VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

I found a bug in 6Vf firmware (but maybe it is connected with my power issues with broken capacitors again, I'm not sure).

After using the mute button for the videos yesterday for the first time, the camera is muted every time I start the car again. If I turn the microphone on again - it lasts as long as the camera is on. When turning it off and on again - it's again muted.
It just helps to restore the setting.
Please see my 2 clips from today with 6Vf an
strong sharpness:
normal sharpness:

It seems the video is faltering a bit. Maybe the bitrate is too high?
or is it just my eye?

What sharpness do you recommend?

After that it will be time to test 6Ns I guess.
Good 6Vf sharpness comparison, good parking lot for tests, from these clips Strong Sharpness works better. Quality suggests you own Lens1 in plastic holder that has shifted focus to center leaving edges slightly blurry with slight alignment too far right leaving blurry-left edge. Using 6Vf Normal gives good center focus but not enough for edges, using Strong improves edges but starts to blur center.
High BitRate during these tests works well, is fine here viewing footage. thanks for sharing test clips.

Suggest loading 6Ns and repeat parking lot test. The Lens focus is not perfect but not as bad as others, may need to request replacement based on these two clips. Record more test footage using 6Ns.
I found a bug in 6Vf firmware (but maybe it is connected with my power issues with broken capacitors again, I'm not sure).

After using the mute button for the videos yesterday for the first time, the camera is muted every time I start the car again. If I turn the microphone on again - it lasts as long as the camera is on. When turning it off and on again - it's again muted.
It just helps to restore the setting.
If you press MUTE that setting is stored and remains MUTED until press again, its the same as MENU > Record Audio > off.
If you press MUTE that setting is stored and remains MUTED until press again, its the same as MENU > Record Audio > off.
Of course I un mute it after taking the video clips. Normally I have the microphone turned on. So if course I restored the mute setting.
Your lens is OOF on the left hand side sir.
Very good and accurate assessment of the common 'blurry-on-the-left' Lens focus issue. As you noticed much can be determined from RAW video footage.
You now qualify for DCTeam Title > IQE = Image Quality Expert , congratz!
Firmware: FWA119S_MOD-6Nr_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp575860C+Sharp140B+Edge146+Brite127+Sat124B+Sat20A+DCTeam

1080p 60fps

Both cams set to STRONG sharpness.

Lens 1: Strong Sharpness

Day Sun Behind

Day Sun Front


Lens 2: Strong Sharpness

Day Sun Behind

Day Sun Front



Still liked earlier fw versions better. L2 was esp. washed out on contrast with white objects. Like the License plates of Red Light Running Truck and Night when stopped at redlight. L1 was a little bit better with this but still not to my preference. I do lean more on the side of legibility of Number Plates rather than other IQ parameters.
Firmware: FWA119S_MOD-6Nr_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp575860C+Sharp140B+Edge146+Brite127+Sat124B+Sat20A+DCTeam
1080p 60fps
Both cams set to STRONG sharpness.

Lens 1: Strong Sharpness
Day Sun Behind
Day Sun Front

Lens 2: Strong Sharpness
Day Sun Behind
Day Sun Front

Still liked earlier fw versions better. L2 was esp. washed out on contrast with white objects. Like the License plates of Red Light Running Truck and Night when stopped at redlight. L1 was a little bit better with this but still not to my preference. I do lean more on the side of legibility of Number Plates rather than other IQ parameters.
Very good 6Nr Beta test footage, agreed these clips aren't the same IQ as other test clips, without Contrast control all we can do is lower Saturation since no one wants Brightness lowered. Adjusted Edge and Saturation. thanks for these side-by-side comparisons, very helpful. This next MOD will be very different more extreme levels.

Making revisions to 6Ns - download this fresh copy

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The revised 6Ns is pushing the Edge Sharpness extreme limit for crisp object definition and dropping Saturation to dull level to reduce blown-out whites. Since @BlackCloud has both Lens types his side-by-side test footage should reveal best comparison. For this MOD be sure to download fresh copy to match the revisions since we'll be testing two image controls at once under all lighting conditions, speeds, parked, day & night seeking maximum Edge limit and lowest acceptable Saturation limit. Hopefully will finally get Stable version this weekend. Next week blue sky here so can resume Alpha testing.
Many thanks to all DCTeam Testers contributing their time, vehicles and dash cams towards improving Image quality for all End Users.
These might actually be from an older version of 6Ns? I had it installed yesterday morning and not sure if you did additional changes to it since then. You can definitely notice that the crispiness has improved compared to 6Nr. This is using soft sharpness as well.

1080p@30fps - CPL - EV 0 - Sharpness Soft - 60Hz - WDR Off

The weather was also complete trash during the day, so I tried to get footage that was a clear as possible. Most of it was just dirty snow showers and road mush shot at my windshield.
Snow Cloudy Day - Highway
Snow Cloudy Day - Residential

Didn't have much usable night video, mostly drove on empty roads. Did make a quick compilation of this guy though... One of the reasons for getting a dashcam.
So how many things wrong can you see this guy doing in like a 5 minute distance?
Night - This Guy
Some test clips with new 6Ns firmware.
It have highest resolution with 60fps and lens2 (my second A119S).

parking lot, slow driving
Normal sharpness:
strong sharpness:

normal drive along the road:
it looks like the video falters, is the bitrate too high? or is my eye too accurate?
These might actually be from an older version of 6Ns? I had it installed yesterday morning and not sure if you did additional changes to it since then. You can definitely notice that the crispiness has improved compared to 6Nr. This is using soft sharpness as well.

1080p@30fps - CPL - EV 0 - Sharpness Soft - 60Hz - WDR Off

The weather was also complete trash during the day, so I tried to get footage that was a clear as possible. Most of it was just dirty snow showers and road mush shot at my windshield.
Snow Cloudy Day - Highway
Snow Cloudy Day - Residential

Didn't have much usable night video, mostly drove on empty roads. Did make a quick compilation of this guy though... One of the reasons for getting a dashcam.
So how many things wrong can you see this guy doing in like a 5 minute distance?
Night - This Guy
Great pre-6Ns wet-snow footage, with only +2 Edge there is improved fine detail, clip suggests +2/4 still needed, revised 6Ns = +10 and will be messy. Expect 6Nt sometime today once I see some samples (raining here again). thanks for the early footage.

The Guy in white Dodge drives same as everyone in Vancouver, here we all ignore red lights #1 and push traffic tailgating #2 and ignore solid white lines #3 and right turn over two lanes daily #4 but generally not in a major intersection with a dedicated right turn lane #5. That Dodge Guy either has only a left eye or is an Uber/Lyft driver or his VIOFO A119S Lens has blurry-on-the-left focus flaw. Recommend new paint job, new job, new Lens1 and MOD-6Ns soon to be replaced by 6Nt.
Some test clips with new 6Ns firmware.
It have highest resolution with 60fps and lens2 (my second A119S).

parking lot, slow driving
Normal sharpness:
strong sharpness:

normal drive along the road:
it looks like the video falters, is the bitrate too high? or is my eye too accurate?
Great pre-6Ns footage, that second A119S Lens2 is much better than older Lens, these clips suggest +2 Edge sharpness and -2/4 Saturation. All clips were saved 1080p in 30fps, when you view RAW 60fps some player Apps will stutter, try a different video player for 60fps or tweak settings of current one for better performance, or just use 30fps. thanks for sharing.
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I use vlc and think it's the best.
Which player do you suggest?
You like the image quality?

I have some more videos, this time in the night. It's uploading at the moment:
WOW! Very Great 6Ns night highway footage, thanks for sharing these clips, I must know what is the Edge and Sat values on this 6Ns firmware?
I need comparison samples using the revised 6Ns with Edge158+Sat118B.
WOW! Very Great 6Ns night highway footage, thanks for sharing these clips, I must know what is the Edge and Sat values on this 6Ns firmware?
I need comparison samples using the revised 6Ns with Edge158+Sat118B.
How to see it?
It's your release from tonight

Making revisions to 6Ns - download this fresh copy

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