Street Guardian SGZC12SG built-in-GPS & NEW Capacitive Smart-Touch Screen

Good news, SungMoon (the developer) just confirmed he fixed the GPS Logging. It actually affected the new X2, so that is now fixed as well.
I will be receiving a new test firmware shortly. It sounds like everything is now resolved. I will confirm & update everyone soon.
With the amount of firmwares Sungmoon is knocking out at the moment for the X2 I hope he's having some Red Bull as he doesn't seem to sleep!!

I noticed a few people wobbling a bit in some of Sungmoon's night videos - they'll have needed a bit of this stuff!
it's a common wake up boost after a big night in Korea, have some at home in the cupboard actually
Interesting..)) need to order some for myself.
It is not just missing small portions of GPS data. Looks like GPS/G Sensor data is compressed and not synchronized with video.

Good News,

GPS logging is now working perfect in the new Beta firmware. (I still want to test it a few more days)

No missing pieces, and the speed keeps up perfectly smooth in RegistratorViewer vs the on screen display. (No more jumping around)

Here is a screen shot of 1 minute, 2 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute, close cycle (endless) test files

1 Minute:

2 Minute:

3 Minute:

5 Minute:

Closed Cycle (endless)
Latest New Beta firmware increased Night Quality.RAW MP4 Video examples
is it possible to upload samples to a different share? for some reason i always have problems with mega?

is it possible to upload samples to a different share? for some reason i always have problems with mega?

Here are the same clips via Dropbox.
Be sure to click the download button in the upper right to see the raw MP4.
It will terrible if you let Dropbox "play" and transcode stream it to you on the fly. (This is the biggest reason I stopped using dropbox for example clips.)

EDIT: I just realized I can change the value at the end from 0 to 1 and it forces the download
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