I have is near clear and I don't have any of those effects, but I also don't have a polarized lens. Either way I will try and see if it causes any a weird effects.
I have a rainbow effect through my windshield with 97% clear ceramic heat rejection tint and the CPL on my GC v3. It doesn’t obscure detail, though.
I have a rainbow effect through my windshield with 97% clear ceramic heat rejection tint and the CPL on my GC v3. It doesn’t obscure detail, though.

it's more of an annoyance than anything else, most often will be in the upper part of the video depending on where the sun is in the picture
How is the testing of the hardwire kits going? Will they be out in stores by Xmas?
I wonder if I’ll get my hands on a DC before my iPhone X I’ve pre-ordered. It’s like a race...
Is this going to be the same price as the discount offered for people who signed up via email to be notified jokiin?
I've been checking my email every day in anticipation.

we haven't had time to get to the email list yet, hang tight till Monday for those






With the hardwire kit not releasing with the camera, is it better to wait to get the Vico-Power Plus when it is ready or it doesnt matter and I should get it with the camera? I want to be able to use the parking mode when/if its ready in the firmware.