The cause is the windshield ??
I cant' drive without it
Yes, it is possible to cover with some kind of composition after washing.
Or sandblasted.
Then change it!!
Check it out.
Yes, it is possible to cover with some kind of composition after washing.
Or sandblasted.
Then change it!!
Check it out.
So, the beams are due to my windshield ?? Damn :confused: !

Maybe it is dirty inside :unsure:!?

Thank you for your answer, I feel stupid :geek:.

I just changed the day zone (GMT+1 in France during winter), the HDR will work tomorrow.
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Here is a video, same settings, few hours before, in daylight.

Is it fine ?

EV=0, I noticed it ;) !

Reso 2560x1440 30 FPS, HDR Auto (activated between 19:00 and 7:00 o'clock), Bitrate medium, EV=0, CPL filter
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OK, I put EV=-1/3 !:)
I guess that the image is a bit too much overexposed ?

Bitrate on medium seems good to you ? Some members here adjusted it at high...?

Thank you !
The cause is the windshield ??

You need to clean your windshield, both inside and outside....:)

It could also possibly be a dirty lens, perhaps with fingerprints.

It could be "sandblasted" but I don't think so. I live on a dirt road on a mountain and my windshields always get full of sandblasted pockmarks from the fine particles and also from the sand they spread on the roads here in the winter. Sometimes, I've had to have my windshields replaced because it gets so bad, but I've never seen it look as bad as your video.

What you are seeing in your images are called "diffraction spikes".
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Okay, I clean it tomorrow !! Shame on me !

I changed many settings tonight, I'll go and sleep a bit less stupid than when I got up this morning :giggle: !

Thank you very much all (y)!!
Damn ! I just discovered a big FINGERPRINT on the CPL filter of the dashcam :oops: ! Explanation of the beams !!
But I'll clean the windshield too...
Alright, I'll go and sleep FAR less stupid than when I got up this morning :ROFLMAO: !!
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Explanation of the beams !!
Take a handheld shot past your windshield, just pull it out of the DVR window and see the difference in footage!!

Move your finger over the glass, if there are micro flaws, you will immediately feel it.
Or shine a flashlight on the windshield at an angle and see the flaws !!??
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Yes, thank you for your tips ;).

I don't have a long enough cable to test the Viofo outside (the cable is fixed on the windshield), and I don't own a laptop to do it, but I'll find a solution later on.

I can first compare the videos with my smartphone, behind the windshield of course, a Samsung S9 which provides good videos and pictures, about the beams.

First I'll make tests during this weekend, I'll give you two videos, day and night, to see the differences with before, I am sure there will be some clear-cut enhancements.

During the day, the image was overexposed, especially cause of the sunny daylight I think, so I put EV=-1/3 like recommended.
The HDR will work from the evening, I adjusted the right time zone.
About the beams, I hope that the cleaning of the CPL filter, plus the cleaning of the windshield, will be enough.

About the Bitrate, I don't know if it is good at medium.

I deactived the alarms too, one problem in less.

The main goal, I think, to use simply a dashcam, is to get acceptable videos night and day, without changing every day the settings, nobody does that, so we have to find a compromise in the settings.
The HDR becoming automatic, it is a clear advance to benefit from it, cause I have understood that HDR is damaging the views during the day, but is useful at night.
Considering I drive during the day and also during the evening (especially in winter), it is a good thing concerning my own use.
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I don't have a long enough cable to test the Viofo outside
Do you have a power bank?
Connect through it, there is no need for a long cable. And you need a short test, even in statistics 1 minute is enough!!
With the settings modified : EV=-1/3, Bitrate high.
At first sight, with a sunny day, the views are less milky, the sky has a deep blue, plates look less all white, it is easier to see the letters and the numbers, even face to the sun, compared to last days.
This time, I think that the views can be considered as good (in daylight) :), and even very good, I'll show you a video.

This evening or tomorrow evening I'll watch a video, views at night are the main concern I got, video that I'll show you too.

I have nothing which can be used like a power bank, but I'll use a long cable USB/micro USB to make a comparison outside/inside the car, and a comparison with my smartphone.
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During the day, picture look pretty good :):

At night, light beams are still present :(, in spite of the cleaning of the CPL filter.
I didn't clean yet my windshield, but I am a bit pessimist, my car is old (2007), and if the windshield is as old, I am afraid that the problem persists...
This time, HDR is on.
One good point : the plate of the car in front of me is easily readable.

I'll take a picture tomorrow or after tomorrow, when my windshield will be cleaned, and I'll test the dashcam outside of my car, with an enough long cable.

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Those are definitely diffraction spikes. Have you checked that the lens behind the CPL is also clean and that there are no scratches on the lens surface or CPL?

The fact that there are two distinct spikes seems suspicious, as if there are scratches or pockmarks on the windshield or scratches on the lens or the CPL. Usually, the number of spikes in a photograph corresponds with the number of blades in the iris diaphragm in the lens but dash cam lenses do not have a diaphragm, they just have a round fixed aperture but scratches can have a similar refraction effect. It's possible that you have a very sandblasted, pockmarked windshield which you will notice at night or during the day when the sun hits your windscreen at an oblique angle. If it is really bad the only solution is to replace it. Still, you can get multiple spikes caused by refraction from a dirty lens or windshield so try thoroughly cleaning the lens and windshield and see if it helps.
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I had a similar situation after I applied liquid wax on the car, so on the windshield, at the car wash .... It was solved after the insistent washing of the windshield.