VIOFO A119 (production) feature requests and bug reports

I wonder how many dash cam manufacturers have the foresight to be currently in talks with car manufacturers to "do a deal"?

Otherwise, as with aftermarket sound systems of the past, add-on dash cams could be a disappearing market perhaps?
I can Imagine car companies deciding the camera resolution depending on the model and variant one picks. Lowest variant - 480p. :D
"Ah, the 1440p version Sir, a very wise choice indeed. And only an extra £2,100 over the 480p option. Box ticked."
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Would it be possible to provide an additional resolution of 2560x1080 (21:9 ratio), which would leave more bandwidth for the content that's really of interest?
I made this request from the first NT96660 camera one year ago, but seems that Novatek chipset can not offer this resolution. I know it is offered by Ambarella A7 used by the Mini 0805 for example.

I wonder how many dash cam manufacturers have the foresight to be currently in talks with car manufacturers to "do a deal"?

good luck with that, you would not believe how slow they are to respond to stuff like this, even for the aftermarket supply they are ridiculously slow, innovation is not their thing
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Hi guys, just a thought for a possible feature addition, which I feel would particularly benefit those in cars (as opposed to vans/trucks)...

The A119 as it stands provides two 16:9 recording formats, but in many situations all this gives is more sky and more bonnet. Would it be possible to provide an additional resolution of 2560x1080 (21:9 ratio), which would leave more bandwidth for the content that's really of interest? If the Novatek processor supports it internally, it should also reduce lighting compensation errors (because there's less sky in the image). If it doesn't support it, simply blacking out 180 pixels at the top and 180 pixels at the bottom will give better video quality for the bandwidth (as all-black uses practically no bandwidth).

This of course depends on how much - if any - access to the video stream is granted to the firmware. If the video stream is entirely handled within the processor, this feature will be impossible to implement.

mini 0805 has a super wide aspect ratio that I really, really like.
good luck with that, you would not believe how slow they are to respond to stuff like this, even for the aftermarket supply they are ridiculously slow, innovation is not their thing
The adoption sequence will be...

1. Chinese car manufacturers include it as standard on all cars
2. Korean car manufacturers include it on higher-end models
3. German car manufacturers make it available as an expensive option
4. Japanese car manufacturers make it available as an expensive option only available on high-end models
5. French & British car manufacturers make it available as an expensive option only available on high-end models
6. US car manufacturers make it available as an expensive option only available on high-end models, but use converted USB webcams instead of proper cameras

Maybe two years between each step?
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in general new features that are added go in the top end BMW, Audi, Merc and take 10 years to filter down until it becomes standard in everything

1) My A119 cam is hardwired connected to the car and AV is connected to the external monitor. With a 128GB card , when the cam starts , it starts recording , the image is transmitted to the external monitor , but the cam's display is lighted . If I press the power button , the cam's display shuts down and everything is good. If i put a 64GB card or a 2GB card , I don't have this problem , meaning that the cam's display is black. I also tried with the powering kit supplied by Viofo , but the issue remains . I will attach a photo of this .

2) My car has a Start-Stop system . The cam is powered from a fuse that deactivates ONLY when the ignition is off . When I reach a stoplight and the Start-Stop system activates , the cam works perfectly normal , even though the engine is off. When the engine is back on , the cam crashes (the display is lighted , but the cam doesn't record and the image is not transmitted to the external monitor) . To solve this , I have to press the power button for a few seconds and then to power the cam back on.

3) Is there any intention from Viofo to make the cam automatically switch from Driving Mode to Parking Mode ?


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1. Officially, the supported cards are up to 64GB. But maybe @viofo will solve your problem, the have a good firmware engineer.
2. Try to find another fuse. For example the one for car interior lamp (plafonieră) which is activated when you are entering in the car and remains on maybe more 15 minutes after you are leaving the car.
3. I wrote someday an idea based on G-Sensor activity: camera to record in Normal Mode if it is receiving even very small shocks (because of driving) or to enter in Parking Mode (low fps recording - or not recording at all) if camera is not detecting any shock (camera is parked). @jokiin also have a good firmware engineer so maybe one of them can answer if this is possible.

in general new features that are added go in the top end BMW, Audi, Merc and take 10 years to filter down until it becomes standard in everything
There was a time I do remember that the was no central air-conditioning in cars. You had to install a unit under the dash. Then it was an expensive option to order it factory installed when you bought a new car. Now most cars have it as standard equipment. So I suppose if history means anything factory DVR's will follow that pattern. The moral to this story is....Sellers, make sure you have something else to fall back on and try now to expand your selling inventory with other items. My opinion is it will be an option in 5 years and standard in about 10 to 15 years.
I don't think so. Laws regarding privacy can be changed anytime and some countries already are not allowing video recording. What will do car manufacturers? Not exporting for example in Austria cars with video cameras?
How to make it optional or not? Hardwiring everything necessary but not mounting the lens and central video unit? Or include the video recording chipset inside any car computer and just mount the lens or not? Where to put the storage? If the cameras will work only as blackbox like on airplanes then the user will not copy or watch the video. Or maybe to go to some special service representative and pay $$$ so they can extract some needed video?

I don't think so. Laws regarding privacy can be changed anytime and some countries already are not allowing video recording. What will do car manufacturers? Not exporting for example in Austria cars with video cameras?
How to make it optional or not? Hardwiring everything necessary but not mounting the lens and central video unit? Or include the video recording chipset inside any car computer and just mount the lens or not? Where to put the storage? If the cameras will work only as blackbox like on airplanes then the user will not copy or watch the video. Or maybe to go to some special service representative and pay $$$ so they can extract some needed video?


when items are optional in some countries then generally the wiring loom is in place and the accessory is just not fitted for specific markets, very easy to do at time of production
1. Officially, the supported cards are up to 64GB. But maybe @viofo will solve your problem, the have a good firmware engineer.
2. Try to find another fuse. For example the one for car interior lamp (plafonieră) which is activated when you are entering in the car and remains on maybe more 15 minutes after you are leaving the car.
3. I wrote someday an idea based on G-Sensor activity: camera to record in Normal Mode if it is receiving even very small shocks (because of driving) or to enter in Parking Mode (low fps recording - or not recording at all) if camera is not detecting any shock (camera is parked). @jokiin also have a good firmware engineer so maybe one of them can answer if this is possible.

1. I know max 64 GB it's supported but it's a shame not use 128GB if it's working. Anyway I don't expect Viofo to correct this. Just saying for other people who want to buy 128GB card and use AV Out.
2. I have only one type adapter for fuse. Except fuse where is connected now, all fuse have 12 V permanent. I order other type of adaptor for small fuse and I try your advice
3. I think is ok your ideea. ( but G-sensor must be very sensitiv ).If it's hard to implement this maybe viofo can implement one touch button. If camera is in record mode and you want to switch to parking mode just pres record button 3 sec to make switch
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I made this request from the first NT96660 camera one year ago, but seems that Novatek chipset can not offer this resolution. I know it is offered by Ambarella A7 used by the Mini 0805 for example.

As the camera support 2560*1440P, so not a problem to support 2560*1080P, I will check with Novatek.
Before we have asked them to add new solution for action cameras.

Regarding 128GB card support, we suggest Transcend 128GB card which we always use for testing.
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1) My A119 cam is hardwired connected to the car and AV is connected to the external monitor. With a 128GB card , when the cam starts , it starts recording , the image is transmitted to the external monitor , but the cam's display is lighted . If I press the power button , the cam's display shuts down and everything is good. If i put a 64GB card or a 2GB card , I don't have this problem , meaning that the cam's display is black. I also tried with the powering kit supplied by Viofo , but the issue remains . I will attach a photo of this .

2) My car has a Start-Stop system . The cam is powered from a fuse that deactivates ONLY when the ignition is off . When I reach a stoplight and the Start-Stop system activates , the cam works perfectly normal , even though the engine is off. When the engine is back on , the cam crashes (the display is lighted , but the cam doesn't record and the image is not transmitted to the external monitor) . To solve this , I have to press the power button for a few seconds and then to power the cam back on.

3) Is there any intention from Viofo to make the cam automatically switch from Driving Mode to Parking Mode ?

1. If I disconect AV, with 128Gb card display camera is Ok
2. I try another fuse but no luck. When engine is stop camera recording, when engine start camera is restarting ( without AV connected . With AV connected the cam crashes the display of the camera is lighted , but the cam doesn't record and the image is not transmitted to the external monitor). I think the capacitors from camera must mantain camera active few seconds if power is disconected ? If I disconnect power the camera turns off instantly. Maybe this is the problem. When engine start a voltage fluctuation occurs and if capacitors don't maintain voltage camera is restarting.