VIOFO A119 PRO Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Thanks for the work and much appreciated. That said, I'm struggling to see any advantage gained atm.

interesting comparison, thanks for the effort, the Sharpness difference is noticeable, the MOD code difference was 50% less, will release 40% and 60%.
verify 1080P @30fps works normally, it may crash.

Yes agreed but to my eyes I'd rather have the default. The top picture is disappointing in both sharpness and detail eg the blurry grass at the side of the road. As I presume you were stationary during both pictures, there's no cause other than the changes (admittedly the lower light levels made the modd'ed picture less appealing as well, although that can't be helped).

The main gains in bit rate are going to be seen with movement and highly complex scenery eg a narrower tree / bush lined road with grass each side so there's lot of small detail. I'm not sure a stationary picture is really going to show it off to the best ability.

The bitrate is limited in the firmware of the manufacturer, it is variable, for example, in the MOD at 28 MB / s can grow up to 51 Mbps on complex scenes.

So it's using VBR instead of CBR. Definitely a good move by Viofo provided the limiters are set so as not too allow it to go too low. A recent recording of mine shows 23812kbs under video analysis and 23909kbs with audio. That's a definite improvement over the WR1 which I believe showed 12mbs.
Thanks for the work and much appreciated. That said, I'm struggling to see any advantage gained atm.

Yes agreed but to my eyes I'd rather have the default. The top picture is disappointing in both sharpness and detail eg the blurry grass at the side of the road. As I presume you were stationary during both pictures, there's no cause other than the changes (admittedly the lower light levels made the modd'ed picture less appealing as well, although that can't be helped).

The main gains in bit rate are going to be seen with movement and highly complex scenery eg a narrower tree / bush lined road with grass each side so there's lot of small detail. I'm not sure a stationary picture is really going to show it off to the best ability.

So it's using VBR instead of CBR. Definitely a good move by Viofo provided the limiters are set so as not too allow it to go too low. A recent recording of mine shows 23812kbs under video analysis and 23909kbs with audio. That's a definite improvement over the WR1 which I believe showed 12mbs.
Thanks for the feedback. The group modifying our DVR firmware haven't accessed many features but adjusting Bit Rate or Sharpness can improve video quality. Many other brand DVRs Menu settings include image controls, our limited testing offers a sneak peek at what to expect "if" VIOFO eventually adds them to the Menu. Our MODs push the extremes to find limits and possibilities.
I'm all for your mod and can't wait to see positive results. A search on here will show I'm a very big proponent of higher bit rates amongst other things.
Just uploaded the Edge Detection MODs for A119PRO.
Seeking owners to flash FWA119P_v1.31+EdgeDetect28=low+DICE.bin < then > FWA119P_v1.31+EdgeDetect228=max+DICE.bin (rename the MOD files).
Compare video clips for object outline definition, these extreme values should be very noticeable from default of 128.
Video comparisons indicate improved object definition after combining Sharp32+Edge168, Download MOD from (( Custom MODs )) folder.
More video quality improvements on the way, Thanks for the support.

Download A129 Duo Modified Firmware >
Download A119S Modified Firmware >
Download A119 Pro Modified Firmware >
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Added MOD-ID numbers to all future releases for quick identification from Dashcam MENU > Firmware Version setting and changed the embedded MP4 "Movie_More" video info tag (currently DEMO1 for 2 years) to represent MOD version.
( 131P07 = Modified Base FW v1.31 / P = A119Pro / 07 = MOD-07 ) Details & Screenshot here:

Uploaded new FWA119P_MOD-07_v1.31+27Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE.bin for The MOD Squad to test drive.
When more MOD-07 footage from A119PRO + A119 + A129 + A119S is available we need to assess if 27Mbps + Sharp34 + Edge178 is the best crisp image quality before further adjustments.
Anyone prefering same MOD but default 24Mbps Bit Rate let me know, Thanks for your time.
Video sample A119 Pro MOD-07, with CPL
Too sharp for my taste :cautious:
My GOD !! my eyes are bleeding after watching those clips 10 times !!
Your A119Pro MOD-07 footage is THE BEST video every produced by a VIOFO product. I need your permission to create the next PROMO A119Pro World Tour video, please!
I also want you to find me a small shack on that mountain for summer picnics.
Well Done Sir!

If anyone wants the slightly less Sharp version its called MOD-05 saved in Beta MODs > Beta Combos > FWA119P_MOD-05_v1.31+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin
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@BCHobbyist - So we just rename the MOD 07 file to "FWA119P.bin " yes?
My Modified Firmware versions for all VIOFO Dashcams changed the "Movie-More' metadata tag so you and I can identify the version, dahscam and MOD used to create these works of video art.
Suggest everyone download and read all my ReadMe and ChangeLog text files saved in root of all my online Modified Firmware Archives.
Doing it right helps, keeping secrets does not.
I collect Likes, Feedback but mostly eye bleeding video footage!
enjoy your Dash Cam to the fullest, join out Beta Testers - The MOD Squad (y)

PS- please read
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My Modified Firmware versions for all VIOFO Dashcams changed the "Movie-More' metadata tag so you and I can identify the version, dahscam and MOD used to create these works of video art.
Suggest everyone download and read all my ReadMe and ChangeLog text files saved in root of all my online Modified Firmware Archives.
Doing it right helps, keeping secrets does not.
I collect Likes, Feedback but mostly eye bleeding video footage!
enjoy your Dash Cam to the fullest, join out Beta Testers - The MOD Squad (y)

PS- please read

Sorry for the attached link, that was NOT the sample video.


  • Snap1.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 15
Sorry for the attached link, that was NOT the sample video.
click "Edit" beneath your post and remove or replace the image and / or change the text.

edit post-crop.JPG
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Using the A119PRO Modified Firmware FWA119P_MOD-07_v1.31+27Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE by BCHobbyist ,
I used the resolution of 1920*1080@60fps, with CPL, EV 0.0, seems to be OK on my monitor. A119P.rar?dl=0
Amazing town in the mountains, thanks for the A119Pro 1080P @60fps using 20Mbps footage, can see the difference from the 1440P at 27Mbps, but 1080P is acceptable.
The A119Pro at 1440P accepts upto 27Mbps but when lowered to 1080P has a bitrate limit of 20Mbps which was left as default in MOD-07 but the sharp & edge settings are still used.

Seeking A119Pro owners willing to install alternate Bit Rate settings for 1080P @60fps and @30fps to confirm the limit. The video will crash and need to flash another binary to correct it.
If interested in Beta testing this limit for me, MOD-07c saved in = Beta MODs > Beta Combos > FWA119P_MOD-07c_v1.31+27Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE
MOD-07c - - - August 22, 2018 ChangeLog

- changed Bit Rate for 1080P 60fps & 30fps from 20Mbps to 24Mbps (find limit)
expect video to crash - use 2nd microSD-card with regular MOD-07 file to reflash.
DOWNLOAD A119PRO Modified Firmware
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why don't you share just the video files without any archiving, like the others do? I downloaded your rar archive twice and could not open it, the previous rar opened OK.

Sorry about that borik, when I put directly at the dropbox the video file, it seems to be played only at 720p quality, I try to RAR it so the video quality is good. (sorry for my English). I can open the file by downloading it. see the Pics attachment.


  • Snap1.jpg
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  • Snap2.jpg
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Video sample A119 Pro MOD-07, with CPL
Too sharp for my taste :cautious:

The 1st and 2nd files open for me. The 3rd does not (given I'm using VLC which has the widest compatibility of any program, I'm saying there's a compression error with the 3rd).

That said, I also disagree on the sharpness. In vid 1 and 1/2 of vid 2, yes the road looks oversharp. However, I think this is actually the surface that is unusually broken up / stoney / tectured rather than the video per se, because nothing else in the video looks oversharp and 1/2 way through vid 2, the car turns up a side street, and then the road surface looks smooth, even blurry in places. It probably is oversharp where high levels of edge detail are present, but given the rest of the video looks ok, I can personally live with occasional over sharpening of surfaces with very high edge content as these are very rare. I'll take a bit of over sharpened road if the rest of the video looks good and plates are readable. We're not making Hollywood movies here, but recording accident footage. If you want to make a movie, you can always flash it back to an earlier less sharpened version of the firmware!

So far, the results look good from MOD 7 and far nearer to a normal camera than a dashcam.

Downloading this as my 1st mod to try.
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Sorry about that borik, when I put directly at the dropbox the video file, it seems to be played only at 720p quality, I try to RAR it so the video quality is good. (sorry for my English). I can open the file by downloading it. see the Pics attachment.
I know about WinRar. people who want to see the actual video file download it first, you should not worry about those who try to play it without downloading. :)