The Viewer window too small to show all settings...?


Active Member
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
A Dutchy in the South of France
Dash Cam
TWO Thinkware's U10002CH (rear cams used as side cams)
- Either when running directly from sd card, or when installed on pc
- I tried "troubleshoot compatibility"
- have Windows 8.1 & viewer 2.101
- impossible to scroll down in the viewer window itself
- screenshot attached



  • blackvue.JPG
    144.7 KB · Views: 17
Screen resolution An older version did that but that one is Ok on my W7 after trouble with older vers

I have zoom on 125% and its still Ok Try reducing zoom level

It does that on my Sony Duo and I haven't managed to alter it
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I would say screen resolution on your PC.
Changing resolution does not help & I fail to find this zoom function (I only know of the zoom function in explorer..?)
I' m guessing the problem is on the PC side, but then again have no similar problems with other programs...
What is the current resolution on your PC screen?
Perhaps you mean the viewer is TOO BIG for screen.

Try this R/click on desktop, display options comes up

Go to line that says make things on desktop larger or smaller

Make it a setting smaller than it is at present as below

Options are 100% 125% 150%


Open Viewer

There is another option that after doing that you can make ONLY THE TEXT larger .

Is on bottom right of that screen

I had lappy on 150% and it was like you say Set it back to 125% and its fits in fine.

I then enlarged text so I can read it and all is good
1 tried the 1st suggestion already, but nothing....

Re the 2nd one: Which screen are we talking about when you say "bottom right"?
I can alter mine by going into the NVIDIA control centre and changing things in there.
me too, but has no impact at all

whatever i do, the window is always too small & shows as per attached...


  • blackvue.JPG
    169 KB · Views: 7
Well this is indeed the solution (I thought I was the same as ctrl+scroll, but that's only for the desktop Icons)
