Viofo A129 Duo duplicating/jumping frames on rear camera/Firmware Bug Discovered

Have you read the post?I have tried 3 cards until now including Viofo's 128GB card.All of them brand new cards.
Yup,the problem seems to be hardware or software related.We are three people now on this thread with exactly the same issue.We hope @viofo check it and comes with an answer.
Is this a global wide problem? What application are people using to check for duplicate frames?
Tried virtualdub, doesn't recognize Mp4 format....Which is why I asked.

Apparently I needed virtualdub2
I have answered your question one post up..Just click the link and download,is virtualdub2..
Every 92, give or take a few frames....
Yes,when you find the first duplicate frame you will see you have another one every 92-93 frames.Maybe yours is ok,but check it to make sure..
Only the rear one have this exactly amount of 93 frames issue.The front one is randomly duplicating and also skipping frames.

I know on one video my front one glitched a sec but not noticed that on anything else...but so far looking at a rear video doesnt seem to duplicate. Going to check a few files.
I know on one video my front one glitched a sec but not noticed that on anything else...but so far looking at a rear video doesnt seem to duplicate. Going to check a few files.
Go frame by frame from the arrow controls from the start of the video,if you don't find 2 consecutive frames with the same image you don't have this issue.
Hmmm.... On one of my rear videos, I believe I see the dupe frame problem too. But doesn't seem to be happening on them all.
In my case is present on all videos,resulting very annoying.The final result is that rear cam footage is lagging a bit every 3 seconds...
In my case is present on all videos.

I take that back. I looked at another video and see the problem, too. Guessing this is an issue with all the Viofo A129 Cameras.

Nothing you'll be able to see with the naked eye or that will affect you capturing an event. But definitely some sort of hardware / software fault going on causing dupe frames to consume extra space.

I'm using a Sandisk A2 Extreme 256GB in my camera. Camera Hardwire properly. Switches to Park / Normal without issue.