VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

The highest bitrate can be done 28mbit, but the parking mode will not work.
To me the parking mode is irrelevant, so I always use the maximum bitrate
@gse Oh right. I haven't used parking mode at all either, but I like the idea of still having the option to if necessary.
18-wheeler, probably sport edition.
I wish to try one of that.:D
Oh right. I haven't used parking mode at all either, but I like the idea of still having the option to if necessary.
You can order an individual MOD with 28 Mbit
MOD-07 v2.61 + 27Mbps + Sharp34 + Edge178

EV -1/3
That is a very good Lens, don't adjust it, its a keeper. The object definition on the plates has improved.
As others have pointed out none of VIOFO's official IQ settings seem correct, clearly demonstrated in your video even with EV-1/3 its still too bright and saturated and probably contrast is out. Makes me wonder how VIOFO actually Beta Testing Image Quality? Can't wait to fine tune those values.
v2.61 + 27Mbps + Sharp34 + Edge178 during a cloudy afternoon (ill use shorter clips next time).

1080/60 - WDR off - EV 0/0 - CPL on - 50Hz - A119S

The version i downloaded was the highlighted one on this screenshot before it was renamed to MOD-07, any graphical differences in them?:

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v2.61 + 27Mbps + Sharp34 + Edge178 during a cloudy afternoon (ill use shorter clips next time).

1080/60 - WDR off - EV 0/0 - CPL on - 50Hz - A119S

The version i downloaded was the highlighted one on this screenshot before it was renamed to MOD-07, any graphical differences in them?:

You Sir, are a brave man to drive that close to red tanker truck!
No difference except the Bit Rate is higher 27.6Mbps it reached 28.2Mbps which isn't too high, keep that since its near max but fails Parking Mode. I updated version text ID, reduced to normal bitrate 27.1Mbps version is now MOD-07b.
Need your permission to include some of your footage in my next MOD-07 marketing video. Actually I need everyones permission that posted clips, going to put together a MOD-07 World Tour video today, wait till you see it!
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You can order an individual MOD with 28 Mbit

Yeah, once all of the fine tuning is fully complete maybe I'll have one done. I think I would prefer not to have it at 28Mbit though. Just in case I ever do want to use parking mode. A splash screen with my dog eating bacon avatar would be hilarious!
Here are a couple of RAW night clips using the ALPHA MOD-07 v2.61 + 27Mbps + Sharp34 + Edge178
Dropped the clip size to 2 minutes, so the file sizes are a bit smaller. I was dropping off a friend at the legislature building, so no sound due to conversations.
Heading through the same block of Obsorne in the other direction on the way home. The buildings and the cars looked good, and the bus was clear as day when I caught it. Mercedes contemplating cutting me off, but didn't.

I noticed that the fuzzy/shimmering movement over the picture from my other night video is not present in these ones. Other than edge detection being a different value, the only other change was WDR being turned off. So I'm guessing that must be one of the side effects of using WDR to brighten up dark pictures. I like the idea of WDR, especially for safety reasons, but it kind of sucks that it affects the picture that way.

@BCHobbyist you're welcome to use any of my videos if you like. Not sure if they're promo worthy, but go for it.
Using A119S MOD-07 & 05 test footage some of you shared in this thread BCHobbyist created a 4min World Tour, enjoy and thanks for your clips.

Require more MOD-07 or 06 test footage for the next set of promotional videos:
A119S - night 1min clips with interesting background scenes, heavy traffic, downtown areas.
A129 - day & night 1min clips with interesting background scenes, heavy traffic, downtown areas.
A119Pro - day & night 1min clips with interesting background scenes, heavy traffic, downtown areas.
A119 - day & night 1min clips with interesting background scenes, heavy traffic, downtown areas.
When sharing footage include permission for use in my videos or not. I remove all audio tracks as shown in this video. If anyone prefers a name change in credits let me know.

NOTE: my online Drive firmware archive structure has changed, view the ReadMe & ChangeLog files for details. All new untested MODs will be uploaded to Beta MODs > Beta Combos folder, once testing is complete will move to Stable MODs folder.
Download A129 Duo Modified Firmware >
Download A119S Modified Firmware >
Download A119 Pro Modified Firmware >
Download A119 Modified Firmware >
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You Sir, are a brave man to drive that close to red tanker truck!
No difference except the Bit Rate is higher 27.6Mbps it reached 28.2Mbps which isn't too high, keep that since its near max but fails Parking Mode. I updated version text ID, reduced to normal bitrate 27.1Mbps version is now MOD-07b.
Need your permission to include some of your footage in my next MOD-07 marketing video. Actually I need everyones permission that posted clips, going to put together a MOD-07 World Tour video today, wait till you see it!

Dont worry, they're always empty when driving back to the company :) (friend works there).

You can use the video no problem. Will try the 07b later today!

Great World Tour video!
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Actually I need everyones permission that posted clips, going to put together a MOD-07 World Tour video today, wait till you see it!

No problem!
You Sir, are a brave man to drive that close to red tanker truck!
Actually I need everyones permission that posted clips, going to put together a MOD-07 World Tour video today, wait till you see it!
Permission granted ;)
Here is a morning footage made with MOD 07, all settings default + CPL
I will buy that A119S Lens from you! Easily the best center focused Lens I've ever seen, great definition on traffic cones, will use this footage in next video. If possible record in parking lots and city centers with structures on both sides, also at night showing lit buildings. Your Dashcam would be perfect for taking a curve showing distant panorama views, but will look amazing in bright sunlight in heavy traffic. MOD-07 works well, if possible can you load MOD-06 at 25Mbps, need to see the difference on perfectly focused Lens, during test also drive with trees on both sides, that reveals bitrate complex pattern pixelation issues at lower bit rates and we need to know the lower limit. I still cannot record A119S footage due to heavy forest fire smoke in Vancouver.

My rant on the A119S Lens Lottery continues, every A119S Lens image quality should be the same as yours @Koganiz but this isn't happening. I've received 3 Lens all with Lens holder glued to sensor board crooked not lined up with white outline guide. I've had to re-focus all Lenses, Only one Lens F1.8 actually has perfect center focus and edge focus all other lenses have one or the other not both, and all suffer from thermal heat expension resulting in @gse discovery of focus-drift/shift. Does the A129 use plastic Lens holders? If anyone can source perfectly fitted A119S metal Lens holders that match threads of F1.6, F1.8, F2.0 Lens let me know, VIOFO refuses to send me further 'samples' to correct a known issue. Back to work.
Looking back over 3 years ago I was using a GITUP1 as my dashcam and I personally think it still wipes the floor with the A119/A119s and Duo. I now have this camera as my rear camera and seriously thinking of swapping them round Gitup1 as front A119s rear.

I know it's a go pro style camera and not a dedicated dashcam but it does have a much sharper brighter detailed image with lots more dynamic range. IMHO. Front Cam.MOV?dl=0
Does the A129 use plastic Lens holders? If anyone can source perfectly fitted A119S metal Lens holders that match threads of F1.6, F1.8, F2.0 Lens let me know,

A129 uses a metal holder, a good lens, the angle in the horizon of the front camera is 110 degrees.
I can install and adjust the lenses, this is not a problem for me, but Russia is very far away.

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As others have pointed out none of VIOFO's official IQ settings seem correct, clearly demonstrated in your video even with EV-1/3 its still too bright and saturated and probably contrast is out.
I've noticed this. This is strange. With all other firmwares, the difference between EV 0 and -1/3 was significant. -1/3 is supposed to be darker.
Now -1/3 looks like 0. I don't understand why!
I did the CPL rotation and it's worse now

FWIW, you can't really trust that any screen has its polarizer oriented correctly. On my desk, I have two identical Dell monitors side-by-side. They're the same model, but one is hardware Rev A00, the other is Rev A01. If I wear my polarized sunglasses, one monitor is clear, and the other is black.

So in my opinion, you need to orient the CPL when you're inside the car. A monitor's polarizer could be in any orientation.
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