[Tutorial] Updating your G1W-C's Firmware


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Apr 28, 2015
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United Kingdom

I created my account especially for this post as I spent all night trudging through various threads trying to figure out how to update my blueskysea G1W-C. All the threads I read were not specifically about updating the G1W-C and hopefully this thread will make it easier for someone to update theirs.

I successfully updated from version 2013.1112.18 to 2014.0813.11

I believe the firmware is intended for the blueskysea branded cam. It may work for others but I cannot comment.

Firstly, an obligatory warning. Updating your firmware could potentially break your cam. Attempt it at your own risk. I take no responsibilities for broken cams.

In order to figure out this process, as well as reading many threads for various sites I contacted Vicky at estore009.

Sorry to hear that. Could you pls update it and try again?

This is the software for G1W-c.please check!
And you can do it in this way:
1)Download this bin file to your computer
2)Format your memory card by computer;
3)copy this bin file to your memory card;
4)Plug into card into camera,and plug into camera to power camera on;
5)It will update automatically
after updating,please plug its memory card and have a test with other memory card!


I would like to add an extra step to the one above. DO NOT try and update your cam using a SD card greater than 32GB in size as it won't work. I tried various different cards, all 64GB in size and none of them worked. I guess that it has something to do with the card being formatted as exFAT. Cards 32GB in size or less are formatted as FAT32 by default by your cam and that seems to work fine.

So the final steps are:
  1. Format a SD card of 32GB or less using your cam.
  2. Download the rar file and extract it. https://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/qs862r
  3. Copy the file "FW96650A.bin" to the root folder of your empty SD card.
  4. Place your SD card into the cam whilst it is powered off.
  5. Power on your cam by plugging in the in car charger.
  6. The cam will remain black for a few seconds. Mine took about a minute. DO NOT turn off or unplug your cam in this time as it may break. Be patient and wait!
  7. When the cam boots, check to see if the firmware version has been updated to 2014.0813.11. If it has, format the SD card to prevent it updating again upon reboot.
Regarding step 5. You may be able to power and update your cam using a USB cable connected to a computer. I did not try this so I cannot say if it will work.

You will now notice that the green welcome screen has changed to a black blueskysea screen. I believe this is a feature of the new firmware.

Some people have mentioned that after updating, their cams are in Chinese, mine remained in English but just in case: Press the menu button twice and the third option down is the language setting.

I would like to thank Senjaya as it was his post which originally started my venture into updating my cam.

FYI: My last firmware was 2013.1126.16. (issue: last file error because the unit didn't shut down properly)

For G1W-C user who have this kind of issues:
- Last File error
- unit didn't turn off properly
- Setting became default after reboot
Try this firmware. it will upgrade your firmware into 2014.0813.11 .
I've upload it to my Google Drive.
n.b. do it at your own risk!!!

1. Download from the link above
2. Format your Micro SD
3. put the Bin File on root of your micro sd
4. Plug in the Micro SD
5. Plug in the USB (to power up the G1W-C)
6. The screen goes blank for few second, and then boot up
7. Check the firmware version. it should be 2014.0813.11
8. Format Your card using the G1W-C
9. Try to reboot if the problem still exist (mine works fine after 4-5times reboot)
10. Hope this work for you guys.

I hope this helps someone and speeds up the process of updating their cam.

Its worth noting that this firmware version has been reported to fix the last file corruption issue. I hope it also fixes the issue I am having whereby the cam will randomly stop recording. I will keep you all updated.
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If I don't have the last file corruption problem but this stuttering problem instead is it worth a shot ->
The camera is from amazon, from spytec. Will this firmware be compatible with all gw1-c? I don't want to risk updating it and bricking it and not being able to revert.
I wouldn't like to guess to be honest. My camera is a blueskysea branded G1W-C and the firmware was perfectly fine for that. I wouldn't like to guess though about other brands.
Pocky, where did you purchase from? There may be more than one version of the G1Wc out. Mine is from Spytec (as printed on the black box) and I haven't tried the new firmware but I will DL it in case I need it or if I have problems.

First failure today; mine shut down mid-day while parked (I left it turned on at work). Didn't discover till this evening while running errands after arriving home :eek: Had to turn it off then on to restart, unpowering it didn't reboot as it normally does. After the re-start the last 2 files were corrupted and I couldn't determine what caused this or the stoppage. It did get hot today with the cam in the sun, maybe 90F degrees at the cam, or perhaps a file got locked inadvertently this morning. It would have looped around about the same time it stopped. Will try a new card tomorrow and see what happens, conditions will be similar.
I have two from spytec came in a black box that says spytec on it. I got it on amazon.com. I updated the firmware on both and they both work fine now.
I wish the instruction to wait up to a minute had been posted a few days ago. I followed Senjaya's instructions (which I found in another thread), which said to wait a few seconds after rebooting the camera with nothing but the firmware update on the root of the memory card. Apparently I did not wait long enough. After plugging in the camera following adding the update to the SD card, nothing happened after 15 or 30 seconds, so I unplugged the camera. Now when I plug it in, either with or without a memory card installed, it does nothing at all -- not even the red LED. Did I brick my camera? Is there anything I can do?
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You can try a hard reset. On the side is a hole marked "reset" Gently push a paper-clip in then release while attached to a power source (the super-cap probably won't hold enough power to reboot all alone). If that doesn't work it may be 'bricked'

Good Luck!
I wish the instruction to wait up to a minute had been posted a few days ago. I followed Senjaya's instructions (which I found in another thread), which said to wait a few seconds after rebooting the camera with nothing but the firmware update on the root of the memory card. Apparently I did not wait long enough. After plugging in the camera following adding the update to the SD card, nothing happened after 15 or 30 seconds, so I unplugged the camera. Now when I plug it in, either with or without a memory card installed, it does nothing at all -- not even the red LED. Did I brick my camera? Is there anything I can do?

You could try following the steps again. I am not sure about this model but with another camera (SJCAM SJ4000) with very similar updating instructions, I did the same. All I had to do was reboot it with the firmware on the card and it installed the second time around.

I took the chance. It worked and fixed it.
Glad it worked out alright in the end!
I have two from spytec came in a black box that says spytec on it. I got it on amazon.com. I updated the firmware on both and they both work fine now.

Followed your lead, successfully updated my spytec g1w-c today
I tried it again and it came back to life! Thanks! Only thing is that it does not turn itself on when plugged in, and when unplugged it instantly goes black. But it was doing that before I updated the firmware. Indeed, it was that issue (and even more so, the loss of date and time) that led me to upgrade the firmware. Perhaps the supercap has gone bad.
First Post!!!

I can confirm the above firmware and update procedure is good for Gearbest G1W-C which arrived yesterday with firmware version W2015.0316.11

Tried the cam in the car this morning and upon arriving home and plugging into the PC found I had the last file corruption issue.... took a punt, updated the firmware as described by IanCaunce and got it set up. Unplugged the powerbank, plugged it back in, recorded, unplugged whilst recording, plugged back in and checked the recording..... and it's worked a treat! All info recorded up to the point of unplugging was good :)

I also noted I had the powering up issue earlier (in the car)... will check tomorrow if this is still an issue on this firmware. If the worst comes to the worst and it's still a problem AND the "2 second trick" doesn't work, powering on by hitting the power button wont be too much of an issue - just need to get the procedure stored to muscle memory :)

Thanks for the above info and for all the posters here who take the time to post such useful info!

I also noted I had the powering up issue earlier (in the car)... will check tomorrow if this is still an issue on this firmware. If the worst comes to the worst and it's still a problem AND the "2 second trick" doesn't work, powering on by hitting the power button wont be too much of an issue - just need to get the procedure stored to muscle memory

Did the firmware fix the powering up issue? Also, what's the "2 second trick"?
unfortunately it doesn't fix the power issue for me... could be my car though, it seems all the 12v sockets get power as the lights on the USB charger come on as soon as I unlock the door but there isn't enough power to them to start the camera.... But maybe enough power to make the camera think it's previously been turned on and has manually powered off from the button so it doesn't turn on once the key has been inserted and turned.

2 second rule is turn the key in ignition one click to get full power to everything, wait 2 seconds to let the capacitor charge then full turn the key to start engine which should theoretically bridge the voltage drop encountered when the starter motor engages.

2 second rule won't work for me as its impossible for me to unlock and have the engine started in such a short time frame :(
Thanks for the update—I have an older car, and no power from the sockets until the engine starts, so we'll see if that makes a difference.
I have the date issue with mine. It is the Blueskysea version from DreamLover seller on Ebay.
Mine was good for a couple weeks, but then it started to lose the date/time setting every day. Every morning it would reset. i checked the version and it is 2014.0813.11.
So i contacted the seller and let them know, they told me to do a firmware update and sent me the same link posted above - https://www.sendspace.com/file/qs862r
I updated the firmware and it looks like it works but it's still at the same firmware version.

I did notice that before, if i would reset the settings, it would change the language to chinese.... BUT now when i reset after the update, the language defaults to english.

Not sure if there are two difference 2014.0813.11 firmwares. - im going to test it out today/tomorow.... hopefully this fixes the date/reset issue.
Thanks for the update—I have an older car, and no power from the sockets until the engine starts, so we'll see if that makes a difference.

I think there will be no problem with old car. Please make sure to check your car Voltage to ensure the camera works.
Thanks to this thread. Hope this is the best firmware for G1W-C
I have Zero Issue since I'm using this Firmware.

And here is another Fix For everyone that still have the last video file corrupt after flashing this firmware(in case you really need them) / didn't want to upgrade to this firmware due to uncertain of many g1w-c brand:
-Plug in your Memory Card to G1W-C
-Play the corrupt file from the dashcam itself
-Stop the file
-Plug the MMC to your Computer using any reader.
-The File should be Fixed. Copy it or just Play it directly.
I picked up a Monkon G1W-C from Amazon UK and this came with firmware version W2015.0316.11 mine too had the last file corruption issue.

Just to confirm 2014.0813.11 works and has fixed the corruption issue :-)
Mine still has the time/date problem. It will lose the time/date settings after a couple of hours on fw: 2014.0813.11

Luckly the eBay seller said it was okay for me to return it. Sent it out today and bought the B40 A118 capacitor dash cam instead
Mine still has the time/date problem. It will lose the time/date settings after a couple of hours on fw: 2014.0813.11

Luckly the eBay seller said it was okay for me to return it. Sent it out today and bought the B40 A118 capacitor dash cam instead

Thanks for the heads up...I'll keep my eye on the time/date over the next few days