VIOFO A119 (production) feature requests and bug reports

something like this?


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I mean when playing video on the device itself. Right now there's only 1x, 2x and 4x.
I mean when playing video on the device itself. Right now there's only 1x, 2x and 4x.
I know what you mean just don't know why you'd want to view the video on such a small screen and at 8x. really. :)
I know what you mean just don't know why you'd want to view the video on such a small screen and at 8x. really. :)
Here's just one example - I've been a victim of a hit and run while parked on the street (before having any dashcam). Sometimes the impact may not be strong enough to trigger the G sensor, so when I get back in the car I'd like to have a way to quickly scan the video while I was parked.
and what would it tell you? If you have the video - you have it. you can use it not even today or tomorrow.
I had my new car scratched (right back door) while parked with 2 cameras running, watched all the video twice and never found who actually did it. for this purpose you need 4 cameras covering all 4 sides, the G-sensor won't help you.
my original idea for cameras was this one, it's not produced anymore but I still keep the idea. one day I'll have something like this.
my original idea for cameras was this one, it's not produced anymore but I still keep the idea. one day I'll have something like this.

that product is still made, maybe they don't sell it anymore though, the idea has some merit but the design is not practical for a lot of applications
I would definitely get one if all 4 cameras record 1080p@60fps and the video quality is good.
I like the idea of 1 controller and "up to" 4 (small discrete) cameras.
it's effectively 4 individual camera systems that have the ability to connect to one controller screen, the concept has merit but I feel the design is difficult to work with for a lot of vehicles, particularly the side cameras
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I have previously mentioned that there is a market for a multiple camera controller. The unit can be mounted in a convenient location and the cameras can be more discreet. I am dreaming the the manufacturers here are listening and secretly preparing one for us. HINT HINT
and what would it tell you? If you have the video - you have it. you can use it not even today or tomorrow.
I had my new car scratched (right back door) while parked with 2 cameras running, watched all the video twice and never found who actually did it. for this purpose you need 4 cameras covering all 4 sides, the G-sensor won't help you.
my original idea for cameras was this one, it's not produced anymore but I still keep the idea. one day I'll have something like this.
It would tell me whether there was any event which I should preserve by protecting the file. Maybe there will be useful information like a license plate, maybe not.
Not everyone has to use their device the same way, why question somebody for using their device a certain way just because someone else doesn't think it would be useful? If Viofo decides that adding this feature is not worth their time, so be it. In fact, if there was a way for me to compile my own firmware build, I'd be more than happy to figure out the changes required and do so.
It would tell me whether there was any event which I should preserve by protecting the file. Maybe there will be useful information like a license plate, maybe not.
I got 4Tb external hard drive and save my videos on it. I may watch some video again later for some events, or in a couple of weeks just delete it. I also try to quickly view the video the same day it was recorded. just in case. :)
I got 4Tb external hard drive and save my videos on it. I may watch some video again later for some events, or in a couple of weeks just delete it. I also try to quickly view the video the same day it was recorded. just in case. :)
Fair enough, but what happens if I know my camera will be on for another 8 hours before I can go home and copy the files over? On my 64GB card, the video will be overwritten in that time, so I still need a way to quickly scan videos and manually protect those I want.
use 128gb SD card. it takes 13hr 52min of 1440p video. :)
use 128gb SD card. it takes 13hr 52min of 1440p video. :)
I wanted to get a 128GB card, but only if it was MLC. I'm currently using a Lexar 633x, but from what I could find, the 128GB version is more likely to be TLC. If you know of any reasonably-priced 128GB cards that are MLC, please let me know. :)
unfortunately all I could find with MLC technology is Transcend Ultimate 633x 64gb and I have 2 of them.
I have previously mentioned that there is a market for a multiple camera controller. The unit can be mounted in a convenient location and the cameras can be more discreet. I am dreaming the the manufacturers here are listening and secretly preparing one for us. HINT HINT
In a few years the auto industry will have it as a option to pre order front and rear built in DVR's but maybe side's will also be considered.
Fair enough, but what happens if I know my camera will be on for another 8 hours before I can go home and copy the files over? On my 64GB card, the video will be overwritten in that time, so I still need a way to quickly scan videos and manually protect those I want.
Keep a spare sd card in the glovebox so you can swap it in if anything happens.
Keep a spare sd card in the glovebox so you can swap it in if anything happens.

Yes, just a cheap 32GB ($10?) as a back up until you have downloaded the files you need from your 128GB card.
Hi guys, just a thought for a possible feature addition, which I feel would particularly benefit those in cars (as opposed to vans/trucks)...

The A119 as it stands provides two 16:9 recording formats, but in many situations all this gives is more sky and more bonnet. Would it be possible to provide an additional resolution of 2560x1080 (21:9 ratio), which would leave more bandwidth for the content that's really of interest? If the Novatek processor supports it internally, it should also reduce lighting compensation errors (because there's less sky in the image). If it doesn't support it, simply blacking out 180 pixels at the top and 180 pixels at the bottom will give better video quality for the bandwidth (as all-black uses practically no bandwidth).

This of course depends on how much - if any - access to the video stream is granted to the firmware. If the video stream is entirely handled within the processor, this feature will be impossible to implement.
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In a few years the auto industry will have it as a option to pre order front and rear built in DVR's but maybe side's will also be considered.
And don't worry... They'll only charge you a grand for a dual
channel VGA camera system, and probably 3 grand to upgrade the front cam to amazing 720p HD! And you won't be allowed to change the sd card or review footage yourself, only the stealership.