the RC (radio control) and electric rideables thread

i wouldn't use prop guards unless I'm in a big indoor hall. when you have them on outside, they're just another surface to catch wind which slows speed and introduces more turbulence to the quad.
I'm not interested in speed just yet since I'm still learning to fly without crashing. :D

I'm just thinking in terms of protection for the arms, motors and maybe in case I crash into a person, the blades won't hurt the person too badly. Not trying to protect the blades, since these King Kong props don't need it.

A couple weeks ago a friend was showing me his new walkera quad, and he started to lose control and actually crashed it into me! Not on purpose of course... Thankfully I saw it coming and was able to put my arm up to stop it from hitting me in the face, but I got some annoying scrapes on my arm from the props - took off the top layer of skin. didn't bleed much but was stinging for a while. Also got some bruises on my shoulder where the frame of the quad hit me. Nothing serious thankfully since it was a relatively low speed hit (15mph?). No damage to quad but my friend's ego got a little bruised. ;)
Sorry, looks like the forum shareasale link broke the banggood link - it should have a long number at the end of the link but doesn't.

My hunch is a guy like you probably already knows this but if you copy and paste the main part of the URL into your browser address bar without the broken share-a-sale business tacked onto it you'll get to the Banggood item you're wanting to look at. :)
My hunch is a guy like you probably already knows this but if you copy and paste the main part of the URL into your browser address bar without the broken share-a-sale business tacked onto it you'll get to the Banggood item you're wanting to look at. :)
I know how, even on my phone.. And that's how I found that the forum ate the last half of the URL.

So are you calling me a nerd???

Thanks. :D
i wouldn't use prop guards unless I'm in a big indoor hall. when you have them on outside, they're just another surface to catch wind which slows speed and introduces more turbulence to the quad.

I bought the ones for the P3 as I intended to fly inside a salt mine, but that event was canceled. Now I'm using the quick release as arm reinforcements as they only add minimal weight.

With and without prop guards vs. the JJRC H25G

For the racing quad I was planning to use them until I accommodate with it to prevent this:

Now I have "new" landing gear, thanks for the tip
A failed attempt of a maiden flight with the JJRC H25G, as the wind was too powerful, the quad was taken away and i did an emergency a puddle. The camera and one motor pod were submerged completely. A few hours later after drying up, all system were nominal.

Gone with the wind:

Proper maiden flight yet again in extreme conditions, strong wind, and only one degree C temperature. I have lot's of jello. I suspect to stiff dampers + cold. Also the camera seem either a bit unfocused or it still has a bit of mud from yesterday :rolleyes:
Now I have "new" landing gear, thanks for the tip
DUH!! Why didn't I think of different colored balls to help identify front and rear??? Note I have to go buy more! :p

Finally rearranged everything in my quad to keep the battery inside the frame. Also upgraded the firmware on the flight controller, and put in some tuning numbers from the rcgroups forum where they did a review of this kit. I ended up mounting the FC vertically with the USB port accessible though an existing hole in the top plate.

Also moved the LEDs from under the arms to the edges, and installed camera and video transmitter, but for some reason the camera isn't working. I hooked up the git1 with FPV cable to test, and my vtx is working, so either I didn't do the camera wiring right or it's a bad camera. Or maybe the 5v output from vtx is bad, which case I'll use one of the outputs from the ESCs (which I also rewired so only one of them is powering the cc3d) and then I changed the wiring between cc3d and the receiver so it only needs one connection (was pwm, now PPS in think). Lots of changes and it still flies! I just need to get a longer Velcro strap to hold the battery in now.IMG_20160318_003045~01.jpg
My alien 5" with git2.




Last flight video (could be smoother):

Build Thread:
I also need to tidy up my quad. Took it this Friday to some flights, it was very windy...again.. ~30 km/h. I have managed to have some fun with it, battling the wind, with no FPV (still don't have a working TX). Did some rolls and flips and of course lading resulted in pretty nasty crash. As I'm lazy and haven't order the KingKong props, I'm still depleting my gemfan stock :)) This time I have also seen the effect of being top heavy, the quad has a hard time keeping straight and loses a lot of altitude correcting. With almost 850 grams this time I think I'm on the limit of the 2 bladed 5030 props as I had to keep throttle ~50-75% for hovering.

Well I finally got a puffed battery, likely due to a crash from before I did the latest changes. Noticed it had a small bit of puff on one side when I plugged it into the charger, but didn't think it was a problem yet - it was less than 1mm, as if maybe the label had come loose or something. when I checked it 15 minutes later, it was definitely more puffed - like 2-3mm - and on both sides, so I quickly unplugged it. Wasn't warm, but I put it in a bucket of sand anyway, just in case. Surprisingly, it wasn't the battery that came with the quad, but one of the fluoreon packs I bought from Amazon. Of course no brand will hold up to some of the crashes I had, so I'm not criticizing that brand, and in fact I plan to buy more. My Amazon wish list: :D
Well I finally got a puffed battery, likely due to a crash from before I did the latest changes. Noticed it had a small bit of puff on one side when I plugged it into the charger, but didn't think it was a problem yet - it was less than 1mm, as if maybe the label had come loose or something. when I checked it 15 minutes later, it was definitely more puffed - like 2-3mm - and on both sides, so I quickly unplugged it. Wasn't warm, but I put it in a bucket of sand anyway, just in case. Surprisingly, it wasn't the battery that came with the quad, but one of the fluoreon packs I bought from Amazon. Of course no brand will hold up to some of the crashes I had, so I'm not criticizing that brand, and in fact I plan to buy more. My Amazon wish list: :D
Errm... I was just contemplating the fact that the last crash made a small dent in one of my LiPo, nothing unusual with I need to hurry home :confused:
Yes, the corner of this lipo has a small dent in the back corner. It happened a month ago and it didn't cause any trouble then, so I figured I got lucky. But it's what inspired me to make the changes I did.

I plan to hook up a light bulb to drain any remaining power, then make it safe for disposal like this article says:

I'll also cut off the xt60 and balance connectors to use as spares.
Of course I wouldn't be a very good hobbyist if I changed something and then left it that way.

Ordered this frame spacer last night. That will give me a solid mount for the power plug at the back, and a place to hide all my wires, including the ESC wires. And probably the receiver as well. It also gives me more surface area to mount LEDs on :D

In my testing, trying to figure out why my camera isn't working, I accidentally let the magic smoke out of my vtx. That vtx was kinda big and bulky anyway. So I ordered this - a matched set with a tiny vtx, so I don't have to mess with it. And I ordered it from the US warehouse so it'll be here maybe even this week, and if I have to return, hopefully I won't have to ship to China. This vtx should fit inside the new spacer. Just have to figure out how to route the antenna.

And these LEDs should look good on the front of my quad... Just gotta remember that they're 5v not 12v like the other LEDs already on the quad. I'll remove the existing blue ones from the front arms - white is better. And I can power them from one of the ESC's now unused 5v step down.
Ordered this frame spacer last night. That will give me a solid mount for the power plug at the back, and a place to hide all my wires, including the ESC wires. And probably the receiver as well. It also gives me more surface area to mount LEDs on :D

Maybe you can also squeeze the ESC's in the space created by the spacer for a more tidy design.
Maybe you can also squeeze the ESC's in the space created by the spacer for a more tidy design.
yes, some people apparently do that and i probably could too, but i'd rather keep them on the arms for cooling. it's not like they're really heavy. i might get rid of some of the extra wire between the motors and ESCs though, to save a few grams and make them sit flat against the arms. that might help protect them a little better for when i bend a prop. ;) i doubt i'll be transferring these motors/esc's to a different frame, so shortening the wires shouldn't be an issue. if i ever decide to make another quad, i'll just build a whole new one from scratch. i probably know enough to do it now (thanks mostly to your videos, @TechTronic9000), but i'd rather learn how to fly first, then learn more about the different motors and ESCs and their firmwares. and maybe after building another one, i can learn how to tune. but that's way down the road... before i do anything else, i need to try out another method to anchor the battery, since one velcro strap (or a piece of string as i did in my first test) isn't enough. but i have an idea that uses 2 velcro straps, and it just might work. and it might even hold it tight enough that the innermost screws for the rear arms are no longer an issue - right now they're VERY close to the battery, so that if a crash made it shift sideways, the screw could damage the battery. wonder if they make any flat-headed screws that don't stick up above the surface very much...

@GhostMaster - looks like an interesting thread, but it's a little hard to read with google translate - i don't know enough spanish or french (yes, i know it's portugese but portugese is similar to spanish and french, and i know a little spanish and french) to fill in the gaps and translate myself.

Does your quad KIT came with a "LinkMan" 2-3S charger. I was using it to charge a smaller battery for my JJRC H25 and it seemed to take a long time to charge, when I took the battery off for a check it was at 4.3 V/cell and it was still chagrining !!! Maybe you should check yours also, maybe it also has something to do with the puffed battery.
No, mine came with this:
It's slow, but that's because it charges at like 800mA for each cell. Never had a cell above 4.21v with this charger yet.
Mine is also slow, I'm glad I have used my imax b6. The LinkMan charger looks like this:

There's a saying: "A quad per day keeps the doctor away"
New quad in my humble fleet, the Aviax H2O waterproof quad

I don't think that it will keep the doctor away as I'm not getting more healthy from filming it in the rain at 5 degrees C.
I am using this charger, it only go as far as 6 amps, but i usioally charge all my batteries with just 2 amps.
Got the thing powered off a 9 amp PSU i have left over from my radio amatur days before the internet.


My friend have the bigger model

But it is not a charger he use too often as its too complicated for him / he never bother to read the manual.
So he use cheaper chargers that look a little like mine.