It looks like the parking mode locked files in the normal video folder have a "P" subscript, so they can be identified separately from normal video files.

Yes all Parking mode files either from G sensor triggered events or motion triggered all end in "P". There is no "Lock" realistically but the files are different from normal videos in that their file attributes have the Read only attribute set. All files Normal, Parking mode G-sensor & Motion triggered are written to the "Movie" folder and are all overwritten as needed when SD card is full.

Not meaning to harp on this but some information being posted is either wrong, misleading or way out of context.
I've shared the spreadsheet I previously mentioned that I've been using to track file overwrites / deletions of parking mode and normal mode files in the Movie folder on the SD card. I often don't drive much so some times there's few normal recordings of a given day. But this clearly demonstrates that both Parking mode and Normal recordings have been removed from day to day. I have not really looked to see if the RO folder is also part of that overwrite recording loop that purges all the other files. Guess I'll start watching that folder as well.

I'm using the auto detection with motion sensor high, Using Parking G-sensor set to High

Okay I see the problem here.. the camera is continuously recording parking mode files; segment after segment, as it were in regular parking mode.

The camera is smart enough to delete protected files once the camera is full of protected files. It's basically like loop recording for protected files only. If the card is full of protected files only, it will record over the oldest protected files in a loop.

Even on the highest sensitivity, the camera shouldn't be recording in parking mode in continuous back-to-back segments like unless there is something dangling in front of the camera's lens in constant motion. Or the camera's g-sensor is constantly being triggered by multiple impacts.

Can you please confirm you are not actively having the camera's g-sensor or motion sensor triggered back-to-back by some method?

Or perhaps parked in a VERY high traffic area with people or vehicles passing in front of the camera?
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Okay I see the problem here.. the camera is continuously recording parking mode files; segment after segment, as it were in regular parking mode.

The camera is smart enough to delete protected files once the camera is full of protected files. It's basically like loop recording for protected files only. If the card is full of protected files only, it will record over the oldest protected files in a loop.

Even on the highest sensitivity, the camera shouldn't be recording in parking mode in continuous back-to-back segments like unless there is something dangling in front of the camera's lens in constant motion. Or the camera's g-sensor is constantly being triggered by multiple impacts.

Can you please confirm you are not actively having the camera's g-sensor or motion sensor triggered back-to-back by some method?

No it does not record continuously in parking mode. Look through the file time stamps and you will see breaks often ranging from minutes to hours. There are times it may record for longer continuous periods of time due to wind blowing trees in front of it with the motion sensor being set on high. It does record more often than I'd like from motion detection but unfortunately when set on medium I found it not recording at all sometimes when a vehicle would drive in front so had to set the sensitivity higher.

The card is not full of "protected" files, there are numerous existing normal files while parking mode files are removed / overwritten.

You've mentioned the camera being "Smart" a couple times now, please elaborate specifically on what it does that's smart?

From what I can see there is little to no logic being used in handling of the parking mode files for either G sensor trigger or motion sensor recordings other than assigning +R attribute to both of them and that's the only distinction between them and normal recordings.

The files are overwritten when SD card is full, a warning is displayed when G sensor is triggered but the owner must be sitting in the vehicle to be alerted to the fact as the warning is cleared at the completion of writing that file. That's of little benefit to the owner as he's parked and most likely away from the vehicle.

A smart cam would:
place all g sensor triggered events into a location that was not ever overwritten until the owner did so.
not clear the warning that an event occurred while they were away so that he/she would be aware something happened
НI,are you have this problem in 4K resolution? The problem is only in this resolution!


  • _20190908_181149.JPG
    574.7 KB · Views: 43
The A119 V3 only has a 2k max resolution...
[QUOTE = "Пол Иддън, публикация: 483385, член: 25790"]
A119 V3 има само 2k макс. Резолюция ...
[/ Цитат]


  • _20190908_183541.JPG
    136.3 KB · Views: 41
I can see what that says.

None the less, the A119 V3 is a 2K camera with 2560*1440P resolution.
The A119 is a 2K dashcam the 4K option is not a full feature of the firmware. Use the 4K at your risk.
For real 4K the A129 Pro duo 4K. It will be released for sale shortly. Mean while some samples and comparison of the A119 V3 rendered to 4K and some true 4K form the A129 Pro duo 4K.
Is there any chance or plan that v3 gets the same 4-point mount as 129, in the near future ?
There was a post here, quite a while ago now, that did say this was likely.
I would think it is highly unlikely. If the V3 mounting method was going to change it would have made sense to do it at launch. Plus the cost of making new tooling and confusion adding another variable to the A119 range.
I would think it is highly unlikely. If the V3 mounting method was going to change it would have made sense to do it at launch. Plus the cost of making new tooling and confusion adding another variable to the A119 range.

I have no idea what mount the A119 v3 uses, but Viofo recently changed the mount for the A129. This was done to accommodate the 3 wire hw3 kit. Formerly, you could not use the wire port in the mount with the hw3 kit... now you can.