Thinkware F750 Card Error

FAT32 is just a file system, it can be used on partitions up to 2TB and you can access all the space, Windows will only offer FAT32 as a formatting option for drives up to 32GB but can read and write to larger drives formatted FAT32 without a problem
Thanks for that. As per usual it is a limitation set by good old Microsoft - keep forgetting!
Thanks for that. As per usual it is a limitation set by good old Microsoft - keep forgetting!

it's not so much a limitation but rather a case of by the time hard drives grew larger than 32GB they had moved onto other file systems more suitable to what they were doing and didn't see the need I guess
Hey that's great. Thanks. Can you point me to somewhere that will open up the invisible parts of an SD card we don't see and which most of us have no idea of? Is this what is sometimes referred to as the secure area of an SD card?

there are some tools you can get to examine the boot sector and other hidden parts of the card, there are coders around that have developed tools for this for whatever reason but it's not software I've ever had the need to use so never got into what it was useful for, I'm sure these are the types of tools used by those that trade in fake memory cards to make them appear bigger than they are which is an industry within itself with online sellers unfortunately, I just stick to the legitimate stuff, it's safer all round :)
Yes. I have oft been a victim of this couldn't-be-bothered attitude from Microsoft. Look at how long we all had to put up with the arbitary 8 digit maximum for file names set by MSDos when Bill Gates first wrote it at Cambridge!!!
What I was really asking was not how to access the secure parts (though that might follow later) but to understand what is in these forbidden realms and why? A theoretical rather than a practical exercise?
Yes. I have oft been a victim of this couldn't-be-bothered attitude from Microsoft. Look at how long we all had to put up with the arbitary 8 digit maximum for file names set by MSDos when Bill Gates first wrote it at Cambridge!!!

there was a time when they thought 640k of memory was enough for anyone
What I was really asking was not how to access the secure parts (though that might follow later) but to understand what is in these forbidden realms and why? A theoretical rather than a practical exercise?

I haven't looked into as really I have no need, for me it wouldn't be any advantage to know what's going on in that section of the card, I suspect it's something like the BIOS of your PC (over simplification I'm sure) but that's just guesswork
Hey does that bring back memories. I can clearly remember when I purchased my Ferrari of a 3/86 PC with an 8Gb hard drive in the late 80s that then cost £1,000.00 a Gb. Everyone thought I was mad buying so much storage which I could never possibly hope to use. Ah, those were the days hehe
Sorry but am I getting confused. If a 200Gb card is formatted with FAT32 then it in effect becomes a 32Gb card because FAT32 cannot see any larger than 32Gb (the clue is in the name FAT32?). For over 32Gb exFAT is needed? Am losing it?

You sir are have a problem and show it at every opportunity, I wish you luck in your endeavours and sincerely hope you reflect on your attitude towards others. People come here to help others and yet you belittle their efforts, you dismiss anything you don't agree with and generally insult them.

I can't for the life of me see why you find that acceptable. jokiin has clearly got some super human levels of restraint but I suspect the only reason you don't insult him is because you actually see him as superior to your standing because of his position on the forum, where as everyone else is below you and yet you clearly know bugger all as proved by the above..... and everything else you mention.

Good luck and fair well
I haven't looked into as really I have no need, for me it wouldn't be any advantage to know what's going on in that section of the card, I suspect it's something like the BIOS of your PC (over simplification I'm sure) but that's just guesswork
Yes, few people seem to even know of its existence and even fewer seem to know about ut. Thems that do do not appear to be too forthcoming in the enlightenment dept. To me, it is because of all these mirrors and smoke that fraudsters get a foot up into our bank accounts and that if things like SD secure areas were more transparnt, the we would all be safer - and that includes the manufacturers too! I have no doubt though, that this is all so secretive for a reason. That stirs my curiosity!
Hey does that bring back memories. I can clearly remember when I purchased my Ferrari of a 3/86 PC with an 8Gb hard drive in the late 80s that then cost £1,000.00 a Gb. Everyone thought I was mad buying so much storage which I could never possibly hope to use. Ah, those were the days hehe

You didn't have an 8GB hard drive in the 80s, or if you have somehow managed to grasped the difference between GB and Gb, you didn't have a 1GB HDD either
You sir are have a problem and show it at every opportunity, I wish you luck in your endeavours and sincerely hope you reflect on your attitude towards others. People come here to help others and yet you belittle their efforts, you dismiss anything you don't agree with and generally insult them.

I can't for the life of me see why you find that acceptable. jokiin has clearly got some super human levels of restraint but I suspect the only reason you don't insult him is because you actually see him as superior to your standing because of his position on the forum, where as everyone else is below you and yet you clearly know bugger all as proved by the above..... and everything else you mention.

Good luck and fair well
Absolutely everything you write just belittles you in every way and proves me write. I stand by what I say in that you do not fully read everything, consequently you go off half-c_o_c_k_e_d and look all the more foolish because of it. Read back from pages 4-5 of this thread where you will see that jokiin and I did not have the best of starts and that he has indeed been rebuked by me for what I thought was his unhelpful comments. That we are now so quickly getting on so well should be a lesson to you and testment to the fact of the benefits to be gained from an intelligent and mature approach to things. Do I value jokiin's input due to his undoubted superior knowledge of this subject. You bet I do. That is precisely why forums like this exist (not to win points for how many threads you add comments too however inane) and it is for precisely the same reason nothing whatever that you have to contribute can or will be of any use to anyone unless and until you grow up a bit and stay focused on the tasks at hand rather than acting like an immature, spoilt brat!
You didn't have an 8GB hard drive in the 80s, or if you have somehow managed to grasped the difference between GB and Gb, you didn't have a 1GB HDD either

Try answering why despite your claims of being impossible so that you and another insist I should take it on the chin, that Thinkware can do what you claim is the impossible by selling SD Cards that are guaranteed every time to work. Then perhaps we might think you have something worth contributing.

And no, I do not see that there is any diffence in a 1Gb or 1GB drive. To me they are exactly the same thing and anybody that says different will indeed be teaching me something. So come on then Dee82 teach me what you imagine to be the difference between 1Gb and 1GB.
Yes, few people seem to even know of its existence and even fewer seem to know about ut. Thems that do do not appear to be too forthcoming in the enlightenment dept. To me, it is because of all these mirrors and smoke that fraudsters get a foot up into our bank accounts and that if things like SD secure areas were more transparnt, the we would all be safer - and that includes the manufacturers too! I have no doubt though, that this is all so secretive for a reason. That stirs my curiosity!

Yes, I agree that there is so much information/knowledge out there we must be frugal in that which we seek to read up on, it is just that I wonder if knowing about the secure areas of an SD card will or may help solve this particular puzzle? I don't know in that I am not semi-conductor knowledgeable so thought I might find out if it could supply a few helpful pointers by looking into it. If you don't feel it worth pursuing I doubt very much there would be much for me to gain by Googling it!!! Hope you don't mind me picking your brain in this way?
You didn't have an 8GB hard drive in the 80s, or if you have somehow managed to grasped the difference between GB and Gb, you didn't have a 1GB HDD either
Well how in the hell would you know anyway. You weren't even born then!
this is worth watching, a lot of it is about hacking but there's some really good info here

My goodness. I had no idea that every SD card has its own Micro controller. The 1st 20 mins of this video were very interesting but from there on out (when talk of code 8051 got thick and fast) it all went over my head a bit. Nice too to know that SD cards do not actually store data but at best only store an approximation of it. Just makes me wonder if I should curb my impulse to go to SSD drives in my PCs until I learns bit more about their CONS as well as the obvious PROS!!!
Watch it through, even some of it you might not understand there's a lot of bits of info throughout related to why cards can be problems for some and not for others, the card is the weakest link for any camera