VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Noob question: What is "edge" modification?
I've just tested the FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin

The colours look more naturally. The license plates are all readable. But i don't know where to look for "edge" modification. :giggle:
Noob question: What is "edge" modification?
I've just tested the FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin

The colours look more naturally. The license plates are all readable. But i don't know where to look for "edge" modification. :giggle:
Currently that Firmware MOD is the best image quality I've been able to produce after dozens of different combinations and test drives.
The Edge Detection image control uses an algorithm to locate and enhance edges of objects. It similar to sharpening but not over the entire object just the outline. Increasing the number too high results in a 'halo' outline around wires, trees and fine objects. Increasing Edge Detection data table values from 168 to 188 begins to show 'halo' effect. The official firmware uses Sharpness 64 + Edge 128 , my modified and improved firmware uses Sharp 32 + Edge 168 for better object definition and gives the video what I call crisp POP! without horrible 'halo'.
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As of August 18, 2018 the Best image quality The MOD Squad has confirmed is by combining Bit Rate 25Mbps + Sharpness 32 + Edge Detection 168.
This MOD combination is now available for A119S, A129DUO, A119 & A119PRO Dash Cams. In my opinion the videos are all better than official firmware when downloading and viewing RAW clips. Added RAW footage with the MODs for comparison. Special thanks to all the MOD Testers and @gse, @Tobi@s, @vvs49, @AS21, @nutsey.
This YouTube video is purely 'marketing' but demonstrates the power of team work and end user support by Bending Technology to serve your needs even if it requires Firmware Modification , enjoy.

More image quality improvements and surprises on the way, with your continued support.
UPDATE: Minor Image Quality MOD adjustment ready for testing = FWA119S_MOD-06_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp34+Edge178+DICE.bin
feedback and footage needed from MOD Testers
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Two sample clips in the morning. First part, until i turn to right, with a very bright sun.
EV -1/3
Thanks for the footage, the image is crisp without 'halo' effect, great views.
Can you drive that beast inside a well lit covered parking lot full of cars driving slow for low light edge detection testing? VIOFO has set brightness/contrast/gamma/saturation way too high.
Must now locate and correct Brightness, Saturation & Contrast, with your support we'll finally get the image quality we deserve.
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Here is a few video's with the latest FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin INC CPL .
All the values are set to Default but I still think it is way over saturated and just waiting to see if the main man ( BCHobbyist ) can sort this.

The day was cloudy & dull and still getting reflections from the windscreen but this I think is because I had the camera set too high.
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Here is a RAW night video of MOD: FW2.61 + 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228

Settings: 1080p@60fps + WDR On + EV 0 + No CPL + Frequency 60Hz

I don't have anywhere near the clarity of your promo video and that's even with youtube compression. Not sure if it's due to using WDR to brighten things up, using 60fps, or no CPL, but yours is definitely better/crisper. Even at standstill at the lights, my video has a distinct fuzz/movement over the picture. It's easy to see it on the building on the left.

There also appears to be a large framerate drop/struggle when I turned onto Furby street where there was a reduction in street lighting.

In terms of settings though, I haven't had a chance to go out during the day yet, but it's getting to be very close to a realistic representation now. Thanks for doing all of this extra work.
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all your time and effort spent dialing in the FW for us all.
Feedback is always appreciated, thanks for noticing my small but loud efforts. Forums continue to collect the most information on any given topic. I was the Admin for 20 years on my old Computer Motherboard Forum, this is nothing new. Brushing up against Vendors, Suppliers and Manufacturers is nothing new. Silencing critics with data, hacks and examples is nothing new. My efforts for change to a product that was originally V1 sold with horribly designed GPS Mount, defective off center metal Lens holders, plastic Lens holders (my issue) when HOT blur center image from Focus-Shift, under sized RTC battery, Sony sensor Hot Pixels (my issue), inadequate product testing, unreasonable warranty shipping options (my issue), all these issues running on leading edge Novatek Firmware with image quality controls locked out of MENU was the straw that broke my back. Speaking up in public Forums, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube is common today. I'm not muzzled by companies offering fancy new product samples. Almost all Dash Cams running Novatek Firmware can be modified in the same way, using the same Tools and methods, I have no problem creating MODs for other brands.

However, after that long rant, I'd like to clarify, without the efforts of some very skilled and experienced Members of this Forum my Modified Firmware collection wouldn't be possible. There is a group of dedicated people focused on opening up the Novatek Firmware for the benefits of all of us, for them I appreciate the positive feedback, and for them I accept all criticism for what I've revealed and the new interest generated about an important part of our Dash Cams.
Now back to work.
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Here is a RAW night video of MOD: FW2.61 + 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228

Settings: 1080p@60fps + WDR On + EV 0 + No CPL + Frequency 60Hz

I don't have anywhere near the clarity of your promo video and that's even with youtube compression. Not sure if it's due to using WDR to brighten things up, using 60fps, or no CPL, but yours is definitely better/crisper. Even at standstill at the lights, my video has a distinct fuzz/movement over the picture. It's easy to see it on the building on the left.

There also appears to be a large framerate drop/struggle when I turned onto Furby street where there was a reduction in street lighting.

In terms of settings though, I haven't had a chance to go out during the day yet, but it's getting to be very close to a realistic representation now. Thanks for doing all of this extra work.
Update to the most balanced MOD 25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168, the others were created for comparison, some owners prefer extreme sharpness and the 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228 offers that. Your video demonstrates what happens when too much Edge Detection is used, good informations, thanks. When I tested WDR & early A119 HDR discovered increased motion blurring and since then never use those features. Excellent observation you noticed on image processing struggle when turning on Furby Street. This is exactly the type of feedback needed to tune the image control values. The key is to have full image OPTIONs, currently VIOFO has the keys to the car, we sit in the trunk, but I found the crowbar!

You Sir, have the cleanest windshield I've ever seen! the brightest headlights in the Province of Manitoba except for my old 1973 Dodge Pickup with tailgate slogan "Beware of Dodge" hand painted to deter tailgaters, often seen in old days during Union Strikes as the Security Command Post from the raised cargo bed with tailgate removed, a delight to see picketers flee as I drove through the lines, ah the old days, thank you for that revived memory, I owe you.
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Here is a RAW night video of MOD: FW2.61 + 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228

Settings: 1080p@60fps + WDR On + EV 0 + No CPL + Frequency 60Hz

I don't have anywhere near the clarity of your promo video and that's even with youtube compression. Not sure if it's due to using WDR to brighten things up, using 60fps, or no CPL, but yours is definitely better/crisper. Even at standstill at the lights, my video has a distinct fuzz/movement over the picture. It's easy to see it on the building on the left.

There also appears to be a large framerate drop/struggle when I turned onto Furby street where there was a reduction in street lighting.

In terms of settings though, I haven't had a chance to go out during the day yet, but it's getting to be very close to a realistic representation now. Thanks for doing all of this extra work.

Here is a day footage of MOD FW2.61 + 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228
I like the Edge168 more :)
Here is a day footage of MOD FW2.61 + 25Mbps + Sharp37 + Edge228
I like the Edge168 more :)
Now we have direct comparisons and know the maximum limits. If you and the other MOD Testers (should come up with a slick name) are ready to try incremental versions based on 25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168 we should have fully and correctly BETA Tested these three IQ settings the way it should have been done from day one, but we're doing it 2 years later in less than 1 month. VIOFO doesn't even need to lift a finger, pay anyone, send product samples or even ask, they just copy the true integer data values I'm using into their Firmware Compiler. Supporting the End User is my goal not for profit or free toys. Very few Manufacturers of any technology seek out full and unbiased product testers and reviewers, some even pay for embellished reviews.

VIOFO has created an excellent product line with great potential (eg. A129DUO), my fireworks aim to further improve older models and influence future models. Anyone watch my original A119S Tips video showing the poorly placed speaker wires or my old GPS Modification video revealing the vibrating V1 mount, both design flaws are eliminated in the new A129. I'm not responsible for redesign but I did reveal the flaws, Firmware is no different, lets have some fun with our new and old VIOFO products and inject some excitement using my MODs.
VIOFO isn't the BAD guy, but production line quality control has issues, mistakes are made, rewarding the customer with useful features, options and support creates interest and demand. I have no problem traveling that road without the Manufacturers help, I call it BCH Support. (sorry was building up to that, had to say it)

UPDATE: Minor Image Quality MOD adjustment ready for testing = FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge172+DICE.bin :unsure:
feedback needed from MOD Testers
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Here is a small RAW night clip of mine with FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin INC CPL and WDR ON. I am not impressed, lots of reflections on my windscreen from my dash and unsure why because I have set the CPL filter up as in the Video below.

Night Time Clip

**EDIT** Here is another clip without WDR and lowered the camera which gives much better results.
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Here is a small RAW night clip of mine with FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin INC CPL and WDR ON. I am not impressed, lots of reflections on my windscreen from my dash and unsure why because I have set the CPL filter up as in the Video below.

Night Time Clip

**EDIT** Here is another clip without WDR and lowered the camera which gives much better results.

Simplest is to use Smartphone but take your time to get the precise 45 or 90 degree lined up. In my video suggest using the LCD on Dashcam itself and use the center line as shown for maximum blackout point. Its very important to hold the CPL Filter and look through it the same as the Lens does. I'm going to show this in greater detail in my TIPs #2 DIY video.
I am 99% sure it is set right as I purchased it second hand from Ebay and the original buyer had put a small white mark up line which when I checked it was spot on. I have a Hoya Pro polorising filter which I used on a Gitup 1 and that was perfect so going to try make some type of attachment for the A119s as the original one also has some Vignetting which I believe is from the original CPL slightly too small.

I also think a big part of my problem is the cars windscreen as it is a special order for the cars HUD ( Heads Up Display ) and made to reflect from factory.
Here is a few video's with the latest FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin INC CPL .
All the values are set to Default but I still think it is way over saturated and just waiting to see if the main man ( BCHobbyist ) can sort this.

The day was cloudy & dull and still getting reflections from the windscreen but this I think is because I had the camera set too high.
Ignoring lack of CPL, these two videos are the BEST image quality I've seen from the A119S. Agreed the Saturation is slightly over done but it POPs the buildings like 3D. We are very close to nailing down baseline image values for A119S even without access to Saturation, Contrast or Brightness.
That second video is excellent! you know where to record UK Dash Cam footage. The first clip reminds me of GoPro recordings taken for a UK 'BeonaShow' TV House Buying Series. If you had a CPL it would be Promotional quality.
Check out my daytime footage through forest fire smoke, sad but true. Weeks and weeks of smoky conditions.
BTW - I placed an ID marker inside the recorded MP4 files to tell official FW from MOD'd, confirming it came from my MODs.
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Did you use a unique marker for each version, that would help when people forget which variant they've used and trying to assess the results
Did you use a unique marker for each version, that would help when people forget which variant they've used and trying to assess the results
Great idea, can incorporate that for End User, currently its for my own cryptic debugging when reviewing 100's of test clips. There are two easy ways for user verification, will add them to all future MODs.
Good catch, jokiin.
It's just a non invasive way to keep track of things, when you're talking multiple versions it's pretty easy to lose track of which version is which when all you have is a recording to look at
I am the only one who wants the 27Mbps version of this?FWA119S_v2.61+25Mbps+Sharp32+Edge168+DICE.bin